In advance countries their security agencies- police have a slogan to serve and protect and that is the case, but not as seen in Nigeria police force. On the 12Th of June 2013, student of the department of Engineering University of Uyo went on a peaceful demonstration against the increment of transportation fare as was reported on news papers, internet and individual report that when they got there, the security personnel stop them from gaining access to the vice chancellor which resulted to them throwing stones. The security personnel alerted the police, on the arrival of the Nigerian police force, the used teargas to try to dispatch the students, but when that failed, the resulted to use live ammunition “bullets” which resulted to the death of one Master Kingsley Udoetteh also known as Kesse. This agitated and instigated the burning of some school properties and facilities by the demonstrating students. Students started evacuating the school premises with their bag and luggage to make haste for save harving, out of fear of the next person that might be gun down by the Nigeria police. Now to add insult to injury, the best the Nigeria Police on ground could do was to stand guard in front of the male hostel, assuring the scare student that where trying to get their belongings and make haste for a saver domain, was that they where in safe hands and been protected by them which now made some of the students to remain calm and waiting for the heat to die down, only to be rounded up by them (police) after more reinforcement was on ground. The police could not hold to detain any of the demonstrating student(s) at the scene when all the burning and damaging were going on, but rather, went for the students in the hostel, trying to make way home. (Is/Was this the right thing to do?)
The boys where taken to the police station at ikot akpanabia and where put in police cell for 6days without being charged or told that they where under arrest for a particular crime, the only information given to parents and guardians where that they where only be questioned and asked to write statement and wait for responds from the “commissioner” in charge of the case, one would not overlook the fact that this students and some indigene caught alone side have an age range of 17 and above with some of them being their first time away from home as freshers in the university, have now share cell block or rooms with criminals and offenders, they psychological and physical trauma cannot be overrated the societal stigma his damaging.
The family of the deceased student sued the police for the murder of their son, and then the police in turn charged their detainees for vandalization of school property, and then charged them to court. This was the same people (police) who where assuring the parent and guardians of their released after their statement have been collected (“Second time deceitful assurance”). They families of the detained student cannot express their pain, distress, disappointment and betrayal by the Nigerian police on seeing their young kids been taken from police cell like convicted criminals (“oh what Justice”, oh what is Justice?!, or is this justice?!”.) Money made for tuition fee is now been used for the hire of barristers and solicitors. Money made for family up keep his now been used for transportation to prison yard, police station, court etc.
At the time of this write up (05-July-2013) the now prison inmate student have spent 22days not inclusive with days spent in police cell. “Who will speak for the innocent? who would pay the bail bond for the innocent? Where is the guilty?”-Because no one have proofed this once guilty.
I call on the Federal Government, the Judiciary, all Human Right Activist and Organization, concern citizens and the international community to speak on behalf of this people and let Justice take it rightful course, as they once that are already in the prison yard where not caught at the seen of the crime. Thank you for your time and understanding as I anticipate your positive response.
Signed by
Concerned citizen 4 Naija
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