FBI Links Al-Qaeda to Abuja Blasts

Date: 08-01-2011 8:08 am (13 years ago) | Author: WhoBdat
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- at 8-01-2011 08:08 AM (13 years ago)
America disclosed on Tuesday that Al-Qaeda, the Islamic terrorist network, was the financier, the planner, and the executor of the bomb blasts that killed and maimed in Abuja on New Year's eve.

The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) probing the explosions said in its preliminary report that local affiliated terrorist cells provided support on the ground.

FBI agents made the connection after they "conclusively found that the signature of the bomb matched other blasts by the terror network."

According to counter-terrorism experts, every bomb - like art - has the signature of its maker or group-based on funding, sophistication, and objective.

"Some bombs are made to serve as warning with little damage while others are made to achieve as much collateral damage and deaths as possible, which is the hallmark of Al-Qaeda," an official stated.

Homeland Security Department officials and Pentagon sources added that based on the FBI findings, President Barack Obama has approved a request by Nigeria for a permanent FBI counter-terrorism unit in the country.

"These agents normally do investigations after a blast but their job in Abuja may now include preventing these blasts through better security coordination and surveillance."

They will also train Nigerians on how to detect and deal with local terror groups.

Based on the FBI recommendations, Abuja has awarded a contract for the installation of close circuit security cameras at sensitive locations countrywide, including airports, bridges, roads, hotels and other places determined by officials.

The cameras are emerging as an important tool in detection and prosecution of terror suspects.

The government has agreed to also keep an eye on Islamic scholars visiting Nigeria from the Middle East whose teachings are deemed inflammatory. "Groups like Boko Haram are being influenced and financed by extremist foreign religious leaders and groups with the intention of overthrowing the Nigerian Government.

"It is the responsibility of the government to cut such ties and funding in the interest of national security," Homeland Department officials warned.

The prodding of the Americans also led to the directive given by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) that all banks should tell their customers to update their data.

"It was discovered that thousands of fictitious accounts are being used by suspected terror groups to move vast amounts of money to finance their training and operation. Hopefully the policy will close that window and cut off the funds."

Besides, the FBI recommended the setting up of a new terror unit, independent of existing security agencies, because of fears dozens of officials may have been compromised by bribes.

Back in Lagos, daily activities were disrupted in Alausa on Thursday as a result of another bomb scare through an anonymous note dropped in the toilet of a company.

It claimed that a bomb would detonate in about six hours' time.

The note, signed by a group called Concerned Nigerians, urged the evacuation of workers and visitors to the premises.

News of the impending explosion, which started mid-day, spread like wide fire and soon attracted the police Anti-bomb Squad.

Lagos State Government secretariat workers also panicked at the news that another bomb was planted in the secretariat.

Governor Babatunde Fashola got to hear about it at about 3:30 p.m. during the commissioning of phase two of the modern taxi cab scheme in Ikeja, where he was represented by his Deputy, Sarah Sosan.

The state government allayed the fears by saying that the security operatives are on top of the situation and urged residents of the mega city to go about their businesses without panic.

But elsewhere, the police also had to dismiss as a mere threat, report of the presence of a bomb in Motorways building in the Ikosi area, which anti-terrorists officers cordoned off.

Police Commissioner, Marvel Akpoyibo, said it was the handiwork of trouble makers to create fear in the minds of residents.

He appealed to Lagosians to ignore the rumour.

On Wednesday, police anti-bomb squad began the screening of cars at the Lagos Airport, sequel to the bombings in Jos on Christmas eve and in Abuja on New Year's eve that killed several people, and heightened tension over insecurity.

Officers used metal and mine detectors to search cars at the general aviation terminal, on the directive of Airport Police Commissioner, Moses Onireti.

It was learnt that the exercise was supposed to be a 24-hour affair but did not last that long, probably because of lack of manpower in the anti-bomb unit.

Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) Managing Director, Richard Aisuebeogun, said security at the airports is being taken seriously, and that the FAAN has met with security agencies on the new procedure.

He reiterated that, "Every airport where you have the conglomeration of people means a lot to us, lives and properties are involved. Therefore, we are taking seriously the security of airports. Just yesterday, we had a meeting with (Onireti) and I also met with the Chief Security Officer (CSO).

"As we speak, in another few minutes an airport security committee meeting would hold. We have also directed that a similar meeting, which usually is monthly, should hold on urgent basis."

"We have put in place security procedures that we are currently implementing, so as to ensure we do not have any breaches within the airport environment."

Aisuebeogun added that the Director General of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), Harold Demuren, who is currently out of the country, is very concerned about security at the airports - and this will necessitate a larger security meeting to review the step taken.

He said efforts will be made to see that Nigerian airports comply with the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) security regulations.

"We believe that we can put in our best and God will surely bless the efforts. That is what we are doing right now and I want to tell you that (Demuren) is very concerned.

"He is currently abroad, and as soon as he comes back, we will hold a larger airport security meeting again to quickly review what our officers and men on the field have done, so as to ensure strict compliance with ICAO security regulations and procedures."

Daily Independent (Lagos)

Posted: at 8-01-2011 08:08 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- japhethjeff at 8-01-2011 01:04 PM (13 years ago)
i have the right to remain silent anything i  say now shall be use against me in the court of law or  by FBI.
Posted: at 8-01-2011 01:04 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- popo2009 at 8-01-2011 01:05 PM (13 years ago)
These whole recommendations will be compromised with
Bribe and corruption. But I think the FBI has done a good job.
Posted: at 8-01-2011 01:05 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- popo2009 at 8-01-2011 01:10 PM (13 years ago)
Can all the Muslims here tell me, Is this so-called Al-Qaeda
fighting for the true muslim or not? if they are not, what has the
true muslim community done to prevent them, becos they are always
claiming to be fighting for the Islamic(Muslim) religion.
Posted: at 8-01-2011 01:10 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- sixtyhoneyy at 8-01-2011 01:14 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: japhethjeff on  8-01-2011 01:04 PM
i have the right to remain silent anything i  say now shall be use against me in the court of law or  by FBI.
nice one
Posted: at 8-01-2011 01:14 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- sixtyhoneyy at 8-01-2011 01:15 PM (13 years ago)
hmmm speechless
Posted: at 8-01-2011 01:15 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Adikpe at 8-01-2011 01:30 PM (13 years ago)
Nice one from FBI.

We have been running here in Jos for
disturbances since yesterday.
Posted: at 8-01-2011 01:30 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- cadanre at 8-01-2011 01:35 PM (13 years ago)

Posted: at 8-01-2011 01:35 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- otagermo at 8-01-2011 01:36 PM (13 years ago)
good step..lolzzz
Posted: at 8-01-2011 01:36 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- shaoyang at 8-01-2011 01:37 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: sixtyhoneyy on  8-01-2011 01:15 PM
hmmm speechless
Bia Ms PrinceDafe where is ur husband?
Posted: at 8-01-2011 01:37 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- elusakin at 8-01-2011 01:37 PM (13 years ago)
I knew it.

It was gonna end that way.

A counter-terrorism unit in Nigeria, soon, they'll be fighting against militants in the Niger-Delta, very soon, they'll be controlling the oil of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

You think USA is a good country? I can give you a link to a video released by WikiLeak where US Military killed very innocent civilians.

Just thinking...
Posted: at 8-01-2011 01:37 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- lanudja at 8-01-2011 01:40 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: popo2009 on  8-01-2011 01:10 PM
Can all the Muslims here tell me, Is this so-called Al-Qaeda
fighting for the true muslim or not? if they are not, what has the
true muslim community done to prevent them, becos they are always
claiming to be fighting for the Islamic(Muslim) religion.
Good question my brother!
Posted: at 8-01-2011 01:40 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- lanudja at 8-01-2011 01:42 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: elusakin on  8-01-2011 01:37 PM
I knew it.

It was gonna end that way.

A counter-terrorism unit in Nigeria, soon, they'll be fighting against militants in the Niger-Delta, very soon, they'll be controlling the oil of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

You think USA is a good country? I can give you a link to a video released by WikiLeak where US Military killed very innocent civilians.

Just thinking...
I know in Nigeria every always turn d other way round. Is only God that will help us
Posted: at 8-01-2011 01:42 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- cadanre at 8-01-2011 01:58 PM (13 years ago)
Today, many non-Muslims regard Islam as a religion that promotes violence, terrorism and war. Unfortunately, they rely in their view of Islam on the general media, which is not always accurate in reporting the news. Many media outlets, such as TV, radio, newspapers and magazines, are influenced by their investors or owners who have certain agendas and who want to promote certain values and points of view. Other media outlets are simply after the "big story", in order to make more money and more profits. Others are simply "followers", who only gather news from other sources, re-package it and try to sell it again purely as a business.

In all these cases, the news reporting is not accurate, but is driven by ulterior motives or simply by profits. Only very few media organizations are committed to providing accurate and true information, regardless of financial gain. Therefore, people today should be very careful in what they take from the media.

Before blindly accepting what the TV, radio or newspaper is reporting, one should think critically about what is being reported. Is this being reported accurately, or is it being exaggerated or even completely fabricated? Who are these people reporting the news, and do they have vested interests to report the story in a certain way, or are they completely objective and fair? Critical thinking is very important in all aspects of life, especially when it comes to accepting the media reports about important and controversial issues.

Islam is in fact a religion that promotes peace and understanding among people of all faiths, and it strongly prohibits all forms of violence and aggression against all people regardless of their faith or race.

Islam clearly prohibits all kinds and forms of aggression and violence against anyone, except in self-defense. Islam is a practical religion, meant to be implemented in every aspect of our life. Therefore, it realizes the fact that a person who commits aggression and violence against others will not cease these actions unless they are deterred by similar actions taken against them.

Islam also places very high importance on justice, and allows for aggressors and unjust people be punished accordingly, unless they repent before they are brought to justice. At the same time, Islam encourages people to forgive those who have wronged them whenever possible.

Evidence of these ideals can be found in the Holy Qur'an, which is the word of God revealed to the messenger of God, Mohammad peace be upon him. It can also be found in the Hadeeth, the sayings of Mohammad peace be upon him, and in his teachings to Muslims. A few examples of this are shown below from the Holy Qur'an:

"The prohibited month, for the prohibited month, and so for all things prohibited, there is the law of equality. If then any one transgresses the prohibition against you, transgress ye likewise against him. But fear Allah, and know that Allah is with those who restrain themselves." (Surah 2, Verse 194).

" ... and let not the hatred of some people in (once) shutting you out of the Sacred Mosque lead you to transgression (and hostility on your part). Help ye one another in righteousness and piety, but help ye not one another in sin and rancour: fear Allah: for Allah is strict in punishment." (Surah 5, Verse 2).

"God advocates justice, charity, and regarding the relatives. And He forbids evil, vice, and transgression. He enlightens you, that you may take heed." (Surah 16, Verse 90).


Posted: at 8-01-2011 01:58 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- betty55 at 8-01-2011 02:00 PM (13 years ago)
wahala don start be that.u that is saying us killing inocent people.what about the ons boko haram all ur fellow brothers have kill for no just cause?If u have nothing to comment to go back to sleep jare.wait till them troway bomb for ur village
Posted: at 8-01-2011 02:00 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- igbonnanna at 8-01-2011 02:01 PM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 8-01-2011 02:01 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- funichi at 8-01-2011 02:03 PM (13 years ago)
finally some form of law and order, the usa since they need nigeria should make it clear to nigerian government that if the private sector is not created and that if they dont listen that they would withdraw all their help from nigeria,even kicking them out of the united nation and banks.I mean come on, i have been  waiting for a private sector of security to be created that have no government influence. All i pray is that for their own good nigerian government should act fast and listen to the americans' suggestion,before naija becomes a sharia nation.Personally i have dated two muslims and what they alwys say is,:its not the good muslims,its the extremist..bull shit because of the teaching of a deranged pedophile any muslim can turn into a terrorist any time.Me i don tireoo,goodluck better listen jor, i have written letters after letters, even emailed our so called president on  the view of out country abroad,and helping change it,yet no reply.Anyways this is the more reason the south should have left the north,and usa and great britain helped the nigerians fight the little south, now see what is happening Rubbish....Please God take over...
Posted: at 8-01-2011 02:03 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- derbi at 8-01-2011 02:04 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: elusakin on  8-01-2011 01:37 PM
I knew it.

It was gonna end that way.

A counter-terrorism unit in Nigeria, soon, they'll be fighting against militants in the Niger-Delta, very soon, they'll be controlling the oil of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

You think USA is a good country? I can give you a link to a video released by WikiLeak where US Military killed very innocent civilians.

Just thinking...
SHUT UP U, if u say they misstakly kill an innocente civilian in irag by mistake u are right, becouse U.S army dont trust any body there any longer a place were mother and children dress up with bombe and exspload them self, they can even set bomb with new born baby, U.S army have to take some dicsition in orther so save their own life from the hand of to islamic terror, instead 4 u to be happy 4 the new development, u crying over oil in niger delta when so many people as loos their life and their love ones, u dont need help becouse of oil u are a greedy and heartless person.....  Angry Angry if  u think U.S can not leave without crude oil, lie.....
Posted: at 8-01-2011 02:04 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- cadanre at 8-01-2011 02:10 PM (13 years ago)
With regard to what FBI said that Al-qaeeda has hands in the atrocities in Abuja I will not say YES or NO. This is because I really don't trust these people. These are the same people who told the whole world that Saddam Hussein posseses Weapons of Mass Destruction which was the known reason for invading Iraq. After the overthrow of Saddam's regime and his execution the investigation was on-and-on to detect and discover the said WMD. Believe me, I have been following Iraq's case from the begining.

On the other hands, some people may accomodate Al-qaeeda to reasons known to themselves. But in whatever way, there is no justification in killing innocent people religiously. And here, I will say that nobody (A MUSLIM) has right or is asked to plant a bomb where unsuspecting and innocent people are relaxing and enjoying the eve of a new year or Christmas.

Let us take ourselves back to what happened in Iraq. THE SAME CIA/FBI Told the world that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and it was the same CIA who investigate, searched everywhere but no single evidence could be found that WMD ever existed there. THAT WAS A PLAN TO BLACKMAIL SADDAM, INVADE HIS COUNTRY FOR ECONOMIC AND OTHER HIDDEN GAINS.





Posted: at 8-01-2011 02:10 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- cadanre at 8-01-2011 02:11 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: betty55 on  8-01-2011 02:00 PM
If u have nothing to comment to go back to sleep jare.wait till them troway bomb for ur village

You are really funny  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Posted: at 8-01-2011 02:11 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
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