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1  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Stuck in a dead-end relationship on: 19-11-2008 07:24 AM
I just turned 23yrs old and also had a beautiful baby about a month ago. I had gotten pregnant not by choice but stuff happens, anyway...the dude I got pregnant by really didn't want it but I went against all odds to have my baby and that's the best decision I ever made. The dude and I moved in together about a year ago and his actions has totally changed towards me eversince I made the decision to have the baby but the problem is that he's not willing to move out. I love him dearly but he keeps abusing me in every aspect just yesterday he hit me...I cry myself to sleep, thank God I have my child in my life to comfort me. I don't want to stay in an abusive relationship but I am not strong enough to let go and he is making it worse by not moving out. I am confused...I do believe my life is not over because I am still young. I am very educated, already graduated college and starting a second degree but I don't understand why my man would treat me the way he does. Though I just had a baby, I still command attention from men but I am not interested, I am independent and not a liability to any man but why is he treating me without respect just because I refuse to have an abortion? He leaves the house at odd hours and comes back when he feels like without any explanation. He insults me and my family and even raise his hands on me. I know this is kinda lengthy but I really need your advice! He thinks I am trying to trap him and honestly that is not my intention and I can't explain that enough to him but he has refused to forgive me for keeping the baby...though he loves our baby dearly and he is very hands on with the baby but it's confusing to say he loves the child but yet mad I made the decision to keep the child. Just too much to handle, I really need advice...I'm far away from my family and leaving with this monster in a strange country. My face is swollen from crying and worrying, somebody please help before I lose my mind. I like to act tough like everything is perfect but this is my safe haven and I feel I could pour my heart here.