Breaking News: Ghana President, John Atta Mills Is Dead! (Page 11)

Date: 24-07-2012 6:11 pm (12 years ago) | Author: Daniel Bosai
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- dickman2 at 26-07-2012 09:12 AM (12 years ago)
 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
Posted: at 26-07-2012 09:12 AM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- zeigbo at 26-07-2012 10:01 AM (12 years ago)

Posted: at 26-07-2012 10:01 AM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- gastro at 26-07-2012 07:21 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: nametalkam on 24-07-2012 06:11 PM
Ghana's President John Atta Mills, who had been suffering from throat cancer, has died in the capital, Accra.

A statement from his office said the 68-year-old died a few hours after being taken ill, but did not give details.

"It is with a heavy heart...that we announce the sudden and untimely death of the president of the Republic of Ghana," the statement said.

Mr Atta Mills has ruled the west African country since 2009.

A presidential aide said Mr Atta Mills had complained of suffering pains on Monday evening and he died on Tuesday afternoon, Reuters reports.

He had returned to Ghana after visting the US for medical checks, the news agency says.



Posted: at 26-07-2012 07:21 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- dickman2 at 28-07-2012 09:35 AM (12 years ago)
Posted: at 28-07-2012 09:35 AM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- renztubz at 28-07-2012 02:18 PM (12 years ago)
Please extend my condolence to this man.

Posted: at 28-07-2012 02:18 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- Solidstonez at 28-07-2012 09:12 PM (12 years ago)

Posted: at 28-07-2012 09:12 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Solidstonez at 28-07-2012 09:21 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: kalven on 25-07-2012 12:11 AM
Salaam (Hello) ....,
Do you know why Islam is so scarcely to me? So here is a quick list why:
1.    Did you know the moon-god was called "Sin" in ancient Babylon. In Arabia the moon god was called "Al-llah". Later they shortened this to the present day "Allah". The moon god was the center of pagan worship and ruled over the 360 idol gods in Mecca's Kaaba. Three of these other gods were Allah's daughters: al-Uzza, al-Lat, and Manah. (Will Durant, The Story of Civilization, IV:160-161). Moreover the Encyclopedia Britannica's section on "Pre-Islamic" says, "'Allah' was the moon god, the consort of the sun goddess, and father of a number of female deities, al-Lat, al-Uzza, and Manat, whose worship forms a principle feature of the religion of Muhammad's home town of Mecca. Muhammad's father was named Abd-Allah, and his uncle Obied-Allah. The Allah idol was kept in the Kabah temple in Mecca so that it was therefore in that direction the idolaters prayed, and its symbol was the crescent moon. These practices are still part of Allah worship today". Will Durant, the great historian, said Allah was an idol god worshipped by Arabs long before there was an Islamic religion: "Within the Kaaba, in pre-Moslem days, were several idols representing gods. One was called Allah ... three others were Allah's daughters, al-Uzza, al-Lat, and Manah. ..."
2.    "When the first copy of the Koran was written out and presented to [the khalif] Othman Ibn Affan, he said: There are faults of language in it, and let the Arabs of the desert rectify them with their tongues" (Biographical Dictionary, Ibn Khallikan, p. 401). After Muhammad's death the Koran had to be put together from fragmentary remains and conflicting memory. This was done by the Caliph Uthman who chose what would be go into the Koran. He ordered all other versions of the Koran to be burned on threats of death. (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 6, #510, p. 479: Ulum, p.52f). The Shiites, a large segment of Islam, claims Uthman left out a fourth of the text for political reasons (McClintock and Strong, Cyclopedia, V: 152).
3.    Did you know that Muhammad said some of the Koran was given to him by Satan?? ["Sura" is the word for "Chapter" in the Koran]. Sura 53:19-23 of the Koran says, "Do you see Al-Lat and Al-Ozza, And Manat the third idol besides? What? shall ye have male progeny and God female? This were indeed an unfair partition! These are mere names: ye and your fathers named them thus: God hath not sent down any warranty in their regard." When Muhammad was asked why he taught these three moon goddesses without complaint, he said the devil had confessed him and called these the "Satanic Verses".
4.    Did you know that lying is not evil when it is an advantage to Islam? Sura 24:11 of the The Koran says, "Of a truth, they who advanced that lie were a large number of you; but regard it not as an evil to you. No, it is an advantage to you." This is why Muslims will stand up and tell you "Islam mean peace,' when it actually means "surrender". They are assured it is not evil to say the Koran is against war and killing. Otherwise why would Sura 47:4 of the Koran says, "When ye encounter the infidels (unbelievers), strike off their heads till ye have made a great slaughter among them, and of the rest make fast the fetters." and Sura 9:123 of the Koran says, "Believers! wage war against such of the infidels as are your neighbors, and let them find you rigorous."
5.    The Koran contradiction itself. Here are two examples, eventho there are many others examples:
    (a) For example, it has six contradictory accounts of what man was made from. In Sura 3:59, 30:20, and 35:11, it says that Adam was created out of dust. Then in Sura 21:30, it says, "By means of water we gave life to everything", and Sura 25:54 says, "And it is He who hath created man of water". Then in Sura 96:1 it says, "Thy Lord who created, Created man from CLOTS OF BLOOD". Then in Sura 15:26, it says, "We created man of dry clay". Then in Sura 11:61 it says, "He hath raised you up out of the earth". Finally, in Sura 16:4 and 75:37 it says, "Man hath He created from a moist germ".
    (b) Furthermore, another example is about Noah's son. In Sura 11:42-43 it says that Noah's son was among the drowned. Then in Sura 21:76 and 37:77 it says that Noah and his whole family was delivered safely from the flood.
6.    Yet the biggest reason that I fear Islamic is because according to the Koran what God require for salvation are performing more good deeds than bad and by killing or being killed fighting for Allah. In Sura 7:8-9 and 21:47 it says that Allah saves those whose good deeds outweigh their bad deeds. Then in Sura 4:74 and 47:4-6 it says that fighting for Allah absolutely assures you 100% of Paradise, whether you kill or are killed. Otherwise why would Sura 47:4 of the Koran says, "When ye encounter the infidels (unbelievers), strike off their heads till ye have made a great slaughter among them, and of the rest make fast the fetters." and Sura 9:123 of the Koran says, "Believers! wage war against such of the infidels as are your neighbors, and let them find you rigorous."
Therefore, I am happy that I have chosen to believe the Bible and ask the Lord who loves us and died for us to forgive me, and become my personal Lord and Savior. Then we can claim this promise: Romans 10:23, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved".

Shocked Shocked Shocked Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Posted: at 28-07-2012 09:21 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Solidstonez at 28-07-2012 09:24 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: everyday247 on 25-07-2012 09:13 AM
Great guy but a sell out!  Carrying the bible made me hate him. The same bible that was used to defraud black people. silly guy!!!

Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Posted: at 28-07-2012 09:24 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Solidstonez at 28-07-2012 09:25 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: arsenal123 on 25-07-2012 11:14 AM
President John Evans Attah Mills died on the 24th of the 7month at 37 military hospital age the maths ; 24+7+37= 68. GOD KNOWS BEST! RIP SIR...
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

Posted: at 28-07-2012 09:25 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- dlimelite at 29-07-2012 04:07 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: kalven on 25-07-2012 12:11 AM
Salaam (Hello) ....,
Do you know why Islam is so scarcely to me? So here is a quick list why:
1.    Did you know the moon-god was called "Sin" in ancient Babylon. In Arabia the moon god was called "Al-llah". Later they shortened this to the present day "Allah". The moon god was the center of pagan worship and ruled over the 360 idol gods in Mecca's Kaaba. Three of these other gods were Allah's daughters: al-Uzza, al-Lat, and Manah. (Will Durant, The Story of Civilization, IV:160-161). Moreover the Encyclopedia Britannica's section on "Pre-Islamic" says, "'Allah' was the moon god, the consort of the sun goddess, and father of a number of female deities, al-Lat, al-Uzza, and Manat, whose worship forms a principle feature of the religion of Muhammad's home town of Mecca. Muhammad's father was named Abd-Allah, and his uncle Obied-Allah. The Allah idol was kept in the Kabah temple in Mecca so that it was therefore in that direction the idolaters prayed, and its symbol was the crescent moon. These practices are still part of Allah worship today". Will Durant, the great historian, said Allah was an idol god worshipped by Arabs long before there was an Islamic religion: "Within the Kaaba, in pre-Moslem days, were several idols representing gods. One was called Allah ... three others were Allah's daughters, al-Uzza, al-Lat, and Manah. ..."
2.    "When the first copy of the Koran was written out and presented to [the khalif] Othman Ibn Affan, he said: There are faults of language in it, and let the Arabs of the desert rectify them with their tongues" (Biographical Dictionary, Ibn Khallikan, p. 401). After Muhammad's death the Koran had to be put together from fragmentary remains and conflicting memory. This was done by the Caliph Uthman who chose what would be go into the Koran. He ordered all other versions of the Koran to be burned on threats of death. (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 6, #510, p. 479: Ulum, p.52f). The Shiites, a large segment of Islam, claims Uthman left out a fourth of the text for political reasons (McClintock and Strong, Cyclopedia, V: 152).
3.    Did you know that Muhammad said some of the Koran was given to him by Satan?? ["Sura" is the word for "Chapter" in the Koran]. Sura 53:19-23 of the Koran says, "Do you see Al-Lat and Al-Ozza, And Manat the third idol besides? What? shall ye have male progeny and God female? This were indeed an unfair partition! These are mere names: ye and your fathers named them thus: God hath not sent down any warranty in their regard." When Muhammad was asked why he taught these three moon goddesses without complaint, he said the devil had confessed him and called these the "Satanic Verses".
4.    Did you know that lying is not evil when it is an advantage to Islam? Sura 24:11 of the The Koran says, "Of a truth, they who advanced that lie were a large number of you; but regard it not as an evil to you. No, it is an advantage to you." This is why Muslims will stand up and tell you "Islam mean peace,' when it actually means "surrender". They are assured it is not evil to say the Koran is against war and killing. Otherwise why would Sura 47:4 of the Koran says, "When ye encounter the infidels (unbelievers), strike off their heads till ye have made a great slaughter among them, and of the rest make fast the fetters." and Sura 9:123 of the Koran says, "Believers! wage war against such of the infidels as are your neighbors, and let them find you rigorous."
5.    The Koran contradiction itself. Here are two examples, eventho there are many others examples:
    (a) For example, it has six contradictory accounts of what man was made from. In Sura 3:59, 30:20, and 35:11, it says that Adam was created out of dust. Then in Sura 21:30, it says, "By means of water we gave life to everything", and Sura 25:54 says, "And it is He who hath created man of water". Then in Sura 96:1 it says, "Thy Lord who created, Created man from CLOTS OF BLOOD". Then in Sura 15:26, it says, "We created man of dry clay". Then in Sura 11:61 it says, "He hath raised you up out of the earth". Finally, in Sura 16:4 and 75:37 it says, "Man hath He created from a moist germ".
    (b) Furthermore, another example is about Noah's son. In Sura 11:42-43 it says that Noah's son was among the drowned. Then in Sura 21:76 and 37:77 it says that Noah and his whole family was delivered safely from the flood.
6.    Yet the biggest reason that I fear Islamic is because according to the Koran what God require for salvation are performing more good deeds than bad and by killing or being killed fighting for Allah. In Sura 7:8-9 and 21:47 it says that Allah saves those whose good deeds outweigh their bad deeds. Then in Sura 4:74 and 47:4-6 it says that fighting for Allah absolutely assures you 100% of Paradise, whether you kill or are killed. Otherwise why would Sura 47:4 of the Koran says, "When ye encounter the infidels (unbelievers), strike off their heads till ye have made a great slaughter among them, and of the rest make fast the fetters." and Sura 9:123 of the Koran says, "Believers! wage war against such of the infidels as are your neighbors, and let them find you rigorous."
Therefore, I am happy that I have chosen to believe the Bible and ask the Lord who loves us and died for us to forgive me, and become my personal Lord and Savior. Then we can claim this promise: Romans 10:23, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved".

Stop posting this crap it's everywhere. No one cares about your Islamic essay. Instead of paying some respect to the deceased you come post this rubbish.
Posted: at 29-07-2012 04:07 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- dlimelite at 29-07-2012 04:09 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: benisgood on 25-07-2012 08:45 AM
Poster, Please tell the story the way it happened. Who told u that the man died en-route Nigeria?
Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?
Posted: at 29-07-2012 04:09 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- dlimelite at 29-07-2012 04:13 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: aso4life1 on 25-07-2012 10:36 AM
what kind of CNN,ALJazeera or BBC did you subscribed for? is it the one that was taken over by BOKO HARAM?
Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin you go kill me o
Posted: at 29-07-2012 04:13 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- dlimelite at 29-07-2012 04:14 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: arsenal123 on 25-07-2012 11:14 AM
President John Evans Attah Mills died on the 24th of the 7month at 37 military hospital age the maths ; 24+7+37= 68. GOD KNOWS BEST! RIP SIR...
Posted: at 29-07-2012 04:14 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- dlimelite at 29-07-2012 04:20 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: Methuselah on 24-07-2012 06:36 PM
  Great guy but a sell out!  Carrying the bible made me hate him. The same bible that was used to defraud black people. silly guy!!!
Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Youre crazy.
Posted: at 29-07-2012 04:20 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- dlimelite at 29-07-2012 04:22 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: gentlefelix on 24-07-2012 08:47 PM
Na true now, if you dey doubt me, make I give you the name of my village, you go find out yourself. Him involved him only male pikin for his juju thing, him go go get am, the boy go dig ground for my grandmother's compound, dem go bury am, then him wife go cover the spot with cocoyams so that their pikins dem no go be the ones to step on the juju. His days are numbered. Him go die soon and before that him go confess for village market. I no sabi why God no wan send holy ghost thunder to strike him dumb
Ok I hear you
Posted: at 29-07-2012 04:22 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- dlimelite at 29-07-2012 04:27 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: Dan_Fulani on 25-07-2012 04:20 AM

Ghana President John Atta Mills was a good man. He made
contributions to his country that made some differences.
His main contribution was as a professor. He will be missed.
May his soul rest in peace.

dan fulani

wish we had a president like him. He will be missed
Posted: at 29-07-2012 04:27 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- osamabinladin at 29-07-2012 09:48 PM (12 years ago)
Posted: at 29-07-2012 09:48 PM (12 years ago) | Hero
- mallorca at 29-07-2012 11:16 PM (12 years ago)

Posted: at 29-07-2012 11:16 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- dickman2 at 31-07-2012 10:44 PM (12 years ago)
 Huh? Huh? Huh?
Posted: at 31-07-2012 10:44 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- lilababy at 12-04-2013 02:06 PM (11 years ago)

my name is Lila, am here seeking for a long term and true friendship with you so please if you don't mind i will like you to write back at ([email protected]) so that i will give you more of my pictures and also tell you more about myself
I will be waiting for your lovely reply soon

please try to write me with my email ([email protected])

Greetings from
Posted: at 12-04-2013 02:06 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
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