Like the gospel for repentance, the ZIP UP slogan has become a mere saying without the supose effect and caution in our minds. The word lost its weight by the rampant sales of condom and other medical aid to promot casual sex. Married men and women has also help promot casual sex by comiting adultry and defiling their bed openly so that the young ones (9ja pals) who sees our elders as models, are left with nothing but to do more as a student is expected to have a brighter furture and do more than his teacher. But my words to all 9ja pals is that we should ZIP UP. Let us REBRAND 9ja not only for economic, political, akademik, social etc interest but also MORALLY. It will help us to be good husbands to our wifes tomorow. I know you can and we can do it. LET"S ZIP PLEASE. My 9ja pals, una tu much, abeg draw up ya zip. For me, i don ZIP UP tey tey. No bi 2day. Cheers ma guys.
Posted: at 20-05-2009 08:02 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
chik2005 at 21-05-2009 04:53 AM (15 years ago) (m)
go religion.wrong page.
Posted: at 21-05-2009 04:53 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
i'm sorry for you, by the time you contact one of these STDs you will know he's right and must be said to everyone who cares for himself not the religious ones alone. it must be said here.
Posted: at 21-05-2009 09:27 AM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
Like the gospel for repentance, the ZIP UP slogan has become a mere saying without the supose effect and caution in our minds. The word lost its weight by the rampant sales of condom and other medical aid to promot casual sex. Married men and women has also help promot casual sex by comiting adultry and defiling their bed openly so that the young ones (9ja pals) who sees our elders as models, are left with nothing but to do more as a student is expected to have a brighter furture and do more than his teacher. But my words to all 9ja pals is that we should ZIP UP. Let us REBRAND 9ja not only for economic, political, akademik, social etc interest but also MORALLY. It will help us to be good husbands to our wifes tomorow. I know you can and we can do it. LET"S ZIP PLEASE. My 9ja pals, una tu much, abeg draw up ya zip. For me, i don ZIP UP tey tey. No bi 2day. Cheers ma guys.
buy us a zip
Posted: at 21-05-2009 02:06 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming