Woah can't believe dis ooo, am having same problem presently right now with my gf dat i really love to darely and she means the world to me, but this won't stop doing what i don't tolerate and have deleted her on my bb like 2 times even block her on fb... Whenever she mess things up i always be the one to apologise and beg her if call her uncle to calm her for me, but this time she did same thing i don't like i abused and said she's no longer and calling the relationship to an end and she mean dis time. Hahaha, dis happened on saturday night wen found that she still wanna date same guy i can't date or she should just go for him. Since saturday no calls from her and i don't either, but am getting over it noww because this is the i care for more than her parents could despite they low living but i don't know what's wrong with me falling in love with is girl, i have more better girls and bigger than but i can stop going back to her and beg again. But this time am not doing that i want to free her and let her choose whoever she wants i just got her apartment, new bb curve abd wrist, i even change her artificial front teeth for her last week monday spent almost 10k include DSP to watch her teeth so the whole teeth could form same white colour. But am so fed up with this girl everytime I ask her things she always say she want to end our relationship, its get to a time that I can't ask her things i saw on her phone because am afraiding of loosing her..see my life. I paid for her hair every 2 weeks still yet she said no one but me, but this same guy keep pomping in her life but i can't take it anymore or ways. Now MY SISTER my advise for u is that i think u people should give little space to each other if things meant to be u people will surely find each other back, and please don't say things to your female friends just a male friend is more good in advise than female friends please just do this and try and go out with your friends so to clear your mind and away from loneliness. I am having same problem now and i will never apologise to this girl. Sorry about that though, but give the man little time for now.
I'm also in the same boat. Good to hear that other people are going through the same thing all in the name of relationship.