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Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: MTN Paid Iyanya N60M Cash To Become Brand Ambassador |
on: 19-06-2013 12:40 PM
| oghogho are u there,i expect you to walked up and query MTN for doling such money to INYANYA bad belle person
Look at this illiterate!!! what is oghogho?  fool at 40 id!ot,, i can see (iwe) is writen all over your charcoal ugly face guess you still sleep and wake up feeling miserable since you read my comments fool,, go break karama ewu n.p. over excited poor fool who care how much endorsement gbangolo karioki singer makes annually as long they show some level of decency and not demeaning their own Nigerian girls home and abroad, they are free to enjoy their money.. hungry wretched fool like you are the once kissing irresponsible unprofessional fools ass keep doing that. | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: When can an African woman divorce? SHOCKING ANSWERS! |
on: 14-06-2013 12:35 AM
| I hope they will also like it when their husbands contract HIV and pass it on to them.
lol don't mind those bush ladies majorities of them are so brainwashed thinking that men have the right to do whatever they want and as a lady you should just keep quiet and take all the bull sh1t. They will still learn by the time their so called husbands effect them with deadly disease. | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: When can an African woman divorce? SHOCKING ANSWERS! (Page 3) |
on: 6-06-2013 10:34 PM
| First all your responses summed up what i wrote earlier about your ways of thinking and reactions to things. ACTING WITHOUT BALANCE or THINKING. Maybe i have hit your sore point and so it has to pain you so seriously as to keep talking sh*t. Why the anger in the first place? Or maybe am not such a sissy you can easily messed with. Truth they say is bitter but my advice is that you never reveal this sh*t to your prospective husband if you are truly serious about marriage or keeping one ever. Without even understanding my views you already known that i am an abusive, cheat, women beater, bla bla... a sure evidence that you are a lunkhead and cant quite read. Secondly, my parents taught me a good virtue that i can be proud of but am sure you might be one of those ass hole bastards out there or maybe you had one as your kid. Thirdly, I have already seeing how your so called culture works with over 40% of married women cheaters, most of whom their husbands are very loyal, and some turned to puppets. and despite such claim of wars against domestic violence, at least we have more number of deaths, suicides, divorce, assaults, bully, incest, bestiality, bastards, rapes, singles, family related bado acting and movies due to arrogance, single parenthood, faggots, fools mistaking arrogance for knowledge, etc. than we had in our so called wife beating or cheating society daily or yearly. and so whose policy is better now? Maybe yours, You decide if you can, knuckleheads. Forth...bush man is about time you enlighten your backward way of thinking!!!! bla bla...Bush girl! I am a 100% sure that i have being to much more places, have more knowledge and experience about different cultures and backgrounds, people and laws from different countries and its effects, and the world over than you ever care to know while remaining stuck in your sick ass and unfortunate villages and under manipulated laws which you saw as the only messiah or enlightenment in existence in the whole world and a must follow for all. Or maybe i have to turn into being your wife instead, or think as you want or copying your sick ass laws b4 i could be enlightened right? Because they have to be a god to everyone, stupid! learn to travel first before we can have words. And lastly, your final word re-confirmed my first sentence about you, a proof of my view about your ignorant and sick life. My advice for you is that any time you failed to get a result or things never worked as you wanted, examine yourself, and try to see what others saw which you never see so that you can learn, cos the world has a way of making things look lucky or hopeful to you which you foolishly got stuck in and keep expecting the lucks, getting older instead. You can help reduce the number of cheap honeypots to wayward men or the bastards in the street or single old sluts by learning to be responsible, Dumb ass Fcukheads
huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu the little bush poppy is crying somebody pls give him a napkin... old pig keep writing. | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: When can an African woman divorce? SHOCKING ANSWERS! (Page 3) |
on: 3-06-2013 06:40 PM
| @ bygonez you are the biggest f00l on planet earth.... i pity the unlucky lady you gonna take as wife. In my culture women don't subject them selves to an abusive,cheat, and women beaters,,,, idi0t!! go ahead and say what your stupid parents/ culture thought you... we don't encourage domestic violence on ladies get that in to your stup1d African man aggresive,rude, disrespectful, cheat, head. For your infor, do you know the rate of women who die daily in Nigeria due to beating from their so called dead beat husband?  ?? bush man is about time you enlighten your backward way of thinking!!!! just because you are a dead beat men does not make you superior to women... and no woman or girl should subject her self to a cheat and abusive man all in the name of making marriage works. bush man, for YOUR INFOR- I'm not married!/!! and i'm not in a rush to marry an abusive chronic cheat like some of you NIGERIAN MEN. | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: When can an African woman divorce? SHOCKING ANSWERS! (Page 3) |
on: 3-06-2013 06:24 PM
| I am sure you dont have any successful marriage and can not even boast of one with this stupid concepts. Your fears were just made known to you and you were already there voicing sh*ts. The news was just an assumption, not even a real life issue and you have already started condemning and remembering other sh*ts. Stupid! How many of such cases have you ever witnessed in Nigeria at this age of yours if you are truly a Nigerian? Havent you seeing other womens side of the story or maybe the men are all bad? Your mind is just like a parachute and single minded and immediately set, it acts without balance, this is why you were not meant to be the head. Try to think properly and reduce most of your ignorant concepts about men, it would help you alot.
@ bygonez you are the biggest f00l on planet earth.... i pity the unlucky lady you gonna take as wife. In my culture women don't subject them selves to an abusive,cheat, and women beaters,,,, idi0t!! go ahead and say what your stupid parents/ culture thought you... we don't encourage domestic violence on ladies get that in to your stup1d African man aggresive,rude, disrespectful, cheat, head. For your infor, do you know the rate of women who die daily in Nigeria due to beating from their so called dead beat husband?  ?? bush man is about time you enlighten your backward way of thinking!!!! just because you are a dead beat men does not make you superior to women... and no woman or girl should subject her self to a cheat and abusive man all in the name of making marriage works. bush man for i YOUR INFOR- I'm not married!/!! and i'm not in a rush to marry an abusive chronic cheat like some of you NIGERIAN MEN. | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: When can an African woman divorce? SHOCKING ANSWERS! (Page 3) |
on: 1-06-2013 01:43 AM
| OH my GOD! these women are so phyuking stupid!!!! so is okay for their husband to have a bunch of girl friends out side and beats a crap out of them till he send them to the land of no return... all in the name of marriage & being there to care for children? what if he contract H.i.V and effect the wife with it? will she be able to care for the so call children? F00LISH set of women,,, okay stay till he beats you to death nonsense.
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Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Flawless beauty |
on: 14-01-2013 07:04 PM
| Every lady is beautiful in their own special way. But i don't think AGBANI is the most beautiful lady in her own STATE not to talk of NIGERIA as a COUNTRY..... DON'T even mention AFRICA. she claims to be 30 but she look like 40. | | | |