The Beautiful Ones Are Not Yet Born is a novel written by Ayi Kwei Armah. It tells the story of an unnamed protagonist, who struggles to reconcile himself with the reality of post-independence Ghana. He works at a railway station and is approached with a bribe; when he refuses, his wife is furious and he can't help feeling guilty despite his innocence. The novel expresses the frustration many citizens of the newly-independent states in Africa felt after attaining political independence. Many African states like Ghana followed similar paths in which corruption and the greed of African elites became rampant. Corruption in turn filtered down to the rest of society and the 'rot' that characterized post-independent Ghana...Therefore dearies.....the expression isnt about how beautiful you are or think you are...Its an expression about difficulties to come accross who is not currupt......kunzles
uhhh, tanx 4 da insight!