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1  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Terry G Involved In Terrible Auto Accident on: 5-09-2010 11:49 PM
well its too obvious that this can happen to mr blink blink at this present moment of the year all i'll give to you on your recovery bed now is that God should have mercy on you and you should come back alive soonest and when you do just be careful 'cos once the eyes is shurt never can it be re-open except the second coming of jesus christ. brother get well soon ok Kiss 
2  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: 200 Level- Unillorin Student commits suicide on: 12-09-2009 08:47 PM
well this world of ours is full of various happening but i believe that those with faith we see that it doesn't matter when you're in depression all you need is to remain courageous and let your worries to be known to your creator.
As for the A.S.U & FED. GOV i believed that the present minister of Edu. is a retarded being ever on earth if they need to resolve issues on ground he need not to call our Lecturers, A.S.U among others name, and compare them with other Educational Union / Par.