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41  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: not mine but funny on: 21-11-2008 09:50 PM
hehe...i guess as long i dont get caught hehe
42  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: not mine but funny on: 21-11-2008 09:42 PM
is not i'm not taking credit for them..
43  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / lol i know still not mine.. :P on: 21-11-2008 09:38 PM
Rent For An Apartment
A rich businessman meets a beautiful girl and agrees to spend the afternoon with her for five thousand naira (N5,000). So they do.

Before he leaves, he tells her that he does not have any cash with him, but that he will have his secretary write a cheque and mail it to her, calling the payment;

On the way to the office he regrets what he has done, realizing that the whole event was not worth the price. So he has his secretary send a cheque for N2,500.00 and enclosed the following typed note:

Dear baby,

Enclosed find cheque in the amount of N2,500.00 for rent of your apartment. I am not sending the amount agreed upon, because when I rented the apartment, I was under the impression that:

it had never been occupied;
that there was plenty of heat;
that is was small enough to make me cozy and at home.
However, I found out that it had been previously occupied, that there wasn't any heat, and that it was entirely too large.

Upon receipt of the note, the girl immediately returned the cheque for N2,500.00 with the following note:

Dear Sir:

First of all, I cannot understand how you expect a beautiful apartment to remain unoccupied indefinitely.

As for the heat, there is plenty of it, if you know how to turn it on.

Regarding the space, the apartment is indeed of regular size, but if you don't have enough furniture to fill it, please do not blame the landlady.
44  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: not mine but funny on: 21-11-2008 09:36 PM
lol just want to clarify that one i get more.. if u una want am let me know...
45  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Employment on: 21-11-2008 08:05 PM
sorry is not funny it shld be a joke Tongue Cheesy D
46  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / not mine but funny on: 21-11-2008 07:58 PM
Drop One!
There was a poor man with many kids. He always did his best to get them food.

Unfortunately, this man had only 5 Naira with him which on one particular day, he used in purchasing fried fish.

So this man made the local Garri and tied the fish up above the Garri.

A calculation was made and each individual in the family was allocated their quota - take a spoonful of Garri and inhale the aroma from the fish once.

Beginning from the father, then the mother and progressing through all the kids, they all took a spoonful of Garri and inhaled the aroma once.

The last kid, feeling brave, took a spoonful of Garri and inhaled the aroma of the fish twice.


His father gave him a dirty slap and said DROP ONE! The kid quickly exhaled in order to prevent a serious
47  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: FATHER FORGIVE ME! on: 21-11-2008 07:57 PM
have heard this b4 if u want prove let me know will provide
48  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: BE FRANK, WHAT ARE UR WORST HABITS? on: 17-11-2008 11:45 PM
my is i fck everyday can't help it....just(females)...i need help ppl can anyone help i just want to stop for one wk...
49  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: HOW CAN YOU WIN A GIRL'S HEART on: 11-11-2008 10:10 PM
e z talk to another girl if she like u she go come around if she dont no waste ur time...
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