I have tried to be tolerant of all your insults...Once there was slavery, the white man thought he was better than the black man and we all know what happened. Hitler also believed he was superior to the Jews. They were also killed. Now in modern times we have Boko Haram they want to kill Christians because they want us to live under their laws, the Christians resist. Every man wants to live as he or she pleases. I agree with this. As long as you are not hurting anyone, killing or persecuting anyone then what you do is up to you. Everyone know of the bible, they know Gods commands...not mine or yours....Gods...If they choose to defy him...It is him they will answer to. God says not to smoke…millions do...God says to turn the other cheek...do we always? I personally do not agree with homosegxwality, I think it is against nature but by killing them I commit the sin Thou shalt not kill. I leave them to god and go my way…they are still humans and if you kill them what about murderers, rapists, paedophiles and armed robbers they will fill the prisons right?SO WHAT YOU ARE SAYING IS THAT THE NIGERIAN GOVERNMENT SHOULD LEGALISE GAY RIGHT???
Praytogod4help…if you ever use that kind of language to me again… that is exactly what you will be doing.
Dabattleaxe… Speak like that again a battle axe is indeed what I will use for you.
Nyakinic….I am not an idiot.
Elvispalia…I am not gay.
Ngfineface…I am not gay.
I know it is a sensitive topic but violence never wins