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1  Forum / Relationships & Romance / POSTED WITH MOBILE APP on: 7-11-2024 04:45 PM
from Oga sex girl to Oga wife
2  Forum / Relationships & Romance / POSTED WITH MOBILE APP on: 11-09-2019 06:16 AM
It is very true l am talking based on experience
3  Forum / Politics / POSTED WITH MOBILE APP on: 28-08-2019 05:40 PM
If you claim to be a good governor, then why is the state still like this?
4  Forum / Politics / POSTED WITH MOBILE APP on: 28-08-2019 05:39 PM
Abia has never had any credible Governor till date even u
5  Forum / Politics / POSTED WITH MOBILE APP on: 28-08-2019 05:39 PM
Abia has never had any credible Governor till date even u
6  Forum / Politics / POSTED WITH MOBILE APP on: 28-08-2019 05:37 PM
ok what happened to Abia money then? and how much did u leave when u left office?
7  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / POSTED WITH MOBILE APP on: 26-08-2019 06:46 PM
revolution has started
8  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / POSTED WITH MOBILE APP on: 26-08-2019 06:46 PM
revolution has started
9  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / POSTED WITH MOBILE APP on: 19-08-2019 07:53 PM
weither he has kids outside or not he is still ur legitimate husband
10  Forum / Relationships & Romance / POSTED WITH MOBILE APP on: 19-08-2019 07:42 PM
eriri the man eri