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ajanni at 12-01-2013 09:45 AM (12 years ago) (m) Reply |
Rihannaaa at 12-01-2013 02:44 PM (12 years ago) (f) This poster, u yeye oooo. Wetin naija girls do u reach this level? The fact that ur gf dumped u doesnt mean u have to come here and post this rubbish? Dont u have mothers and sisters at home? All these u wrote applies to girls all over the world and not just naija girls so HUSH
I dont look like Rihanna... Rihanna looks like me! Posted: at 12-01-2013 02:44 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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I AM WHO I AM, IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, YOU CAN BLOODY DO THE OTHER THING AND FCUK ALL HATERZ Posted: at 12-01-2013 06:01 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero | |
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koyes at 12-01-2013 06:03 PM (12 years ago) (f) Words of a jilted and frustrated imbecile. I pity your mother and sisters,that is if you are not a lonely bastard! Posted: at 12-01-2013 06:03 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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I AM WHO I AM, IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, YOU CAN BLOODY DO THE OTHER THING AND FCUK ALL HATERZ Posted: at 12-01-2013 06:14 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero | |
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ajanni at 12-01-2013 07:43 PM (12 years ago) (m) Reply |
I AM WHO I AM, IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, YOU CAN BLOODY DO THE OTHER THING AND FCUK ALL HATERZ Posted: at 13-01-2013 06:26 AM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero | |
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jo_El at 13-01-2013 06:48 AM (12 years ago) (m) Stupid post, again! Poverty at its worst! Please exclude me from ur stupid statistics of Nigerian guys that don't respect their girls, I adore mine. You have serious issues, u need to see a shrink asap. Posted: at 13-01-2013 06:48 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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ajanni at 13-01-2013 07:31 AM (12 years ago) (m) Posted: at 13-01-2013 07:31 AM (12 years ago) | Grande Master | |
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Let He without sin cast the first Stone ..... Abegi jare Nobody Holy Pass .... As some ladies dey useless Na some Men too dey Over useless ... Posted: at 13-01-2013 08:43 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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ajanni at 13-01-2013 08:47 AM (12 years ago) (m) Reply |
I AM WHO I AM, IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, YOU CAN BLOODY DO THE OTHER THING AND FCUK ALL HATERZ Posted: at 13-01-2013 05:34 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero | |
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ajanni at 13-01-2013 06:31 PM (12 years ago) (m) Reply |
HOPEA23 at 15-01-2013 06:48 PM (12 years ago) (f) Stupid post, again! Poverty at its worst! Please exclude me from ur stupid statistics of Nigerian guys that don't respect their girls, I adore mine. You have serious issues, u need to see a shrink asap.
wise talk
LOVE COMES TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN IT...LET TALK ABOUT LOVE. Posted: at 15-01-2013 06:48 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero | |
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ajanni at 15-01-2013 10:29 PM (12 years ago) (m) Reply |
 your own na to dey look lıke ghost nawao
EXPERT ıs'LL I SEE my moda ıs frm chına my fada ıs frm sudan they gave bırth to me ın somalıa Posted: at 15-01-2013 10:39 PM (12 years ago) | Hero | |
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sophiebaby at 16-01-2013 09:53 AM (12 years ago) (f) who tell you say you fine? you aaalu monki?
monki! ur ward man wey dey gv u food for zoo dey look for u, whr u carry dat chimp girl go.. Gorilla
Life is 2short to wake up in the morning with regrets. LOVE KEEPS NO RECORD OF WRONGS*SOPHIEBABY* :* Posted: at 16-01-2013 09:53 AM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero | |
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ajanni at 16-01-2013 03:28 PM (12 years ago) (m) mad girl Posted: at 16-01-2013 03:28 PM (12 years ago) | Grande Master | |
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ebonyxxx at 16-01-2013 11:24 PM (12 years ago) (m) ABI O?  ? please don't even go there!!! many of these white girls has no morals, no standard, no yard stick . to them it is a status thing . or what do you expect from a lady raised by single parent, whose mum or foster parents or social worker, who suppose to be a role model is even worse.
back home!!! first i think those pot belly bastard called politicians, who send their own children to overseas for education; and bend in their evil ways to destroy another mans child , SHOULD REPENT!!! AND CHANGE secondly the girls too should realize that money is good and important BUT NOT EVERYTHING Posted: at 16-01-2013 11:24 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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