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1  Forum / Health / Re: O- and O+ does it really matter? on: 30-10-2008 09:34 AM
In addition to what has been said on this i want to add that there is what is called Rh Incompatibility/Isoimmunization-a Rhesus Negative woman getting pregnant for a Rhesus Positive Man;if the foetus inherits the Rhesus Positive blood factor from the father, the Rh- blood of the mother can be sensitized to develop antibodies against the Rh+ factor of the Rh+ blood. The 1st pregnancy MAY escape unhurt, but subsequent pregnancy that has Rh+ blood will be at risk of massive destruction of reb blood cells with resultant intruterine death if the mother was not given Anti D injection after the first baby. Rh- woman can marry Rh+ man she will need to be given Anti D injection after delivery of first pregnacy within 72 hours. There are tets to know the Rh status of the baby in the womb. If the baby is Rh- like the mother , the mother will not need any anti D injection after delivery-Dr Akinwilly
2  Forum / Health / Re: What has genotype got to do with marriage? on: 30-10-2008 09:01 AM
I think it is a crime to self, partner and d unlucky baby SS, if AS marries AS all in the name of love. I have been a victim of having an SS child whom i loved best. I eperience d most agonising emotional condemnation and guilt anytime he had crisis. Belief that d foetus can be aborted if test revealed it to be SS in utero is risky as not all pregnancies can be aborted apart from moral ethics that may make attepting it difficult . Avoid future lifetime depression by not taking unnecessary risks today-Dr Akinwilly