Is John Dumelo trying to tell us that he will be having a Mrs sometime soon or is he just being real with his situation?
Surely, John has several girls around who will die to me that Mrs, but I guess it is not always about what the girls want, rather what he wants as a person…
Unless John Dumelo wants to tell us he does not have enough money to be able to provide the designer bags/dresses and unnecessary needs of some of her colleague movie stars, there are certainly several of them who would gladly jump unto his bed. After all, they go to be lonely too or with people’s husbands—we think.
Oh I got the above sentence wrong, he want a real MRS and not a booty call or a ‘cash chewer’…
Whatever it is, John wants you to know that, not all that glitter is gold; it is not that great with him—-hope we are not heading to the world of bedroom depression.
Check out John Dumelo’s tweets…

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