How To Seduce Her In Ten Minutes

Date: 01-03-2013 4:52 pm (11 years ago) | Author: Idbabe
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- at 1-03-2013 04:52 PM (11 years ago)
Many things run through a woman’s mind when you meet.
Here’s how to go from “hello” to “oh my.”

Your Approach

Her brain quickly vets your height and facial symmetry the moment you meet. Now convince her of your character. Approach confidently; don’t pretend to bump into her. Men tend to talk to each other at angles to avoid confrontation. But women face each other head-on and maintain eye contact.

Your Introduction

A good handshake isn’t a shortcut to her bed, but a bad one can doom you. Hands are loaded with tactile nerves, and people with weak, clammy handshakes were perceived as shy and neurotic in a recent study. So hold your drink in your left hand and give her a firm but not bone-crushing grasp. Pay attention to her grip as well: The same study showed that women who give firmer handshakes tend to be more adventurous.

Your Voice

The most attractive women prefer deep-voiced men. It suggests high testosterone levels, a sign of strength and reproductive prowess. Push out air with your diaphragm, not your throat. This lengthens the column of air moving past your vocal cords.

Your Icebreaker

Say something that will draw out details about her. “Your friends seem nice—how did you get to know them?” is a compliment and a window into her past. Forming a bond will release dopamine, a mood booster in her brain. Show off your interest with verbal nods of agreement (“uh-huh,” “go on”).

Your Conversation

We all know to ask lots of questions and to avoid flat-out boasting. But don’t sell yourself short. Women listen very carefully for signs of status and wealth. Keep any references to financial or personal success oblique, though—let her curiosity draw out the details. Another crucial conversation tip: Talk at the same pace she does and she’ll consider you intelligent, kind, confident, and ambitious.

Your Body Language

Attraction causes couples to mirror each other’s body language. But don’t be overeager to connect. Stay relaxed and let her set the tone. Fidgeting conveys nervousness and triggers the empathetic release of stress chemicals in her brain. Once she brushes your shoulder or thigh, reciprocate within a minute or two. Or touch her inner forearm, a nerve-rich zone that will create sparks.

Your Deal Closer

If you’ve made the right sort of first impression, she might be wondering how you are in bed. Consciously or not, she’s looking for signs that you’re patient and sensitive to the ways her body finds pleasure. Show refined tastes and sensitivity the rest of the time and she’ll suspect you have others worth exploring—back at her place.

Posted: at 1-03-2013 04:52 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- Babydock1 at 1-03-2013 05:17 PM (11 years ago)
A lot of men take politeness for love.
Posted: at 1-03-2013 05:17 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- Idbabe at 1-03-2013 05:53 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: Babydock1 on  1-03-2013 05:17 PM
A lot of men take politeness for love.

Pele don't mind them. Continue to be polite. Ɣ☺ΰ hear, its a positive attitude.
Posted: at 1-03-2013 05:53 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- giftmurphy at 1-03-2013 07:34 PM (11 years ago)
 Cool Cool Cool..nice
Posted: at 1-03-2013 07:34 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- chicco77 at 1-03-2013 09:46 PM (11 years ago)
 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
Posted: at 1-03-2013 09:46 PM (11 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- BlueIxora at 1-03-2013 09:55 PM (11 years ago)
Six pack also helps. So go to the gym and get rid of that your eru eru pregnany.
Posted: at 1-03-2013 09:55 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- PidginMOUTH at 1-03-2013 09:56 PM (11 years ago)
 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
Posted: at 1-03-2013 09:56 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- toibeli at 1-03-2013 10:42 PM (11 years ago)
Idbabe, will these seduction tactics work for you Huh?
Posted: at 1-03-2013 10:42 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- osamabinladin at 1-03-2013 11:14 PM (11 years ago)
Noted !
Posted: at 1-03-2013 11:14 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- ezchusa at 1-03-2013 11:15 PM (11 years ago)
Make i go test am first

Posted: at 1-03-2013 11:15 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- zoe61 at 1-03-2013 11:22 PM (11 years ago)
 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
Posted: at 1-03-2013 11:22 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- mercy-Edo at 2-03-2013 12:41 AM (11 years ago)
this poster na ashawo ..this is your style to seduce people husband..eyes to eyes..ashawo calabar..soon no men go roll eyes for u again ...age don come na..your time don finish..
Posted: at 2-03-2013 12:41 AM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
- sirenoch at 2-03-2013 03:24 AM (11 years ago)
Hmmn, new corruption tactics. By the time you try it and it does not work, then you will turn to a rapist

Posted: at 2-03-2013 03:24 AM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- sirenoch at 2-03-2013 03:41 AM (11 years ago)
Quote from: sirenoch on  2-03-2013 03:24 AM
Hmmn, new corruption tactics. By the time you try it and it does not work, then you will turn to a rapist

Posted: at 2-03-2013 03:41 AM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- reallarry at 2-03-2013 08:30 AM (11 years ago)
Quote from: Babydock1 on  1-03-2013 05:17 PM
A lot of men take politeness for love.

I think some women don't even know the difference btwn seductiveness and politeness
Posted: at 2-03-2013 08:30 AM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- Solidstonez at 2-03-2013 08:36 AM (11 years ago)
 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Posted: at 2-03-2013 08:36 AM (11 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Solidstonez at 2-03-2013 08:36 AM (11 years ago)
Quote from: mercy-Edo on  2-03-2013 12:41 AM
this poster na ashawo ..this is your style to seduce people husband..eyes to eyes..ashawo calabar..soon no men go roll eyes for u again ...age don come na..your time don finish..
Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Lips Sealed

Posted: at 2-03-2013 08:36 AM (11 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Idbabe at 2-03-2013 09:59 AM (11 years ago)
Quote from: ezchusa on  1-03-2013 11:15 PM
Make i go test am first

G  and test and come back on time. Ɣ☺ΰ hear? Good pikin
Posted: at 2-03-2013 09:59 AM (11 years ago) | Hero
- webrose at 2-03-2013 10:45 AM (11 years ago)
Posted: at 2-03-2013 10:45 AM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
- bado_59 at 2-03-2013 10:54 AM (11 years ago)
Posted: at 2-03-2013 10:54 AM (11 years ago) | Newbie
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