Producing $3000 Half-Caste Babies Business Booming In Ghana - Report (Page 3)

Date: 25-01-2014 9:56 pm (11 years ago) | Author: Charles colins
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- rzq2012 at 26-01-2014 01:30 PM (11 years ago)
alien babies

Posted: at 26-01-2014 01:30 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- Donsagacious at 26-01-2014 02:16 PM (11 years ago)
Mother Africa is it stands weeps for them already... Ama rep Africa till i die! Shebi u fit bleach 4rm black 2 white? Try it d oda way round and if it works... I may den toe d line of dis psychophancy.... Retards!!!

Posted: at 26-01-2014 02:16 PM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
- rotawo at 26-01-2014 02:26 PM (11 years ago)
hope this does not come to naija
beast of no nation
Posted: at 26-01-2014 02:26 PM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
- angesco at 26-01-2014 02:30 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: angesco on 26-01-2014 10:00 AM
Black people have been so indoctrinated to see nothing good in ourselves that in years to come the only black people left  to see will be those in  story books, old photos and dead bodies of Africans in museums!

God forbid.
Posted: at 26-01-2014 02:30 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- reddish at 26-01-2014 03:16 PM (11 years ago)
am jealous of my colour....BLACK !
Posted: at 26-01-2014 03:16 PM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
- osarobo62 at 26-01-2014 03:30 PM (11 years ago)
Posted: at 26-01-2014 03:30 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- LuvlyLuv at 26-01-2014 04:36 PM (11 years ago)
Oh my people Babylon is falling! Babylon is falling! come out of her and be saved.........oh thou generation of vibers God is angry with this generation, we have done worst than sodom and Gomorah
Posted: at 26-01-2014 04:36 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- innocentbola at 26-01-2014 06:01 PM (11 years ago)
Just click to make money:
Posted: at 26-01-2014 06:01 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- cocoeni at 26-01-2014 07:27 PM (11 years ago)
 Huh? Huh?
Posted: at 26-01-2014 07:27 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- Yossman at 26-01-2014 09:37 PM (11 years ago)
what a mess
Posted: at 26-01-2014 09:37 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- PeacetoU at 27-01-2014 10:55 AM (11 years ago)
Nonsense what happened to who you are. Half caste ko mixed race ni
Posted: at 27-01-2014 10:55 AM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ObyWBabaK at 27-01-2014 03:43 PM (11 years ago)
 Huh? Huh? Huh? Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Sad Sad Sad Sad Angry Angry Angry Angry Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed
Posted: at 27-01-2014 03:43 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
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