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1  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: The Timaya/Shella Rape Case Allegation Just Got Nastier as Hospital Reports are Released (PHOTO) on: 1-08-2015 07:20 AM
These are problems must of we Nigerians have, some of us reason with low mentality, most especially must of us that has never travel anywhere across Nigeria, Ken1230 (2283), chealseafc, JOSEPH JAMES NOMJOV, you guys are idiots with low sense of reasoning..... from what I learnt about the news, this American based girl was desperate to have TIMAYA to herself and because TIMAYA refuses to take her along to the show, then she stupidly plan the blackmail....... TIMAYA never rape her, what they did was with agreement, these American girls are fools and that is why must of them are useless must especially Nigerian girls that Based in US,,  must of them are looking for whos image to tanish, I have been to US and now based in MALAYSIA, So for many of you that are passing nonsense judgment because of the hatred you had for TIMAYA,  I am putting it to you all that GOD almighty with his infinite mercy will surely vindicate  TIMAYA from that girl's blackmail................. blessing to those who bless and courses to those who course.............. TIMAYA is blessed and will always be.....