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1  Forum / Technology / Have You Ever Wondered Why ATM Pins Have 4 Digit Code? Here Is Why! on: 16-08-2016 07:43 PM

You walk into your Bank's ATM kiosk
and swipe your card. You then punch in a 4 PIN
code to authenticate yourself and proceed to
withdraw money. You may have been doing this
mechanically since the day ATM was introduced but
have you given a thought why ATM PINs have a 4
digit code? No! Then read on..

Automated Teller Machines (ATM) were first
introduced in 1967 and now have emerged as a
best option to disburse cash. Instead of visiting
your bank and waiting in a long queue to withdraw
money, you just have to swipe your ATM card,
punch in your secret 4 digit PIN and take away the
money you require.

But if someone was to find or steal your card, the
only barrier protecting your money is your 4-digit
ATM PIN. Ever wondered why most PINs have only
4 digits? Given that an ATM dishes out money
wouldnt the manufacturers of ATMS have been
wiser to introduce a longish PIN say six digit or
eight digit one.

 Isn’t that why our email passwords
are also expected to be 6 letters or more?
You see there is a bit of story behind it. ATM was
invented by a wellknown Scottish inventor John
Adrian Shepherd-Barron, the man who pioneered
the development of the ATM machine. Barron was
born in Shillong and was son to a Wimbledon ladies
doubles champion, Dorothy Barron.

When testing
out his invention, Barron had also proposed a 6-
digit PIN.
However, the first person to use his invention was
his wife, Caroline. We all know that behind every
successful man is a woman, and Caroline
apparently rejected the idea of using a six code PIN
for her husband’s invention because she could only
remember the numbers up to four.

When Barron came up with the idea when he
realised that he could remember his six-figure army
number. But he decided to check that with his wife,
“Over the kitchen table, she said she could only
remember four figures, so because of her, four
figures became the world standard,” he laughs.
Reportedly, 6 numbers stringed together were too
much information for her to recall.

Although, there are many banks nowadays that
offer 6 digit PINs for security purposes, shouldn’t
those of us using 4 digit PINs be thanking Caroline?
It gets tough to recall those 4 digits at times,
imagine what 6 or more would do to us

2  Forum / Politics / Amazing Facts About Dolphins on: 16-08-2016 07:39 PM
Dolphins Recognize and Admire Themselves in

There are 40 extant species of dolphins.

Dolphins have the longest memory in the animal

The U.S. Navy has 75 trained dolphins to detect
enemy swimmers and underwater mines.

The average lifespan of a dolphin is 15 years.
However, some of them lived 50 years.

Dolphins sleep with one eye open.

Only one-half of a dolphin's brain goes to sleep at a

Dolphins can communicate with one another over a
telephone, and appear to know who they are talking

3  Forum / Politics / Use Photomath Camera Calculator App; Solve Maths Equations Like A Pro on: 16-08-2016 07:36 PM
Photomath Camera Calculator app is one of
the best apps available for both Android and
iOS users helping them to solve
mathematical equations like a pro!

Mathematics is an amazing subject but there is
a problem, not everyone is good at maths and
if you are reading this article maybe just
maybe you are one of them (no offence if you
are not) however there is an app for Android
and iOS users that will solve mathematical
equations for you, all you have to do is to turn
the app on, aim it towards the equation and
the app will solve it for you. Photomath, Inc., the
firm behind the
development of this genius app says
that ”Photomath does scanning completely
automatically, with no need to press anything.
Just make sure you are pointing the scanning
rectangle directly at your math problem, and
that the whole problem remains within the

If nothing happens, you may be
holding the phone too close and the image is
blurry, or the image is too dark. If nothing
works, the problem may simply not be
supported yet and will be available soon.”

4  Forum / Technology / The Eye Print Verification Feature Of Camon C9 on: 16-08-2016 07:34 PM

Upon the release of the Camon C9, a lot of
people thought the Camon C8 was the best
camera phone, nonetheless, they felt the next
phone in the Camon series will be better than
the former.

What’s peculiarly interesting about the device
is the eye scanner feature. Ideally, you need a
backup passcode if you are to unlock your
phone when there’s blackout.
Most people use their phones in bed when
there is a blackout or when the lights are
turned off, the passcode will come in handy

• You are allowed to register five different
identities on the eye scanner
• In a situation where you choose not to use
the eye scanner, there is an option of using
pass codes.
• The scanner makes a lovely scientific sound
that can make anyone feel ‘geeky’.

• It can be subject to light. Sometimes you
have to re-register your eye print in the dark,
especially if it was registered in good light.
If the eye scanner can be subject to light, then
you need the backup passcode to gain access
to your phone.

For a price of N49,900 the TECNO Camon C9 is
good value for money. TECNO always gets
their pricing right in order to steal the show.