Watch this video and you'll see proof that TB Joshua's editing team cut out bits of his prophecies which don't match reality. This video shows how he did it on the recent Indonesia plane crash prophecy, but if you look at any of his other "prophecy fulfilled" videos you'll see exactly the same stange cuts and changes to camera angles in the middle of sentences. Be very sceptical of anything he says in the future, if he'll edit out key details as he has in this video, you can't really trust any of his prophecy videos you see on the web. If like us, you think this is an abuse of prophecy and an exploitation of tragic events, share the video on facebook to let everyone know how he does this.
ok let the experts on this analys it even more , but i remember the saying of regae GURU the late bob marley that said ----- you can only fool some ppl for some timmes but you cannot fool all the ppl all the times, its just a matter of time, the truth will surface
Posted: at 19-06-2012 09:51 PM (12 years ago) | Grande Master
Quality90 at 19-06-2012 10:21 PM (12 years ago) (m)
What do you have to say about his healing and the help he has been giving to the less privilege, since you can not fast for a complete day, you better stop challenging men of God before you find your life useless
Posted: at 19-06-2012 10:21 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
babyleslie at 20-06-2012 01:32 AM (12 years ago) (f)
Quote from: ajanni on 19-06-2012 09:51 PM
ok let the experts on this analys it even more , but i remember the saying of regae GURU the late bob marley that said ----- you can only fool some ppl for some timmes but you cannot fool all the ppl all the times, its just a matter of time, the truth will surface
Shut up..whats ur problem??
Posted: at 20-06-2012 01:32 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
papaprince at 20-06-2012 02:00 AM (12 years ago) (m)
The Voice I am hearing in this tape is it not that of a white lady? They are jealous of this man of God simply because he is an African doing what they can not be able to do. God is using this man to do his work, whosoever think otherwise is doing that at his own peril as God have said touch not my anointing and do my prophet no harm.
Posted: at 20-06-2012 02:00 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
Poster, what point are you guys trying to prove?.... To discredit the man and his prophecies?..... Why not concentrate on social economics and political issues and leave issues that are sacred to God who is all knowing?..... Even if TB Joshua is evil as some of you say without substantial proof at least no rational human person can dispute the fact that his prophecies come to pass..... even though i don't
[/color][/b] know his source of power we cannot deny the fact that he is a spiritual man........... because only fools deny proofs........besides, what of the helping hands he gives to the needy..... why can't we Nigerians be positive and appreciate good things for once?,,,,,,,,,,,, Please leave the man alone, and allow God whom he said he is working for to judge him...
Posted: at 20-06-2012 05:13 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
tbjoshuawatch at 20-06-2012 06:17 AM (12 years ago) (m)
Anyone behind this video should go and die by hanging... stupid harlot why are you not talking about the help he rendered to the needy?you just receive a curse that will destroy your entire generation........fools
Thanks, it is nasty vindictive messages like this that keep us going. If TB Joshua's followers demonstrated grace and love we might start to rethink our position, but our experience has been of threats, blackmail and curses - some even coming direct from SCOAN itself. Didn't Jesus instruct us to love our enemies? Didn't Jesus even die for his? There is no love in TB Joshua, and no love at SCOAN. Yes, he might give to the poor, but let me ask how you know he does that? Because he broadcasts it far and wide on Emmanuel TV of course. Matthew 6:2 "So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full."
This video might only represent one case of manipulation, but if he'd manipulate once on this prophecy, it makes it very likely that the "miracles" we see him perform are manipulations or exaggerations, in fact we have it on good authority that they are.
Watch the video with an open mind, watch the original SCOAN videos linked in the youtube page description, see if we've misrepresented them at all. When you see we haven't, ask yourself why TB Joshua felt the need to "correct" God by editing out details of a vision God gave him? Is TB Joshua above God? Or is it that he's just making it all up?
Our claim is that he took one prophecy, applied it to two different events, and editing out the bits for each event which didn't match. If you watch the original Emmanuel TV videos, we think you'll agree, but if not please let us know where we have misrepresented it.
Posted: at 20-06-2012 06:47 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
arieschic at 20-06-2012 08:26 AM (12 years ago) (f)
Anti Christ. Illuminati. Beware. Thay are now in Nija trying to destroy d man of God and to create doubt into d ppls hrt. With God by his side, he shall conquer in Jesus name. Amen.
Posted: at 20-06-2012 08:26 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie