Listo or whatever you called yourself, you're so so STUPID to hv insult Edo women,.
And I'm sure your mother and your sisters were ones prostitute...
Uche Jumbo is very right, It was an insult to all women not only Edos,
Coz in outside Nigeria there are differed tribe , I mean all ttribes looking for
Way to survive coz of that useless country , Nigeria.
Why some still have a normal jobs, close that smelling mouth of yours.
Even your mother was ones a pro...ur fada
Sis. this was a dump talk you have said here, Because i have being to at least 5 countries, In all this countries EDO girls make up to 80% prostitution of nigerian prostitutes there, 10% yoruba and about 5% of other tribes. It is a suprise for me to find out that that are few Edo girls in countries like US AND CANADA, and i try to look for the reason for this, All what i found out is that Prostitution is low in this countries, which makes EDO girls run from going to such a country.
I still believe they make the best wife in Nigeria because they are hard working and bold for the family without searching for other men to give them the money..