There are better things to talk about than this nonsense gay and Lesbians issues,is absurd,is forbidden,May all the gays and Lesbians lose the mercy of God if they chose not to repent.....Fools...
What a wicked world,is so obvious that a jealousy person she is better than her did killed,what else could have killed a young Aspirin girl like this....
Na wa oh, journalist my ass,which kind envy be this one,This is purely hatred, jealousy,and envy Weather she do ritual,or weather na mark angel build the house,madam journalist how e take concern you....Idiot of the highest order ameabo...
Reunited with which family,The same family that abadoned her to do house slave in Nigeria,what If she was killed by the unknown rapist..... What ever organization that is going to help her that's if they are going to help her, they should help her in education.....
There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has led to devastating state that those evil polithiefcians are looting more more more money to their private accounts.....