I'll pay the winner $100

Date: 17-04-2008 9:55 am (16 years ago) | Author: Dr Smile
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- at 17-04-2008 09:55 AM (16 years ago)
I need a precise answer to this question, the winner get's $100 from me.

The chicken and the egg, which came first?

Posted: at 17-04-2008 09:55 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- myragonza at 17-04-2008 10:02 AM (16 years ago)

hw are u gonna pass that money....thru Western Union...? Grin

Posted: at 17-04-2008 10:02 AM (16 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- DrSmile at 17-04-2008 11:07 AM (16 years ago)
Any how the person wants it, may through e-currency like e-gold or Liberty Reserve.

Posted: at 17-04-2008 11:07 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- myragonza at 17-04-2008 12:15 PM (16 years ago)
ok Dr Smile....talk to my doctor here....her name is Dr V.... Cool

Posted: at 17-04-2008 12:15 PM (16 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- DrSmile at 17-04-2008 12:29 PM (16 years ago)
Gosh...  Shocked i checked ur profile, all i did was check my big butt on the mirror. Are u a crusader for ass or what?

Ooops.... can't u attempt the question?

Posted: at 17-04-2008 12:29 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- Grease at 17-04-2008 04:20 PM (16 years ago)
Quote from: DrSmile on 17-04-2008 09:55 AM
I need a precise answer to this question, the winner get's $100 from me.

The chicken and the egg, which came first?

None, an egg is what turns to a chicken and chicken lays egg that turns to anther chicken so i will say none lol

This is a tricky question  Smiley Send me my $100 via my personal payment link: http://5351588.e-gold.com/

Posted: at 17-04-2008 04:20 PM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- DrSmile at 17-04-2008 09:12 PM (16 years ago)
Quote from: Grease on 17-04-2008 04:20 PM
Quote from: DrSmile on 17-04-2008 09:55 AM
I need a precise answer to this question, the winner get's $100 from me.

The chicken and the egg, which came first?

None, an egg is what turns to a chicken and chicken lays egg that turns to anther chicken so i will say none lol

This is a tricky question  Smiley Send me my $100 via my personal payment link: http://5351588.e-gold.com/

what makes you think that's the answer? Keep guessing... hope someone wins it. One of them must come first.

Quote from: Grease on 17-04-2008 04:20 PM
Quote from: DrSmile on 17-04-2008 09:55 AM
I need a precise answer to this question, the winner get's $100 from me.

The chicken and the egg, which came first?

None, an egg is what turns to a chicken and chicken lays egg that turns to anther chicken so i will say none lol

This is a tricky question  Smiley Send me my $100 via my personal payment link: http://5351588.e-gold.com/

Posted: at 17-04-2008 09:12 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- Vixenx at 18-04-2008 02:19 AM (16 years ago)
Quote from: DrSmile on 17-04-2008 09:55 AM
I need a precise answer to this question, the winner get's $100 from me.

The chicken and the egg, which came first?

neither.....this ain't nothing but a 419.
Posted: at 18-04-2008 02:19 AM (16 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- myragonza at 18-04-2008 07:56 AM (16 years ago)
if i said chicken,it came from the egg...and if i say egg,who gives birth to it.....

so its none.....Mr Dentist Dr. Smiley

Posted: at 18-04-2008 07:56 AM (16 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Vixenx at 19-04-2008 03:00 PM (16 years ago)
Posted: at 19-04-2008 03:00 PM (16 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- 2HT2TCH at 20-04-2008 05:55 AM (16 years ago)
if its from a biblical perspective it would be the chicken cus good created the animals whole.
but from a scientific perspes=ctive it will be the egg. the dinosours evolved over millions of years to wat we have as a chicken today. probably by genetic mutation or mating with other similar species.

wen do i get my money DR slime?
Posted: at 20-04-2008 05:55 AM (16 years ago) | Upcoming
- myragonza at 20-04-2008 08:44 AM (16 years ago)
Quote from: 2HT2TCH on 20-04-2008 05:55 AM
if its from a biblical perspective it would be the chicken cus good created the animals whole.
but from a scientific perspes=ctive it will be the egg. the dinosours evolved over millions of years to wat we have as a chicken today. probably by genetic mutation or mating with other similar species.

wen do i get my money DR slime?

lol......this might be 419 nah....

Posted: at 20-04-2008 08:44 AM (16 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Vixenx at 20-04-2008 11:54 PM (16 years ago)
unless he gives d money to dguy first for verication purposes... Grin Grin Grin
Posted: at 20-04-2008 11:54 PM (16 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- britelife at 21-04-2008 01:09 AM (16 years ago)
Its the chick that comes first.

Mind you, when the segxwal intercourse took place, the sperm formed the chicken first which makes it comes first.

Then after a while, the shell began to form and then covers the chick.

..............The rest you know.

My 2 kobos.
Posted: at 21-04-2008 01:09 AM (16 years ago) | Upcoming
- myragonza at 21-04-2008 04:31 AM (16 years ago)
Quote from: britelife on 21-04-2008 01:09 AM
Its the chick that comes first.

Mind you, when the segxwal intercourse took place, the sperm formed the chicken first which makes it comes first.

Then after a while, the shell began to form and then covers the chick.

..............The rest you know.

My 2 kobos.

tell us the rest...we need to have complete answers...

Posted: at 21-04-2008 04:31 AM (16 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Vixenx at 22-04-2008 09:42 PM (16 years ago)
will be waiting 2
Posted: at 22-04-2008 09:42 PM (16 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- myragonza at 23-04-2008 09:46 AM (16 years ago)
so where is this Dr. Smile now...... Grin

Posted: at 23-04-2008 09:46 AM (16 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- babieada at 17-09-2008 04:29 AM (16 years ago)
d egg 1st b4 d chicken, way my money
Posted: at 17-09-2008 04:29 AM (16 years ago) | Upcoming
- myragonza at 18-09-2008 04:52 PM (16 years ago)
its being used for his dentist check-ups... Grin Grin

Posted: at 18-09-2008 04:52 PM (16 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- olahsupo at 19-09-2008 12:16 PM (16 years ago)
Dr Smile where are ya... we need da answer!
Posted: at 19-09-2008 12:16 PM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
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