Quote from: typicalman84 on 26-08-2011 02:49 AM
All of you are in here blaming this woman and accusing her of not letting things go... Have you ever thought about the man letting this mercy of a girl go, go back to his family, make up and raise his kids with the help of the mother. What does a man who have tow beautiful children(a boy and a girl) want from another woman? If it is sex, the wife looks young, vibrant and beautiful and i am sure she will give it to him any how he wants it. Have you ever gotten yourself to advice mercy Johnson that a married man with two kids is a no go area. If mercy was a good person, she should be advising this lost Sheep to go back and make up with his family.... but i guess the level of desperation she's experiencing now won't let her make any wise, Godly and reasonable decision. There are too many young, better-looking and may I say more responsible single men out there. She can even chose for herself. Please folks, sit down and really think this over before pointing fingers. If you are a woman with two kids with a man and something like this happens to you, I am very sure you'll be doing the same thing. Besides i think this Village Prince of a guy needs to man up and be a MAN. Currently, he is being a honeypot and God help him if he is acting under the influence of some native concoction.
Well Said