wat do u think about sex b4 marriage (Page 16)

Date: 16-03-2008 1:57 am (16 years ago) | Author: Dunno Dunno
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- Pimpinella at 5-07-2008 09:40 PM (16 years ago)
i think sex before marriage is something really good so both get enough experience,...even with the guy ur going to marry i cant gettin married to somebody i havent tasted before haha maybe in the weddingnight the big surprise? no thx

my child is a fruit of sex without marriage and i love myself for that what came out  Shocked Shocked Shocked

Posted: at 5-07-2008 09:40 PM (16 years ago) | Upcoming
- polycap103 at 6-07-2008 04:57 PM (16 years ago)
well thrs nothin 2talk about,sex b4 marriage......4 me oooo,my most highly exaulted wife 2 b...ahhhh! i must phyuk am,i no fit lie u oooo.i think marriage b4 sex is an old skool stuff,we ar in d morden age right now ...abi another guy neva enter ur wife b4?....wait ooo,hw u go tk kno say ur wife neva broke b4...abi u go enter inside her kpekus?Huh?Huh??.........4 me,no longtin...
Posted: at 6-07-2008 04:57 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- D-NICE at 6-07-2008 08:43 PM (16 years ago)
Sex is not a sacred thing. It is a perfectly natural thing and something all humans AND animals have in common.

It is "marriage" that is the artificial concept here. Suppose you marry in one country and then holiday in a place where that marriage is not recognised.

Remember, most religion frowns on sex because it likes to control what its followers do
Posted: at 6-07-2008 08:43 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- jackie724 at 6-07-2008 09:13 PM (16 years ago)
I dont think dat Sex b4 marriage is good.Wat if e person had HIV,u re in 4 trouble even if u had a test.Worse still'wat if he or she is ur step sis/bros frm anoda parent.Yes we say u v got 2 no wt he/she is in bed bt does it occur 2 u dat mistrust  may come in ie if he/she did it wit me,so cud he/she wit anoda.Wat if after ur trado wedding u see some bad traits u cant live wit..wat do u do.wat if he/she dies a week or less b4 e white wedding & she s pregnant wit ur child.The world is filled wit uncertainties so be wise &chill out.
Posted: at 6-07-2008 09:13 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- la4la1 at 6-07-2008 09:45 PM (16 years ago)
 i believe sex is scared and should be saved for marriage,but your priority for staying away from sex should not be for the sake of your husband but for the very fact that u don't want to offend God.Bsides the bible has warned against it.It is the only sin committed against your body whichi s the temple of christ.Though views vary everyone is entitled to his or her opinions.
Posted: at 6-07-2008 09:45 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- viva at 6-07-2008 10:38 PM (16 years ago)
i totaly agree wiv ukoma, d fact dat its a sin makes it wrng nd dats wat der is to it, its a sin nd its wrng, .........nd abt getn married nd d guy leavn u bla bla bla , its all crap, d Bible says 'all tins worket 2geda for dose in christ' so belivn dat it wont hapn 2 u helps 2 go a long way. i gues am makn sense myragonza if uv not don it den u shld retink, note wether or not ur husby shows it , if he marries u a virgin i bet u he holds u high, he might not admit it but dats d truth, cos we dont fynd virgins nymore so u cn make a difference. tink abt it
Posted: at 6-07-2008 10:38 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- Ify08 at 6-07-2008 11:04 PM (16 years ago)
I don't see nothing wrong wit it. I mena if you want to have sex, then have it. I highly doubt whoever you marry will care about it. There's a high chance you(husband or wife) had sex b4 they are married.  But for me, i believe in the old time. I'm Celibacy. And to tell youthe truth. I've had many of my boyfriends break up with me because of that.  Shit, i tell boys that shit b4 we even begin to date, so they won't except me to do stuff that i won't do. But i don't knock a sister for sleeping with a guy b4 marriage, after all it's her decision.   Smiley
Posted: at 6-07-2008 11:04 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- afrorex at 7-07-2008 06:23 AM (16 years ago)
sex is fun.....so if u like it hv it anytime u want but, make sure u do it right. STRAP ON!!!
Posted: at 7-07-2008 06:23 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- christiana at 7-07-2008 10:12 AM (16 years ago)
i agree about d whole no sex b4 marriage thing, but it's soo hard to stick with when u've got a boyfriend dat doesn't want d same thing. nd i really respect those dat actually adhere to it.
Posted: at 7-07-2008 10:12 AM (16 years ago) | Upcoming
- seunx at 8-07-2008 10:39 AM (16 years ago)
 Biblically,it's not good.I'm not a saint if u care to know.But,as a matter of facts,body no be wood.U feel like having it at a point in time.To me,it's fun,
Posted: at 8-07-2008 10:39 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- makatony at 8-07-2008 03:41 PM (16 years ago)
for me it wise and morally right for  one to keep his or herself till he or she is married.biblically the bible says sex is ment to nourishe marriage,not only that when you get married to your first date the blessing attached is great.some of us dont knowanything about soul tight,that when it is tied wrongly it causes problem which we might know.for me am 24 yrs but i have never had sex not because i cannot but iam determined to keep myself for that lady whom i will hook up with as my wife.there is nothing wrong abstaining from sex till u get married.
Posted: at 8-07-2008 03:41 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- talk2jane_4ryl at 8-07-2008 08:20 PM (16 years ago)
a biiiiiiiiiiig sin in the sight of God.  am gonna wait 4 my husband will b my first
Posted: at 8-07-2008 08:20 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- brittday20 at 8-07-2008 08:53 PM (16 years ago)
i don't believe in sex before marriage but everyone makes they're choices
Posted: at 8-07-2008 08:53 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- nikky882003 at 9-07-2008 01:34 AM (16 years ago)
sex b4 marriage is bad,lookin 4rm d biblical sense its fornication,its a sin of d flesh.realistically,bein in a segxwall relationship doesnt mean d guy aint goin 2cheat on u or dt u guyz are goin 2end up 2geda 4ever.so as ladies,we shld try 2resist pressure.
Posted: at 9-07-2008 01:34 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- hansdre at 9-07-2008 09:10 AM (16 years ago)
Hi naija,there is nothing wrong in sex before marriage,but accordinly to Bible it's wrong.but let me give u a through life story,just briefly,there is this girl and a guy dating while they're in school,both of them are born again christians,along there relationship they have no sex,their wedding night they decised to make love unkowingly the guy couldn't come up,the sister have to massage the bro before he came up,so she accept her faith,so it has been like that.sex before marriga i advise is good,as long as u know ur relationship will lead u to marriage.
Posted: at 9-07-2008 09:10 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- dayo2008 at 9-07-2008 09:29 PM (16 years ago)
hi naijas? i think sex before marriage is not reaily good, and is good cos you sexin b4 getin marriad enlarges ur sense of reasonin so my pals to me i strongin believe that sex is nice bye
Posted: at 9-07-2008 09:29 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- lady at 10-07-2008 10:29 AM (16 years ago)
I think it up to yourself if you want to save your self for marriage or not.
I started way to young i know that I don't regret not waiting i just regret the age i was in.
But i was young and stupid believing the guys lies. so i did my best teaching my daughters the
the things guys will say to get you in bed. and they were older then me then when they started.
i say before you get married you have to make sure that you are happy with that person in every way. If you are not happy with the sex life in your marriage, you will start looking else where to get what you are missing.
And from the christian point of view. I do believe that God made a special person for each one of us. but sometimes we do not find that person right away. It took me 39 years to find my true love. And what about the days before Moses, Adam and Eve and all that. God putt people on this earth way before them. there were no churches and temples to get married in. a man just picked a woman and had her as his live partner. So actually as soon as to hearts find each other and you feel, that is your mate you are married in your heart.
Posted: at 10-07-2008 10:29 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- IHIMEKPEN at 10-07-2008 04:41 PM (16 years ago)
well it is imoral
Posted: at 10-07-2008 04:41 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- jennietobbie at 11-07-2008 12:10 AM (16 years ago)
i have really laughed at you guys...i aint here to judge anyone but then...we know that sex before marriage is bad.  Really bad!!! What the heck is wrong with us; we wanna be different from others, yet we move with pple we wanna be diff from.  The 21st century, so what?  I don't move with the crowd and just because 100% of you tink is right doesn't mean that it is right.  Call a pot a pot, not a cooking pot or a frying pot.  Get something straight here pple;  SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE IS BAD....AND A GREAT SIN.  It is the only sin that you commit with your own body.  And point of correction, if you think that after keeping yourself, you'll end up in the wrong marriage.  That is a blutant lie.  You are what you think.  If you go into marriage coz of the wrong reason, you'll find yourself at the wrong side.   There is no way you can make the day 25hrs instead of 24.  Hell no!!!  So God's law still stands, 21st century or not. 
Posted: at 11-07-2008 12:10 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- convenantmen at 11-07-2008 10:28 AM (16 years ago)
And if he is a virgin  would that change your attitude to sex before marriage , God is watching you. 

do the right thing before it is too late
Posted: at 11-07-2008 10:28 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie
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