The movie, TOBI premiered at Ozone Cinema, Yaba, Lagos ob the 18th of May, and the likes of Benita Nzeribe, Jide & Sola Kosoko, Zeal, Monalisa Chinda, Nikki Laoye, Crozz, Susan Peters graced the red carpet including the movie’s American lead actor, Mark Williams who played the role of Tobi Akinola and U.S-based Nigerian actress, Chisom Oz-Lee.
The movie which is presently showing in several cinemas across the country unveils a mix of Nigerians, Americans and Hispanics - Chet Anekwe (Phat Girlz, 30 Days, Unwanted Guest), Mark Lavan Williams, Jimmy Allen, Chisom Oz Lee, Arturo Castro, Patrick Dean and Elizabeth Ness. It boasts of the deployment of first class legal battle antics beautifully woven into the court room scenes by the producer Emmanuel Ijeh.
This drama explores the consequences of what happens when 21-year-old Tobi (Mark Williams) bows to the dark side of gang pressure. In a flash, a seemingly morally upright young man gets caught in a web of violence, guns, bloodshed, drugs, parental expectations and conflicting voices in his head. Interestingly, the bond of brotherhood also stretches the thematic window of choices and sacrifice.
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Posted: at 23-05-2012 08:06 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
queenrukky at 23-05-2012 08:16 PM (12 years ago) (f)
Posted: at 23-05-2012 08:16 PM (12 years ago) | Hero