Don’t redefine Porn. Regardless if it is “Soft or Hard” it is all about sex and you get paid.
Prostitution is legal is some developed countries. It is the oldest profession on earth.
Truly the word Ashewo is derogatory but it is applicable in this case.
Before you pick on me always make sure to read my comments thoroughly.
You should be the one to find out the meaning of being sentimental.
So if you get paid for sex, you become a prostitute. Sorry ooo man of minute brain, this is English we are talking about here not Yoruba.
The lady has said it unequivocally that she is an adult film star but if you choose to call her a prostitute that is "name calling" and who are you to brand someone what she is not just based on your little understanding.This, you are fund of.
Find out for yourself what the difference is b/w prostitution and a film star whether adult or all ages. Again why should I be sentimental, what concerns me with Afrocandy??. I repeat find out the meaning of sentimental b4 using it