Birth Mom of Wealthy Mario Balotelli, still works as a Cleaner Earning £6 per hr (Page 4)

Date: 16-07-2012 4:07 pm (12 years ago) | Author: franel
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- Bettygirls at 17-07-2012 12:24 PM (12 years ago)
any ways lets not go to the bereaved and cry more than the bereaved
Posted: at 17-07-2012 12:24 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- urchmangeorge at 17-07-2012 01:16 PM (12 years ago)
this woman give this guy out for adoption when he is "two year" when this guy needed a mom very close, now the guy is mature and need to stand on his own she now comes out to claim who she couldn't tek kia of when his is still a little boy.

well is now in the handz of Mario to decide but i will forgive and forget.

but she's wrong
Posted: at 17-07-2012 01:16 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- franel at 17-07-2012 01:36 PM (12 years ago)
hmmm, Pacing and smiling! some nice comments going on here.  Smiley

Posted: at 17-07-2012 01:36 PM (12 years ago) | Hero
- umargawu at 17-07-2012 01:38 PM (12 years ago)
Mario balotelli is a bad guy Huh?
Posted: at 17-07-2012 01:38 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- prince775 at 17-07-2012 02:06 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: Treamy123 on 17-07-2012 11:13 AM
All this story about giving out Balotelli for adoption is ALL NONSENSE!!! Just for those who dont know - 99.99% of african children taken over by oyinbo are forcefully taken by social and they start indoctrinating such child from small that their parent abandoned them or they say their parents run away, or even say their parents sold them out - its all bull sfit. They can say that to those who dont live in europe. Girls/women who live in europe knows what i am talking about; especially places like ITALY, GERMAN, AUSTRIA, UK, ..etc I can continue naming then and not stop. Its a pity, africans or black generally dont have anyone fighting for them except God. I have seen cases and cases upon cases where european government wants to deport an African mother - but wants to seize the child BY FORCE. They do it and get especially with other african mothers, but always have difficulties succeeding with NIGERIAN mothers. Its one of those reasons they dont like nigerians too. we seems to be too wise. No nigerian mother will leave her child and be deported alone. There is a recent case where a nigerian woman who will not allow her self to be deported with out her child, for that reason she was detained for 3yrs. Each time they try to forcefully take her back she caused a lot of problem that she allowed to surfer for that long in prison. While her child had already been giving to foster parent all this period. Do u know - at last; God intervained in her situation and the new judge that handled her case last year granted her relief and compensation of £250k for every year she was forcely detained. Because she did not say she wasnt going back to africa except she will not go without her child. You will be suprised tp know that after she was released to go home, her child will not be released - reason: foster parent is not ready to release her child. instead the foster parents took the mother to court. presently the case is in court. Foster parent are saying the child says he doesnt want to be with the mother again, that the child should be asked who he would like to be with.
At that tende again, the child is already been talking about the hatred she has for her mother -when asked why? he says because her mother abadoned him and run away after he was born - INDOCTRINATION!!!!!
There are 1 million and 1 cases. PLEASE WAKE UP AND DONT BE DECIEVE ANYMORE!!!

Maybe Sweden is different from all those places you have mentioned here. In sweden they can only take away your child if your an alcoholic, drug addict, homeless and inability to take up an employment, have psychopathic record or cases related to this nature i mentioned. Mario case is totally different my dear. The biological mother gave him out for an adoption because she couldn't afford his medical bills and not that the social welfare office took him away from her forcefully. pls we all live in Europe and knows about all this cases.
Posted: at 17-07-2012 02:06 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- prince775 at 17-07-2012 02:12 PM (12 years ago)
Otherwise why didn't they take away Balotelli's sister together as well?Huh?
Posted: at 17-07-2012 02:12 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- waco at 17-07-2012 02:33 PM (12 years ago)
after plenty shakara, the boy go still return to em mama.

Posted: at 17-07-2012 02:33 PM (12 years ago) | Hero
- otagermo at 17-07-2012 02:34 PM (12 years ago)
mario is my childhood freind.....i think i will talk to him tonight......he may have a change of should close.
Posted: at 17-07-2012 02:34 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Solidstonez at 17-07-2012 03:50 PM (12 years ago)
 Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

Posted: at 17-07-2012 03:50 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- bekkylin at 17-07-2012 03:54 PM (12 years ago)
Lier Lier, minimum wage is £6.05 in england, and cleaners earn subsentially more, so get you story straight.
Posted: at 17-07-2012 03:54 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- lakman at 17-07-2012 03:57 PM (12 years ago)
balotelli biological parent are wrong, they don't have love, this is just mere temptation and them fail, forgive ok forget difficult, the italian parent should be the one him should be with to encourage the good work and show appreciate, because the italian parent had not knew what 2 years old would have become. i don't think any good mother will give her child away to a stranger. good mothers use to die for their children. many african international footballer today come from poor family, one will be what it will be no matter where u come from or where u stay, our future is in the hand of GOD.
Posted: at 17-07-2012 03:57 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- prince775 at 17-07-2012 04:49 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: lakman on 17-07-2012 03:57 PM
balotelli biological parent are wrong, they don't have love, this is just mere temptation and them fail, forgive ok forget difficult, the italian parent should be the one him should be with to encourage the good work and show appreciate, because the italian parent had not knew what 2 years old would have become. i don't think any good mother will give her child away to a stranger. good mothers use to die for their children. many african international footballer today come from poor family, one will be what it will be no matter where u come from or where u stay, our future is in the hand of GOD.

your sensible dear, No truly loving mother will willingly give away her own flesh and blood son for adoption irrespective of the circumstances.   
Posted: at 17-07-2012 04:49 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- dickman2 at 17-07-2012 05:03 PM (12 years ago)
Posted: at 17-07-2012 05:03 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- brown23 at 17-07-2012 05:16 PM (12 years ago)
Posted: at 17-07-2012 05:16 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- hisnameisjesus at 17-07-2012 05:27 PM (12 years ago)
wetin concern me
Posted: at 17-07-2012 05:27 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- mercy610 at 17-07-2012 05:42 PM (12 years ago)
Credo che questa decisione spetti solo a Mario, e a nessun altro !   Che Mario voglia perdonare la madre naturale oppure no, penso che sia grande abbastanza per decidere, e penso anche che si debba prendere tutto il tempo per maturare questa decisione, ...sempre che voglia prendere una decisione.   Ma, visto dal di fuori, un bambino abbandonato, cosa può pensare diventando adulto nel totale disinteresse di chi ora si mette in evidenza magari solo perchè Mario è diventato una Star del calcio Mondiale ?   E se invece che giocare nel City, Mario giocasse a pallone nell'ora d'aria di qualche carcere Italiano, la madre andrebbe a trovarlo due o tre giorni la settimana portandogli un po' di frutta o qualche dolce ?  Dopotutto la madre è pur sempre la madre !!!
Lasciamo stare Mario, che ha sofferto abbastanza credo, e non solo per l'abbandono dei genitori, e lasciamo a lui la scelta, che non è delle più facili, e che soprattutto SPETTA SOLO A LUI.   Un abbraccio a tutti ed uno in particolare a Mario.   
Posted: at 17-07-2012 05:42 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- Xsey4u at 17-07-2012 05:44 PM (12 years ago)
Nobody knows the true story about  Mario's childhood predicament and whether he was voluntarily given away for adoption or not is a question that can only be answered by his biological parents and not by his foster parents or the Italian people. All we are doing now is mere speculation. And i believe that we as a people have to depend hugely on a logical, rational and practical speculations to find some solutions and answers to our numerous problems and unanswered questions.  

I think there is absolutely nothing special about Mario's case because if you take a good look at the world today, you'll discover that Africans (babies, men and women) have become a commodity to the White people. Whoever thinks slavery is over needs to be pinched, so he/she can get back to reality. Slavery is still pretty much alive and kicking, just that it's now in an advanced and a sophisticated state. Over 500 years ago, our oppressor captured our brothers and sisters, strapped them in shackles and they were shipped away across the Atlantic to develop their lands. But it's so painfully pathetic that i was taught in school that  ''Africans'' sold their own people into slavery. If that is true, then it's also right to say that  The Disciples of Jesus sold him and not Judas alone. That story was well-cooked up to make Africans feel guilty for a horrible crime they neither conceived nor carried out. Although, i am not completely ruling out any sort of conspiracy from the part of some wicked Africans that still exist today amongst us. The enemy always has to conspire with a wicked-minded insider just like himself to carry out his evil plans successfully.  

Mario is a classic example of a modern day  slave, and so is most of us. The chasms between slavery in the past and the modern day slavery are in plain sight. But only those with wisdom knows this. The slaves of the past were in shackles but today's slaves have their minds in fetters. The slaves of yesterdays knew exactly the dire state of their condition but the case is different for the programmed slaves of today. If a man is terribly ill and he wants to be whole again, there is a process he must go through to recover from his illness. First, he has to accept the fact that he is sick. Secondly, he has to undergo a medical diagnosis and finally when the illness has been identified, then he must take his medication.
Posted: at 17-07-2012 05:44 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- cornelus at 17-07-2012 06:05 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: otagermo on 17-07-2012 02:34 PM
mario is my childhood freind.....i think i will talk to him tonight......he may have a change of should close.

 Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin bros we wll be v very happy if u can do that. u must be a super human then,,cos i think i knw him more than u do.. Cool Cool by nature he's arrogant. 
Posted: at 17-07-2012 06:05 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- cornelus at 17-07-2012 06:29 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: mercy610 on 17-07-2012 05:42 PM
Credo che questa decisione spetti solo a Mario, e a nessun altro !   Che Mario voglia perdonare la madre naturale oppure no, penso che sia grande abbastanza per decidere, e penso anche che si debba prendere tutto il tempo per maturare questa decisione, ...sempre che voglia prendere una decisione.   Ma, visto dal di fuori, un bambino abbandonato, cosa può pensare diventando adulto nel totale disinteresse di chi ora si mette in evidenza magari solo perchè Mario è diventato una Star del calcio Mondiale ?   E se invece che giocare nel City, Mario giocasse a pallone nell'ora d'aria di qualche carcere Italiano, la madre andrebbe a trovarlo due o tre giorni la settimana portandogli un po' di frutta o qualche dolce ?  Dopotutto la madre è pur sempre la madre !!!
Lasciamo stare Mario, che ha sofferto abbastanza credo, e non solo per l'abbandono dei genitori, e lasciamo a lui la scelta, che non è delle più facili, e che soprattutto SPETTA SOLO A LUI.   Un abbraccio a tutti ed uno in particolare a Mario.   

si condivido tutto quello che hai detto,,ma recordeti ke nesuno,la mama compreso avrai portuto fare quello ke hano fatto si le cosa andavano bene sai,,seconda mi lei ha fatto quell gesto solo x salvary la vita di mario ke lei nonche la farai mai da solo senza saldi ehh
Posted: at 17-07-2012 06:29 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- Xsey4u at 17-07-2012 06:42 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: mercy610 on 17-07-2012 05:42 PM
Credo che questa decisione spetti solo a Mario, e a nessun altro !   Che Mario voglia perdonare la madre naturale oppure no, penso che sia grande abbastanza per decidere, e penso anche che si debba prendere tutto il tempo per maturare questa decisione, ...sempre che voglia prendere una decisione.   Ma, visto dal di fuori, un bambino abbandonato, cosa può pensare diventando adulto nel totale disinteresse di chi ora si mette in evidenza magari solo perchè Mario è diventato una Star del calcio Mondiale ?   E se invece che giocare nel City, Mario giocasse a pallone nell'ora d'aria di qualche carcere Italiano, la madre andrebbe a trovarlo due o tre giorni la settimana portandogli un po' di frutta o qualche dolce ?  Dopotutto la madre è pur sempre la madre !!!
Lasciamo stare Mario, che ha sofferto abbastanza credo, e non solo per l'abbandono dei genitori, e lasciamo a lui la scelta, che non è delle più facili, e che soprattutto SPETTA SOLO A LUI.   Un abbraccio a tutti ed uno in particolare a Mario.   
This is Naijapals and not Italopals. We know you can write in Italian language but don't you think you're not communicating with lots of people on here. Please you can save your Italian for your Italians. Ok?
Posted: at 17-07-2012 06:42 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
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