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1  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Bombshell! I'll never do business in Nigeria again- Virgin Atlantic Airline Boss on: 30-07-2012 08:51 PM
Sad as it may appear; the politicians have destroyed Nigeria. I suggest that the military take over the government and force all those thieves (politicians and retired generals) to vomit everything they have stolen from the coffers of this country. The kind of military take over by Rawling in Ghana, if need be make a law of death sentence for stealing government money at any level, all corrupt politicians and their children must be banned from politics and political appointments.
2  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: VICTORIA AND THE NIGHTMARE OF AKWA IBOM WITCH CHILDREN on: 19-07-2012 03:29 PM
I do agree that the church is not doing enough in this regard. No individual could be said to be a witch or demon, rather their bodies is the vessels through which those powers operate. When you torture the bodies or even kill such people, you are not dealing with the forces operating in such bodies. In fact you did not kill the witch or the demons, they only leave that body for another.  I therefore challenge Pastors and churches to, not only educate the people about witchcraft and demonic activities, but also to help deliver them from these forces. Jesus, our example never tortured any one rather He rebuked the demons to get out of the individuals (Luke 4:33-35; Matt 17:14-18); even apostle Paul (Acts 16:16-18). Jesus specifically commanded all those who will believe in Him to cast out demons (Mark 16:17). Deliverance from witchcraft is not done through any human effort rather through the power of God.
Secondly we are to teach our members true Christianity making them to receive Christ, encouraging them to allow Christ reign in their lives; surely there will be no room in their lives for witchcraft or demonic activities.
The church has failed to teach and deliver those possessed by the spirit of witchcraft. Let us stop killing and torturing people in the name of witchcraft involvement, rather let us fall back to God as sincere Christians exercising God's authority over the powers of darkness, by rebuking and casting out the spirit of witchcraft where ever we come across them.