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1  Forum / Politics / Military men warn not to go near Aso Rock on: 29-07-2014 05:00 PM
Stay away! Away from the rock.
All you Nigeria military men
Stay away! Away from the rock.
Although, this democracy has failed us.
For folding their arms while our land being bombed.
And for closing their eyes while our children being kidnapped.
Our sufferings continue to increase while their joy refuse to decrease.
To God we cry with tear in ours eyes.
All we could see in our dreams every nights is a man in khaki rescuing us from this woes.
But no, we will not resort to crime.
Instead, we will continue to keep our fire of hope burning.
And on top of our voice we will continue to shout.
Stay away! Away from the rock.
All you Nigeria military men
Stay away! Away from the rock.

By Ahmed Banjoko

(copied from nairaland)
2  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: I Am Actress, Musician And Now Magician - Tonto Dikeh on: 19-06-2013 11:42 PM
Quote from: winace on 19-06-2013 05:34 AM
I hate people who use controversy to build their career. Other actress use their GOD given talent to climb thru d ladder to d top. Wats all dis Tonto, pls stop and think twice . D future is not far of. Somethgs u do is irritating.
U don't have to hate anyone for making choice for him/herself.
3  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: What Do You Think About Mr. Solos? on: 19-06-2013 11:39 PM
Quote from: chummyli on 18-06-2013 10:36 AM
yeye gal has spoken
Oh Yes!
4  Forum / The Buzz Central / I Am Actress, Musician And Now Magician - Tonto Dikeh on: 19-06-2013 02:18 AM
Here we go again. When Tonto Dikeh started singing, some of us wrote her off immediately saying that she has horrible voice so she can't sing but she made a good decision for herself by not listening to us. Today, people are paying pounds and dollars to watch her performs. So, Tonto has decided to make us run our mouth again this time by adding another cap to her head. She is a good actress, an unstoppable musician, and now Tonto wants to replace Prof Peller as Nigerian best magician. Will she able to achieve that, only time will tell.

Source: Mr. Solos               
5  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: What Do You Think About Mr. Solos? on: 18-06-2013 03:02 AM
Quote from: Rihannaaa on 17-06-2013 06:34 PM
Huh? Huh? Huh? Warisdis?
joke about toolz oniru virginity claim. hillarious.
6  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: What Do You Think About Mr. Solos? on: 16-06-2013 10:30 PM
Quote from: winace on 16-06-2013 06:57 AM
Funny joke .
  so funny.
7  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: What Do You Think About Mr. Solos? on: 16-06-2013 01:22 AM
Note Gismania is run by bunch of useless people, why convert a genuine website to spammer site. Do not click on that link rather google Mr Solos and you will see his web link.
8  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / What Do You Think About Mr. Solos? on: 16-06-2013 01:14 AM
A friend sent me a link to one of his popular jokes about 3 weeks ago, upon reading the joke and some other ones on his website, I fell in love with his unique idea of making jokes about celebrities. So, I noticed that some of the people that comment on the jokes thought the guy is serious not knowing it is only jokes. For me, I think it is easy to know that what this guy is writing is jokes and there is no need of taking him serious. He has written jokes about several celebrities such as Genevieve, Omotola, D'banj, Don Jazzy, Tonto Dikeh, Funke Akindele, Saheed Balogun, Wizkid, Davido and some others that I can't remember for now. If you have seen any of his jokes, what do you think? Did you know it is joke or you took him serious? If you've not, here is one of them for you to read, you can also visit his webpage at to read more then share your view.

Toolz is a virgin for real, she passed my test - Mr. Solos

Solos: Hi Toolz

Toolz: How are you Solos?

Solos: I'm blessed. What about you?

Toolz: Same. What'z up?

Solos: People didn't believe that tweet.

Toolz: I don't care.

Solos: Oh! No. You should care.

Toolz: Why?

Solos: You know, if you can prove it, you're going to be like gold in the eyes of your fans.

Toolz: So, what do I do to prove it?

Solos: I can help.

Toolz: How?

Solos: I will test you and announce the result to the world.

Toolz: Are you insane? What are you talking about?

Solos: Oh! No. Not what you think. I'm not going to do the real thing. It's just a test.

Toolz: But, I still don't know how you want to do the test.

Solos: Don't worry. Lets go in.

(few minutes later)

Toolz: Be gentle Solos.

Solos: OK.

(after some minutes)

Solos: OMG! You were telling the truth. I can't believe this.

Toolz: Common Solos! Not when you just confirmed it.

Solos: Yeah! I mean you're a virgin for real.

Toolz: Well, my plan is to safe it for marriage.

Solos: Is good. Your future husband is a lucky man.

Toolz: Yes. I know.

9  Forum / The Buzz Central / Davido denied Shina Rambo publicly over Atlanta beef on: 8-06-2013 02:12 AM
Was it because Shina Rambo slapped Davido in Atlanta the other day over an argument that makes him denied ever known anyone with the name Shina Rambo. We all know that Davido and Shina Rambo are cousins. If you remember, about 3 to 4 months ago, there was this news circulating around that Shina Rambo and B. Red gang up to beat the omo baba olowo crooner in Atlanta over an argument. Still, I think If there is any beef between them, they should settle it amicably like a man. It shouldn't get to the extent of denying him publicly or what do you think?

If you've read the interview, share your view. If you've not, I put the link here should you like to read it.   
10  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Wizkid cornered for a chat by Mr.Solos, Hilarious! on: 8-06-2013 01:45 AM
Quote from: winace on  7-06-2013 05:03 AM
Gud advice from mr Solos
I think sometimes we need to make some changes in our lives, as in, trying something new out.
11  Forum / The Buzz Central / Wizkid cornered for a chat by Mr.Solos, Hilarious! on: 7-06-2013 03:03 AM
In an interview conducted recently for Wizkid by the controversial humorous entertainment reporter Mr Solos, Wizkid revealed the real reason why he chose to go back to EME records. Mr Solos then appraised him for taken that step and advised him not to follow D'banj steps because he think that the result might not be too good for his career. Wizkid and Mr Solos talk more extensively about his career and other stuff. As much as I disagree with Solos on this, I still found the conversation very interesting. So, hilarious!
12  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: We actresses are husband snatchers - Stella Damasus on: 2-06-2013 11:47 PM
Quote from: jamesbondchick on  2-06-2013 08:18 PM
She's a bitch & she will die in a terrible way!
easy on her please.
13  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: We actresses are husband snatchers - Stella Damasus on: 2-06-2013 04:32 PM
Quote from: udenzeu on  2-06-2013 08:07 AM
Open secret already
14  Forum / The Buzz Central / We actresses are husband snatchers - Stella Damasus on: 2-06-2013 02:23 AM
Stella Damasus remain one of my best Nigerian actresses. I have so much respect for her even when she snatched her fellow actress Doris Simon's husband and almost everyone started raining all kind of abuses on her, I stood by her side not because I supported what she did but because I thought well life goes on. And more so, I am of the type that think every adults should know what is good for himself/herself. However, I don't like when people trying to defend their actions by saying that other people has done it before like the way Stella mentioning other top Nolywood actresses that has snatched other women' husband in this interview below. Though, I enjoyed the interview.
15  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Excessive Clubbing Will Ruin Your Marriage - Mr Solos tells Ini Edo on: 1-06-2013 01:05 AM
Quote from: wilat on 31-05-2013 11:12 AM
who the f is Mr Solos Tongue  Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?
    Have you heard of google before?
16  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Overfeditious Disease? That what has been sent Madam Joathan to various Hospital on: 31-05-2013 02:07 PM
Quote from: bluewater on 31-05-2013 07:24 AM
interesting i guess
I think same way.
17  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Overfeditious Disease? That what has been sent Madam Joathan to various Hospital on: 31-05-2013 12:23 AM
Have you been wondering why our first lady has been travel back and forth to Germany? In an interview, Patience Jonathan secretly revealed the disease she has been battled since her husband became the Nigerian President to Mr Solos with warning not to make it public.  I think as Nigerians, we all deserve to know what wrong with our first lady so that we will know what to be our prayer point when praying for her or what do you guys think?

The interview link here if you want to read it.           
18  Forum / The Buzz Central / Excessive Clubbing Will Ruin Your Marriage - Mr Solos tells Ini Edo on: 30-05-2013 12:43 AM
Nigerian celebrities number one friend, Mr Solos warned actress Ini Edo to stop excessive clubbing to save her marriage. Seeing Ini Edo possing with President Jonathan bring this interview back to my memory having read it about two weeks ago. I think Ini Edo should make use of Mr Solos' advice because I don't want her marriage to break like other celebrities especially when she is yet to give her husband any kid.

Should you haven't read the interview, here is the link.
19  Forum / The Buzz Central / Wasiu Alabi Pasuma attacked by Mr. Solos on: 29-05-2013 02:22 AM
I sympathize with Pasuma over his loss of range rover to the armed robbers. Meanwhile, I hope this is not a pay back of what he did to some nolywood actresses. May God replenish his pocket for the loss. However, he needs to repent. 

I read about what Pasuma did to some nolywood actresses this morning when I google his name. I put the link here should you wish to read it.
