TO MY OWN POINT OF VIEW I WILL SAY LUST OF THE EYEZ. bcos it's just sad, i have a whole bunch of friendz who are guyz, any time we chilling 2gether on campus they upset me bcos they keep on stearing at every shortie that passes by. that is just insane they just wanna f them, which is bad, they are like a street dogz. we just have to live with their styl bcos their is not we can do 4 now. some married ladies cause this bcos i observe that some married women who dress like hell before marriage dress like a deeper life woman after marriage, then her hubby will be like "
is this the woman i got married to or wat" u just gotta be sexy and classic to ur man. also young gurlz of now adayz are just crazy i won't lie we all are crazi bcos we just wanna dress naked so y won't da guyz fall into temptation yo know they control it y then tempt them. yo should not lie when a cuite guy or something good and nice won't u admire it yes u will but the difference is dat most gurlz can handle it but guy nahhhhhhhhh just few of them.