We grind human heads to make powder for ladies in search of husbands - Native do

Date: 02-08-2014 9:57 pm (9 years ago) | Author: yeego
- at 2-08-2014 09:57 PM (9 years ago)

A native doctor and suspected ritual killer arrested by the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) of the Lagos State Police Command has said that he grinds human heads into powder as charm for ladies who are looking for choice husbands and big contracts.

Olasunkanmi Owolabi, a 43-year-old native of Oyo town, said the concoction is also used as cure for stubborn sores, mental illness, sickle cell anaemia and epilepsy. He also said had planned to establish a specialist native hospital if government gave him the approval. Continue...

Arrested with Owolabi were his two co-travellers, Clement Omodijie and Usman Saliu a.k.a. Alfa. Omodijie, a 54-year-old indigene of Ekpoma, Edo State, says he is married with three children. A grave digger at Gbogbo Cemetery, Ikorodu, Lagos on a monthly salary of N22,000, he said he had worked at the cemetery for five years before he was arrested by SARS operatives.
Saliu, a 31-year-old native doctor from Ilisa town in Osun State and Owolabi’s ally, said he trained as an alfa (Islamic cleric) at Ralwu Islamic School, Ikewu, Osun State where he claimed he spent nine years learning native medicine. A police source said the three had been charged with unlawful possession of human parts.

Owolabi (43), who was arrested on June 22 this year, was said to have requested a human head from Omodijie, saying that he needed the skull to prepare a medicine for his patients. Omodijie obliged Owolabi by exhuming a corpse from one of the graves in the cemetery where he worked and delivering the head to Owolabi.

Upon a tip-off from a member of the public, the Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Umar Manko, was said to have directed the officer in charge of SARS, Abba Kyari, a Superintendent of Police, to fish out the ritual killers.

Kyari immediately swung into action with his team. He put a call through to Saliu, saying that a human head was urgently needed to save the life of a wealthy patient whose illness had defied orthodox medicine. Saliu asked the detectives to come to Ikorodu for the transaction. But he was arrested as soon as he showed up at the agreed place. The human head he came with was recovered and put in a polythene bag as an exhibit.

confessing his role in the saga omodijie said, “i was content with being a grave digger before i met owolabi in a restaurant in front of the cemetery in gbogbo area of ikorodu. since i met owolabi, my life has not been the same again. I have moved from one problem into another. i was enjoying my n15,000 monthly salary as a grave digger before i met him and he lured me into supplying human heads to him at n4,000 each. “The naked truth is that there is nothing reasonable i have done with the n4,000 per human head that he has been paying me. i used it to drink gin or smoke cigarettes with it. it is the devil’s money. “i hardly fell sick since i was born. but after selling human heads to him, my health has been deteriorating.

I buy drugs as if it is food, making me to spend more money than before. “i was moulding blocks before i secured a job in the cemetery as a grave digger. we were paid on a daily basis. we used wooden or machine moulder. but whichever moulder we used, we charged the owner n500 per bag of cement, which can give one about 40 blocks. if we did three bags, we collected n1,500. “when i got a job in the cemetery, i was happy because it is not as hard as moulding blocks.

The salary was small but i was enjoying it. the grave was shallow or deep, depending on the owner of the corpse and the way he or she wants it to be buried. “my trouble started a day i went to buy food opposite the cemetery. that was where i met owolabi and he said there was something he had wanted to tell me. He asked whether i was a worker in the cemetery and i said yes. he said i should give him a human head and i asked him what he meant. he said the head of a corpse already buried. “we have cemetery rules which forbid us from doing such a thing. i told him that i would not be able to do that, and he left. but thereafter, each day i went to the restaurant to buy food, he would accost me with the same request. i insisted that i would not do it because i did not want to lose my job, but he said it was better to sell human parts to him than allowing them to waste. “I summoned courage to ask him what he wanted to do with human heads and other parts. he said he was a native doctor and alfa, and that he wanted to use it to make medicine.

He said he would grind it into powder and mix it with certain herbs for pregnant women to drink in order to deliver their babies without complications or operation. he also said that he grinds human heads and mixes them with the powders some ladies carry in their handbags, saying that it helps those that are looking for choice husbands and big government contracts or companies’ lpos to secure them without stress. he also said that it can cure sickle cell anemia, among other ailments. “I told him that i didn’t have any but if i got one, i would call him.

Posted: at 2-08-2014 09:57 PM (9 years ago) | Newbie
- dareper at 2-08-2014 10:42 PM (9 years ago)
Chai!! So na this thing hopea23 use wey she take get american husband. Diaris God oo.
Posted: at 2-08-2014 10:42 PM (9 years ago) | Hero
- odprince at 2-08-2014 11:06 PM (9 years ago)
Posted: at 2-08-2014 11:06 PM (9 years ago) | Gistmaniac