A veterinarian surgeon

Date: 22-04-2009 1:03 pm (15 years ago) | Author: 14_Inches
- at 22-04-2009 01:03 PM (15 years ago)
A veterinarian surgeon had had a hell of a day, but when he got
home from tending to all the sick animals his wife was waiting
with a long cool drink and a romantic candle-lit dinner, after
which they had a few more drinks and went happily to bed.
As soon as they started the show and he was climaxing, the time was around 2:0 in the morning, suddenly the phone rang !!!!

 "Is this the vet?" asked an elderly lady's voice.

"Yes, it is", replied the vet, "Is this an emergency?"

"Well, sort of", said the elderly lady, "there's a whole bunch of
cats on the roof outside making a terrible noise mating and I
can't get to sleep. What can I do about it?" 

There was a sharp intake of breath from the vet, who then
patiently replied "Open the window and tell them they're wanted
on the phone"

"Really?" said the elderly lady, "Will that will that stop them?"

"Should do," said the vet, "- IT STOPPED ME!"


Posted: at 22-04-2009 01:03 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- iphie at 22-04-2009 01:06 PM (15 years ago)
lol, poor vet
Posted: at 22-04-2009 01:06 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Kristiantus at 22-04-2009 02:31 PM (15 years ago)
hahahaa...  Grin Grin Grin
see wahala ooooo...
Posted: at 22-04-2009 02:31 PM (15 years ago) | Hero
- dinho4lyf at 23-04-2009 07:55 PM (15 years ago)
Na small
Posted: at 23-04-2009 07:55 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Sheenor at 23-04-2009 08:02 PM (15 years ago)

Posted: at 23-04-2009 08:02 PM (15 years ago) | Hero
- Recoverd at 24-04-2009 07:51 AM (15 years ago)
Round 2 bigins
Posted: at 24-04-2009 07:51 AM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- nickyvil at 24-04-2009 08:01 AM (15 years ago)
yes oo
Posted: at 24-04-2009 08:01 AM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- quinzee4me at 24-04-2009 11:39 AM (15 years ago)
ur own no pass phyuk


ehnnn ehnn i don remember one native doctor witch wey dey like that size of 14inches long
i go introduce u to her u no get problem once u phyuk her u go reduce reach one inches

Posted: at 24-04-2009 11:39 AM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- size1 at 24-04-2009 12:21 PM (15 years ago)
Posted: at 24-04-2009 12:21 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- quinzee4me at 24-04-2009 02:40 PM (15 years ago)

thats y i said ur crazy

so ur still passing

holyghost fire consume that leg

passer my foot
Posted: at 24-04-2009 02:40 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- KleverC at 26-04-2009 03:04 PM (15 years ago)

Posted: at 26-04-2009 03:04 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- LadyBig2009 at 26-04-2009 08:38 PM (15 years ago)
Posted: at 26-04-2009 08:38 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- Emmanuel4christ at 27-04-2009 03:34 AM (15 years ago)
Posted: at 27-04-2009 03:34 AM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ironlady at 27-04-2009 03:48 AM (15 years ago)
quin u and size 1 dey fight ni.....every post of size 1 is in perfect trouble with u abi?
Posted: at 27-04-2009 03:48 AM (15 years ago) | Hero
- myragonza at 27-04-2009 09:34 AM (15 years ago)
 Undecided Undecided Undecided

he shouldn't have answered the phone

Posted: at 27-04-2009 09:34 AM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- emmymth at 27-04-2009 02:10 PM (15 years ago)
Quote from: Recoverd on 24-04-2009 07:51 AM
Round 2 bigins
Round 1 neva complete

Posted: at 27-04-2009 02:10 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac

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