Abacha's Son Expresses His Anger To Wole Soyinka Over His Comments (Page 3)

Date: 05-03-2014 11:44 am (10 years ago) | Author: franel
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- winace at 5-03-2014 10:41 PM (10 years ago)
Quote from: Dames on  5-03-2014 05:39 PM
I am not a fan of Abacha or any other politician but sincerely, that's was a nice one. It's time we stop blaming the past leaders for our predicament and think of how to make the country a better place. Soyinka should have rejected the award just the way Chinua Achebe declined the CFR award by Obasanjo and Jonathan for other better reasons and not point fingers at anyone. Sharing award with Abacha is not an insult but, giving it to anyone is. I don't think there is anything worth celebrating not to think of giving awards. Are we celebrating 100 years of corruption; insecurity; lawlessness; terror; fuel scarcity; religious, economic political or ethnic crisis; poor education and electricity; bad roads or what? The past leaders are not the problem, what are the present ones doing?

Thank u for dis comment infact we have jt few pple like u still remaining in naijapals unlike b4. Well done broda
Posted: at 5-03-2014 10:41 PM (10 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- samybrowne at 5-03-2014 11:25 PM (10 years ago)
Despite that Abacha's regime was not encouraging, But i think is high Time we have to forget the past and press towards amending the future to be better; And coming to think of it Abacha was chosen for the gift and Never contest for it or fight for any of Such,

 How I am at the opinion that his Son really spoke well because if it were any of Today we will all stand to defend Our Father's Integrity weather Dead or Alive

Thank  .
Posted: at 5-03-2014 11:25 PM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
- okilo101 at 5-03-2014 11:40 PM (10 years ago)
Too long
Posted: at 5-03-2014 11:40 PM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- omomalaga1 at 5-03-2014 11:46 PM (10 years ago)
I dont even have time to read that, eze go to school reader paste, thief children seeking attention ale buruku.
Posted: at 5-03-2014 11:46 PM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
- dickman2 at 5-03-2014 11:47 PM (10 years ago)
son of a thief is a thief ,,
Posted: at 5-03-2014 11:47 PM (10 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- morrisony2k at 6-03-2014 12:00 AM (10 years ago)
if you are in the arab world, you would have been gone long time ago. they would have wipe out the whole of your family. some people have not recovered from for that your dad did to them, the Abiola family, Pa Rawani, Felix and  and Alex Ibru were lucky, Gani was almost killed. you should be ashamed of yourself, cause your write up was a calculated insult to maligh Wole Soyinka image. the road safety  organisation still exist today in nigeria is never a failure, he was not paid to set it up, he never wore the the uniform. please if u have nothing to say just go to the toilet and fill your mouth with shit. Soyinka is a brand that is well known all over the world. when he speaks world leaders listen. Your Dad killed Ken Saro wiwa for just no reason, what state do you put the family? tell me you son of thief. nemesis will catch up with your family one day. He even died sleeping with indian prostitutes, what a shame. what of the 11 years old girl your father used for ritual how will the family feel n? your dad is burning in hell now i know that for sure, the ghost of the people your father killed will continue to hunt your family. you think we dont know where boko haram get their found from? we from niger delta we know everything. we are just waiting for you guys to come near niger delta. we will chew you like vegetable. i heard u want be the governor of your state, is only in nigeria such thing can happen. Ole barawo .
Posted: at 6-03-2014 12:00 AM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
- steveoneal at 6-03-2014 12:23 AM (10 years ago)
Quote from: morrisony2k on  6-03-2014 12:00 AM
if you are in the arab world, you would have been gone long time ago. they would have wipe out the whole of your family. some people have not recovered from for that your dad did to them, the Abiola family, Pa Rawani, Felix and  and Alex Ibru were lucky, Gani was almost killed. you should be ashamed of yourself, cause your write up was a calculated insult to maligh Wole Soyinka image. the road safety  organisation still exist today in nigeria is never a failure, he was not paid to set it up, he never wore the the uniform. please if u have nothing to say just go to the toilet and fill your mouth with sh*t. Soyinka is a brand that is well known all over the world. when he speaks world leaders listen. Your Dad killed Ken Saro wiwa for just no reason, what state do you put the family? tell me you son of thief. nemesis will catch up with your family one day. He even died sleeping with indian prostitutes, what a shame. what of the 11 years old girl your father used for ritual how will the family feel n? your dad is burning in hell now i know that for sure, the ghost of the people your father killed will continue to hunt your family. you think we dont know where boko haram get their found from? we from niger delta we know everything. we are just waiting for you guys to come near niger delta. we will chew you like vegetable. i heard u want be the governor of your state, is only in nigeria such thing can happen. Ole barawo .
nothing more to add, you have said it all,  trying to defend his dad still doesnt change the fact that his dad was evil and devil everybody has his or her own buts,, but sanni abacha was a beast,,,and it is never his fault, i guess it is the fault of jonathan, perhaps he s trying to solicit votes from the northerners,, abacha would always be remembered the greatest atrocities in nigeria
Posted: at 6-03-2014 12:23 AM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- nikkytayo2005 at 6-03-2014 12:50 AM (10 years ago)
you have gone abroad to study law with tax payers money, the blood your father shed is still crying for justice through Soyinka, the kinda money u have I don't know how many years I will work to get it, the money ur father stole is more than more than enough to take care of your generation yet unborn.. u better keep quit before AMADIOHA fight with thunder.. tell your sister to also hide.......cos this beautiful black blood your father wasted will still fight even to your forth generation.....
Posted: at 6-03-2014 12:50 AM (10 years ago) | Newbie
- Toikumo at 6-03-2014 01:29 AM (10 years ago)
Only in Nigeria, where morality has gotten so rotten that the thieves are so bold to do it in broad day light.  Still, they have guts to come out and boast, because they know that the average Nigerian would be out with stretched hands looking for handouts....  Why not round up the thieves and lock them up.  Most "public servants" look to get into public office not with the intention of serving, but with the intention of stealing.   That is the name of the game..... 

Why not round up the thieves and lock them up?  No one can do this, because just about all the so-called leaders have been caught in their hands in the cookie jar at one time or the other....  So they have all failed us, for over 50 years after "independence."  That is why we do not have electricity, water or housing.  In the abundance of plenty, the fool is tasty.  That is the story of Nigeria.  We could have been much more further ahead in Africa if only our so-called leaders have vision for the youth, for the future of the country belongs to the youth.  But they teach the youth to loot, so the cycle continues, till there seem to be no end in sight.... God help us!

Posted: at 6-03-2014 01:29 AM (10 years ago) | Newbie
- JACKyOFFF at 6-03-2014 01:39 AM (10 years ago)
Letter From Nigerian Dictator Son To Wole Soyinka-Ayo Sogunro Replies Sadiq Abacha
Posted: Mar, 05 2014, 3:03PM

Late Nigerian dictator Sanni Abacha
By Ayo Sogunro
Dear Sadiq Abacha: I do not know you personally, but I admire your filial bravery—however misguided— in defending your father, the late General Sani Abacha. This in itself is not a problem; it is an obligation—in this cultural construct of ours—for children to rise to the defence of their parents, no matter what infamy or perfidy the said parent might have dabbled in.

The problem I have with your letter, however, arises from two issues: (i) your disparaging of Wole Soyinka, who—despite your referral to an anecdotal opinion that calls him as “a common writer”—is a great father figure, and a source of inspiration, to a fair number of us young Nigerians; and (ii) your attempt to revise Nigerian history and substitute our national experience with your personal opinions.

Therefore, it is necessary that we who are either Wole Soyinka’s “socio-political” children, or who are ordinary Nigerians who experienced life under your father’s reign speak out urgently against your amnesiac article, lest some future historian stumble across the misguided missive, and confuse the self-aggrandized opinions of your family for the perceptions of Nigerians in general.

Your letter started with logical principles, which is a splendid common ground for us. So let us go with the facts: General Sani Abacha was a dictator. He came into power and wielded it for 5 years in a manner hitherto unprecedented in Nigerian history. Facts: uncomfortable for your family, but true all the same.

Now, for my personal interpretations: between 1993 and 1998 inclusive, when your dada was in power, I was a boy of 9 to 14 years and quite capable of making observations about my political and cultural environment. Those years have been the worst years of my material life as a Nigerian citizen. Here are a few recollections: I recollect waking up several mornings to scrape sawdust from carpentry mills, lugging the bags a long distance home, just to fuel our “Abacha stoves” because kerosene was not affordable—under your father. I recollect cowering under the cover of darkness, with family and neighbours, listening to radio stations—banned by your father. I recollect my government teacher apologetically and fearfully explaining constitutional government to us—because free speech was a crime under your father’s government. Most of all, I remember how the news of your father’s death drove me—and my colleagues at school—to a wild excitement, and we burst into the street in delirious celebration. Nobody prompted us, but even as 13 and 14 year olds, we understood the link between the death of Abacha and the hope of freedom for the ordinary man.

These are all sorry tales, of course. Such interpretations would not have occurred to the wealthy and the privileged under your father’s government, but they were a part of the everyday life of a common teenager under that government. The economics were bad, but the politics were worse. And I am not referring to Alfred Rewane, Kudirat Abiola and the scores killed by the order of your father. Political killings are almost a part of every political system, and most of those were just newspaper stories to us. In fact, I didn’t get to read most of the atrocities until long after your father died.

So, these stories did not inform the dread I personally felt under your father’s regime. And this was true for my entire family and our neighbours.
Instead, the worry over our own existence was a more pressing issue. Your father, Sani Abacha was in Aso Rock, but his brutality was felt right in our sitting room. We were not into politics and we didn’t vocally oppose Abacha, yet we just knew we were not safe from him. You see, unlike any dictatorship before or after it—your father’s government personally and directly threatened the life and freedoms of the average Nigerian. Your father threatened me. And if your father had not died, I am confident that I would not be alive or free today.

Think of that for a while.

Now, let’s come to Wole Soyinka. First: you can never eradicate the infamy of your father’s legacy by trying to point out the failings of another Nigerian.

Remember what you said: A is A.  Abacha is Abacha. And no length of finger pointing will wash away the odious feeling the name of Abacha strikes up in the mind of the average Nigerian. Second: Don’t—as they musician said—get it twisted: Wole Soyinka did not antagonize your father just because he was a military man—Wole Soyinka was against your father’s inhumanity. Your father was intolerant of criticism beyond belief. Your father made military men look bad. Your father’s behaviour was so bad it went back in time and soiled the reputation of every military man before him. Your father, finally, made Nigerians swear never—ever—to tolerate the military again. Soyinka may have worked with the military before—but your father ensured that he will never work with the military again. Do you see? Three: Evil comes in many forms: there is no qualification by degree. There is no “good” evil thing. Sani Abacha, Boko Haram, Hitler, slavery—they all fit into the same category of misfortunes. Soyinka is right: Abacha was just as bad as Boko Haram is—deal with it. Four: Soyinka has been kind enough to limit his criticism to the unenviable awards this inept government has given your father. But, you see, in a saner political system, we wouldn’t just ignore your father, we would have gone one step further and expunged the Abacha name from all public records. Wiped without a trace. Abacha would forever be a cautionary tale against the excesses of political power. In a saner political system.

Abacha was brutal—and Soyinka was one of those individuals who gave us inspiration in those dark days. He was part of the team that founded the underground radio station to counter your father’s activities. Let me rephrase in pop culture language: Wole Soyinka was the James Bond to your father’s KGB. Most of the influential people either kept quiet or sang the praises of your father to stave his wrath. But a few like Soyinka spoke, wrote and even went militant against Abacha. But at the end, even Soyinka who never ran from a fight had to run from your father. That was how terrible things were. And now you want Soyinka to join the praise singers of your father? I’m not certain Soyinka has grown old enough to forget how he escaped your father,slipping across the border in disguise. You will have to wait awhile to get that praise from him.

Now, back to you. You have a deluded sense of your father’s role in the progress of Nigeria’s history. Nigeria has managed to be where it is today, not because of leaders like your father—but in spite of leaders like your father. This is a testament to the Nigerian spirit of resilience, and our unwavering optimism in a better future. You owe every Nigerian an apology for daring to attribute this to the leadership of Abacha. Those “achievements” you believe were accomplished under your father were simply all the things he had to do to keep milking the economy, and thereby perpetuate himself in power—they benefited Nigeria only if, by Nigeria, you meant your family and your cronies.

Your tone is that of a white master who justifies his oppression because he clothed and fed his black slaves. That is what your father did. The fact that we choose not to regurgitate, and reflect on that socially traumatic period doesn’t mean we accept it as your entitlement. We have not forgotten, and we will never forget. Sani Abacha raped Nigeria. Your father raped us. Your father raped us and then pressed some change into our hands. And he then tried to marry us forcefully, too. You may think all this is well and good—but then you’ve never been raped before.

But we now live under a democracy—the kind your father denied us—and so you are free to talk. And so you are free to insult the people who ensured that your father had sleepless nights. Had the revolution your father rightly deserved happened, you—and the rest of your family—would have been lined against a wall, before you could pen one article, and shot.
And we would probably have cheered.

But we live under a democracy now—a system of government where even the scions of former oppressors can talk, and write freely, about the benefits of dictatorship. That’s a democracy. A concept your father wouldn’t have understood.
Ayo Sogunro
Posted: at 6-03-2014 01:39 AM (10 years ago) | Newbie
- JACKyOFFF at 6-03-2014 01:53 AM (10 years ago)
U.S. Freezes More Than $458 Million Stolen By Former Nigerian Dictator In Largest Kleptocracy Forfeiture Action Ever Brought In U.S.
Posted: Mar, 05 2014, 6:03PM

By DOJ Office of Public Affairs
The Department of Justice has frozen more than $458 million in corruption proceeds hidden in bank accounts around the world by former Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha and conspirators.  A civil forfeiture complaint unsealed today in the United States District Court in the District of Columbia seeks recovery of more than $550 million in connection with the largest kleptocracy forfeiture action brought in the department’s history.

The restraint of funds announced today includes approximately $313 million in two bank accounts in the Bailiwick of Jersey and $145 million in two bank accounts in France. In addition, four investment portfolios and three bank accounts in the United Kingdom with an expected value of at least $100 million have also been restrained, but the exact amounts in the accounts will be determined at a later date.

Acting Assistant Attorney General Mythili Raman of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division and Assistant Director in Charge Valerie Parlave of the FBI’s Washington Field Office made the announcement.

“General Abacha was one of the most notorious kleptocrats in memory, who embezzled billions from the people of Nigeria while millions lived in poverty,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Raman. “This is the largest civil forfeiture action to recover the proceeds of foreign official corruption ever brought by the department. Through our Kleptocracy Initiative, we are seizing the assets of foreign leaders who steal funds that properly belong to the citizens they serve. Today’s action sends a clear message: we are determined and equipped to confiscate the ill-gotten riches of corrupt leaders who drain the resources of their countries.”

“We will not let the U.S. banking system be a tool for dictators to hide their criminal proceeds,” said Assistant Director in Charge Parlave.  “This action demonstrates the FBI’s ability to combat international corruption and money laundering by seizing the assets of those involved. I want to thank the special agents, financial analysts and prosecutors whose hard work over the years resulted in today’s announcement.”

The over $458 million in frozen funds and the additional assets named in the complaint represent the proceeds of corruption during and after the military regime of General Abacha, who assumed the office of the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria through a military coup on Nov. 17, 1993, and held that position until his death on June 8, 1998. The complaint alleges that General Abacha, his son Mohammed Sani Abacha, their associate Abubakar Atiku Bagudu and others embezzled, misappropriated and extorted billions from the government of Nigeria and others, then laundered their criminal proceeds through the purchase of bonds backed by the United States using U.S. financial institutions.

As alleged in the complaint, General Abacha and others systematically embezzled billions of dollars in public funds from the Central Bank of Nigeria on the false pretense that the funds were necessary for national security. The conspirators withdrew the funds in cash and then moved the money overseas through U.S. financial institutions. General Abacha and his finance minister also allegedly caused the Government of Nigeria to purchase Nigerian government bonds at vastly inflated prices from a company controlled by Bagudu and Mohammed Abacha, generating an illegal windfall of more than $282 million. In addition, General Abacha and his associates allegedly extorted more than $11 million from a French company and its Nigerian affiliate in connection with payments on government contracts. Funds involved in each of these schemes were allegedly laundered through the United States.

The complaint seeks to forfeit bank accounts and investment portfolios with funds located in Bailiwick of Jersey, France and the United Kingdom. On Feb. 25 and 26, 2014, U.S. arrest warrants for the assets were enforced in Jersey and France though mutual legal assistance requests and in the United Kingdom through litigation brought pursuant to the U.K. Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act. The complaint also seeks to forfeit five corporate entities registered in the British Virgin Islands.

This case was brought under the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative by a team of dedicated prosecutors in the Criminal Division’s Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section, working in partnership with federal law enforcement agencies to forfeit the proceeds of foreign official corruption and, where appropriate, return those proceeds to benefit the people harmed by these acts of corruption and abuse of office. Individuals with information about possible proceeds of foreign corruption located in or laundered through the United States should contact federal law enforcement or send an email to [email protected].

The investigation was conducted by the FBI. The case is being prosecuted by Trial Attorney Elizabeth Aloi and Assistant Deputy Chief Daniel Claman of the Criminal Division’s Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section, with substantial support from the Criminal Division’s Office of International Affairs. The department appreciates the extensive assistance provided by the Governments of Jersey, France and the United Kingdom in this investigation. 
Posted: at 6-03-2014 01:53 AM (10 years ago) | Newbie
- JACKyOFFF at 6-03-2014 01:53 AM (10 years ago)
U.S. Freezes More Than $458 Million Stolen By Former Nigerian Dictator In Largest Kleptocracy Forfeiture Action Ever Brought In U.S.
Posted: Mar, 05 2014, 6:03PM

By DOJ Office of Public Affairs
The Department of Justice has frozen more than $458 million in corruption proceeds hidden in bank accounts around the world by former Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha and conspirators.  A civil forfeiture complaint unsealed today in the United States District Court in the District of Columbia seeks recovery of more than $550 million in connection with the largest kleptocracy forfeiture action brought in the department’s history.

The restraint of funds announced today includes approximately $313 million in two bank accounts in the Bailiwick of Jersey and $145 million in two bank accounts in France. In addition, four investment portfolios and three bank accounts in the United Kingdom with an expected value of at least $100 million have also been restrained, but the exact amounts in the accounts will be determined at a later date.

Acting Assistant Attorney General Mythili Raman of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division and Assistant Director in Charge Valerie Parlave of the FBI’s Washington Field Office made the announcement.

“General Abacha was one of the most notorious kleptocrats in memory, who embezzled billions from the people of Nigeria while millions lived in poverty,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Raman. “This is the largest civil forfeiture action to recover the proceeds of foreign official corruption ever brought by the department. Through our Kleptocracy Initiative, we are seizing the assets of foreign leaders who steal funds that properly belong to the citizens they serve. Today’s action sends a clear message: we are determined and equipped to confiscate the ill-gotten riches of corrupt leaders who drain the resources of their countries.”

“We will not let the U.S. banking system be a tool for dictators to hide their criminal proceeds,” said Assistant Director in Charge Parlave.  “This action demonstrates the FBI’s ability to combat international corruption and money laundering by seizing the assets of those involved. I want to thank the special agents, financial analysts and prosecutors whose hard work over the years resulted in today’s announcement.”

The over $458 million in frozen funds and the additional assets named in the complaint represent the proceeds of corruption during and after the military regime of General Abacha, who assumed the office of the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria through a military coup on Nov. 17, 1993, and held that position until his death on June 8, 1998. The complaint alleges that General Abacha, his son Mohammed Sani Abacha, their associate Abubakar Atiku Bagudu and others embezzled, misappropriated and extorted billions from the government of Nigeria and others, then laundered their criminal proceeds through the purchase of bonds backed by the United States using U.S. financial institutions.

As alleged in the complaint, General Abacha and others systematically embezzled billions of dollars in public funds from the Central Bank of Nigeria on the false pretense that the funds were necessary for national security. The conspirators withdrew the funds in cash and then moved the money overseas through U.S. financial institutions. General Abacha and his finance minister also allegedly caused the Government of Nigeria to purchase Nigerian government bonds at vastly inflated prices from a company controlled by Bagudu and Mohammed Abacha, generating an illegal windfall of more than $282 million. In addition, General Abacha and his associates allegedly extorted more than $11 million from a French company and its Nigerian affiliate in connection with payments on government contracts. Funds involved in each of these schemes were allegedly laundered through the United States.

The complaint seeks to forfeit bank accounts and investment portfolios with funds located in Bailiwick of Jersey, France and the United Kingdom. On Feb. 25 and 26, 2014, U.S. arrest warrants for the assets were enforced in Jersey and France though mutual legal assistance requests and in the United Kingdom through litigation brought pursuant to the U.K. Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act. The complaint also seeks to forfeit five corporate entities registered in the British Virgin Islands.

This case was brought under the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative by a team of dedicated prosecutors in the Criminal Division’s Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section, working in partnership with federal law enforcement agencies to forfeit the proceeds of foreign official corruption and, where appropriate, return those proceeds to benefit the people harmed by these acts of corruption and abuse of office. Individuals with information about possible proceeds of foreign corruption located in or laundered through the United States should contact federal law enforcement or send an email to [email protected].

The investigation was conducted by the FBI. The case is being prosecuted by Trial Attorney Elizabeth Aloi and Assistant Deputy Chief Daniel Claman of the Criminal Division’s Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section, with substantial support from the Criminal Division’s Office of International Affairs. The department appreciates the extensive assistance provided by the Governments of Jersey, France and the United Kingdom in this investigation. 
Posted: at 6-03-2014 01:53 AM (10 years ago) | Newbie
- edunaija at 6-03-2014 02:24 AM (10 years ago)
Sincerely speaking, repeated mud slinging at the federal govt makes no sense to me. Has Soyinka ever come out to contest any elective position in this country to at least teach us how to be a leader? Its always very easy to stay on the sideline and be talking. I beggi
Posted: at 6-03-2014 02:24 AM (10 years ago) | Newbie
- swashstud at 6-03-2014 03:15 AM (10 years ago)
Abeg i dey Watch Nigeria Vs Mexico
Posted: at 6-03-2014 03:15 AM (10 years ago) | Newbie
- papadip at 6-03-2014 05:02 AM (10 years ago)
Quote from: winace on  5-03-2014 10:34 PM
Waoh I really admire wat dis Sani guy wrote. For some of here. Its abt commenting or who comment first. We shld pls read d write up first then we will kn wat to comment. D guy is right. Let's move forward and forget d past. Let's not forget dat IBB, Obasanjo, Jerry Oseni and so many others are worst than Abacha. I don't like Abacha and will not now dat he is dead but truth be told our elders shld stop pointing fingers and help us d youth clear or make a pathway for d future. Thanks
How can you move forward when a sadist is being glorified?

Your elders are not pointing fingers all they are saying is not to glorify the atrocities of Abacha and other dictators.
No one can forget the past but one should not dwell in the past. The past will and should always be remembered to guide the present and the future.
If Abacha was not honoured by this current regime in this so called charade of non-entities (Jamboree) we all will not be engaged in this discussion.

If Adolf Hitler is being honoured similarly the Jews of the world will be mad as hell.
We also cannot forget the atrocities of others attending this fan-fare.
It is even better to let the youths of today be aware of the history. .

Posted: at 6-03-2014 05:02 AM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- papadip at 6-03-2014 05:15 AM (10 years ago)
Quote from: Dames on  5-03-2014 05:39 PM
I am not a fan of Abacha or any other politician but sincerely, that's was a nice one. It's time we stop blaming the past leaders for our predicament and think of how to make the country a better place. Soyinka should have rejected the award just the way Chinua Achebe declined the CFR award by Obasanjo and Jonathan for other better reasons and not point fingers at anyone. Sharing award with Abacha is not an insult but, giving it to anyone is. I don't think there is anything worth celebrating not to think of giving awards. Are we celebrating 100 years of corruption; insecurity; lawlessness; terror; fuel scarcity; religious, economic political or ethnic crisis; poor education and electricity; bad roads or what? The past leaders are not the problem, what are the present ones doing?
Picture yourself as one of the victims of Abacha’s regime or any of your relatives. Would you even be saying this?
What are we celebrating ? You are celebrating...100 years of corruption; insecurity; lawlessness; terror; fuel scarcity; religious, economic political or ethnic crisis; poor education and electricity; bad roads as said by you..
Posted: at 6-03-2014 05:15 AM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- papadip at 6-03-2014 05:20 AM (10 years ago)
Quote from: morrisony2k on  6-03-2014 12:00 AM
if you are in the arab world, you would have been gone long time ago. they would have wipe out the whole of your family. some people have not recovered from for that your dad did to them, the Abiola family, Pa Rawani, Felix and  and Alex Ibru were lucky, Gani was almost killed. you should be ashamed of yourself, cause your write up was a calculated insult to maligh Wole Soyinka image. the road safety  organisation still exist today in nigeria is never a failure, he was not paid to set it up, he never wore the the uniform. please if u have nothing to say just go to the toilet and fill your mouth with sh*t. Soyinka is a brand that is well known all over the world. when he speaks world leaders listen. Your Dad killed Ken Saro wiwa for just no reason, what state do you put the family? tell me you son of thief. nemesis will catch up with your family one day. He even died sleeping with indian prostitutes, what a shame. what of the 11 years old girl your father used for ritual how will the family feel n? your dad is burning in hell now i know that for sure, the ghost of the people your father killed will continue to hunt your family. you think we dont know where boko haram get their found from? we from niger delta we know everything. we are just waiting for you guys to come near niger delta. we will chew you like vegetable. i heard u want be the governor of your state, is only in nigeria such thing can happen. Ole barawo .
Well said....
Posted: at 6-03-2014 05:20 AM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- IDOKOO at 6-03-2014 05:30 AM (10 years ago)
Abacha did no wrong, the African system is currupt by nature  b4 the comin of Abacha and after Abacha
Posted: at 6-03-2014 05:30 AM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
- Wysetots at 6-03-2014 06:32 AM (10 years ago)
All these literature cannot solve Nigeria's problems.
Posted: at 6-03-2014 06:32 AM (10 years ago) | Hero
- Ecto at 6-03-2014 06:47 AM (10 years ago)
D boy can now talk
After Jonathan has name his dad for award of national honour
Posted: at 6-03-2014 06:47 AM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
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