[Photos] Baby Rescued Alive From A Toilet Pipe After Being Flushed By Parents (Page 5)

Date: 28-05-2013 1:56 pm (11 years ago) | Author: Charles colins
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- dewalkbjo at 29-05-2013 12:46 PM (11 years ago)
Posted: at 29-05-2013 12:46 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- sweetbb at 29-05-2013 01:24 PM (11 years ago)
this is more than wickness
Posted: at 29-05-2013 01:24 PM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
- OwesomeGod at 29-05-2013 02:20 PM (11 years ago)
But people should respect God o! See wonder nah!
Posted: at 29-05-2013 02:20 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- loversrazor at 29-05-2013 02:25 PM (11 years ago)
Poster please stop lying. The baby wasn't intentionally flushed in the toilet, the baby mistakingly fell in the toilet during birth and the parents reported to the police about the incident. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-22700607
Posted: at 29-05-2013 02:25 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- onlyGodknows at 29-05-2013 05:53 PM (11 years ago)
Evil, Chinese government has a rule that is evil too. Evil begets evil.
Posted: at 29-05-2013 05:53 PM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
- goodhealth at 29-05-2013 07:20 PM (11 years ago)
So bad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry
Posted: at 29-05-2013 07:20 PM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
- nairaboy212 at 29-05-2013 08:06 PM (11 years ago)
It is a wicked heart to do such an act it is forbidden to abandon the blood of your own some female are just so wicked in this world on GOD will save all of us
Posted: at 29-05-2013 08:06 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- rosify at 29-05-2013 09:46 PM (11 years ago)
Why are we surprised at this?  This is a consequence of one-child policy in China.  If a woman is pregnant with another baby,  Chinese authorities either force her to abort or even torture her to death.  I refer the reader to pro-life sites on the Internet and read stories of atrocities committed in China on account of one-child policy.  I thank God for keeping this baby alive.  God really wants to teach us some lessons.  Nigeria, beware! Be warned.  President Goodluck Jonathan, please, reject any money or gift coming from western countries, especially America and Bill Gates for population control.  Nigeria is not overpopulated.  God has endowed us with natural resources for our upkeep.  Every country has enough food to feed its citizens.  Our problem is the greediness of some of those in authority.  Very few people control the resources of a whole country, leaving the rest poor.  God save us!  Amen.
Posted: at 29-05-2013 09:46 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- Senegal at 30-05-2013 12:38 AM (11 years ago)
This baby is a fighter, thank God for his life
Posted: at 30-05-2013 12:38 AM (11 years ago) | Hero
- dlimelite at 30-05-2013 01:01 AM (11 years ago)
Can a baby that size really be flushed down the toilet? What a world....
Posted: at 30-05-2013 01:01 AM (11 years ago) | Hero
- dlimelite at 30-05-2013 01:02 AM (11 years ago)
Thank God the baby was rescued
Posted: at 30-05-2013 01:02 AM (11 years ago) | Hero
- kelechiawurum at 30-05-2013 05:01 AM (11 years ago)
i no understand chiko ppl
Posted: at 30-05-2013 05:01 AM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
- Chickyzee at 30-05-2013 08:27 AM (11 years ago)
Som parent are jes heartless
Posted: at 30-05-2013 08:27 AM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- pepe4real at 30-05-2013 08:42 AM (11 years ago)
God I thank u because u hv done it again,may ur name b praise.I named him MIRACLE
Posted: at 30-05-2013 08:42 AM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- bado_59 at 30-05-2013 09:01 AM (11 years ago)
God is wonderful for keeping the baby alive it's a great wonder
Posted: at 30-05-2013 09:01 AM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- ajanni at 30-05-2013 09:40 AM (11 years ago)
Quote from: kebella on 29-05-2013 07:12 AM
Angry Angry Angry Angry

can,t you talk?
 Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Posted: at 30-05-2013 09:40 AM (11 years ago) | Grande Master
- Gentlelovenaija at 30-05-2013 12:32 PM (11 years ago)
May God have mercy upon wicked parents.
Posted: at 30-05-2013 12:32 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- blessedjully at 30-05-2013 12:59 PM (11 years ago)
 Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry. Baba God eshee
Posted: at 30-05-2013 12:59 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- pipple at 30-05-2013 04:32 PM (11 years ago)
very bad of her. thank God that the baby is alive.
Posted: at 30-05-2013 04:32 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- ajanni at 30-05-2013 04:47 PM (11 years ago)
 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
Posted: at 30-05-2013 04:47 PM (11 years ago) | Grande Master
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