Rainbow Of God Church For HOMOsegxwalS Opens + List Of Members &What Goes On Insi

Date: 05-03-2014 6:35 am (10 years ago) | Author: franel
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- at 5-03-2014 06:35 AM (10 years ago)
«§» 5 March 2014

EXPOSED: Rainbow Of God Church For HOMOsegxwalS Opens + List Of Members &What Goes On Inside REVEALED
Gay ism and acceptance into the society especially in Africa has dominated the media waves for sometimes. Countries such as Nigeria, Zimbabwe and latest Uganda have defied threats from the big boys and assigned laws criminalizing homosegxwality. While under the Kenyan laws, homosegxwality is a crime however the nuts have been a bit loosened and many gays in the region finds Kenya as a safe harbor.

Media has played its part in highlighting the issue and given a wider platform to discuss, according to a recent research by GFT which was conducted across 152 countries worldwide to find out the acceptance of gay ism, Kenya scored 90% to mean that percentage of Kenyans are anti-gay ism.

While things are "shitty" for homosegxwals in the neighboring Uganda, their Kenyan counterparts have been up to some holy moves. It has been exclusively confirmed through a reliable source an insider in the Nairobi Gays sphere of this homosegxwals church which was opened in November last year and has remained unknown to the public. The church was established in Kitisuru estate in the leafy suburbs of Nairobi. The church has now been fully operational for four months and conducting their services right inside the home. Reportedly, the house of homosegxwal’s church where they worship belongs to a Scottish gay couple only identified as Mugwas by the source - a coded name.
"Gays have been isolated and taken as ungodly, truth of the matter is we are like any other human beings and we believe in God, why is it so hard for people to accept that. A gay person cannot go into any normal church without being given that 'the f*ck' look. There was a need to have a place of our own where you can walk in and worship your God with ease and freedom" Says Cyrus Mweek*name changed* in an exclusive interview with the reporter.

The reporter finds out that their Church has concentrated more with the elite gays class in Nairobi and is an only invite since they don't want anyone blowing up their cover. Initially, the idea of the church in Nairobi was ignited by a Ugandan gay philanthropist only named to us as Velin, a strong Christian and Anglican priest who was suspended following molestation allegations on young boys. "He never wanted to stop serving God but still couldn't stop being gay. He has a Kenyan boyfriend who is a manager at a department in KENGEN, so in one of the many gays get together in Karen sometime in June last year, he made the proposal, luckily Mugwas(the Scottish gay couple, housing the church) liked the idea and that's  how it started.

The church which is operating illegal since it has not been registered calls itself the Rainbow Of God Church. The rules are made to suit the homosegxwal’s lifestyle. The dressing code is liberal and open, one is allowed to dress just the way they like, "I can put on my hot pants, have my makeup well done and my lips well oiled, its a total freedom and still can get to be close to my God" says Mweek*

The list of attendance ranges from who is who in the elite class in the city, "here there's no worries of getting exposed by anybody, it is the safest place for homosegxwals to be together and also to find a God fearing partner, lawyers, engineers, media personalities name them all who are gays and lesbians are active members" continues Mweek*

The service is conducted by alternating spiritual leaders whom we learn two are pastors, one from a church in Thika and the other a pastor from Naivasha. The church receives huge funding from a Norwegian rich gay couple to sustain its operations. Apart from gay dressing code at the church, members are allowed to hug and kiss during the service as a greeting sign, "research has shown that kissing is more hygienically safe than shaking hands so we encourage hugs and kisses in replacement as our goal is to be clean before God" he continues to say."

Everything else apart from using rainbow multi colored sheets which is an international homosegxwals color of identity, the church service and its teachings are just as in other churches. The back doesn't stop at that as plans to expand the church are currently underway,"we intend to expand our wings nationally, many organizations liberal to homosegxwals have shown interest in aiding our expansion. Currently only selected homosegxwals in Nairobi are aware and attending, we intend to spread our rich and move from this home to a bigger place after fully registering the church, have a place where all homosegxwals in Nairobi can stream in every Sunday and worship their lord as one of their rights to religion and association freedom. Boarding schools across the country are also our target since most of our young ones come from these institutions and there's need to nurture them spiritually, all this shall be done in secrecy as always since anything homosegxwal is illegal in Kenya. According to our strategy, we should be nationwide by July. Homosegxwals are everywhere and we are so many,it is our intention to take over and be free to exercise our rights. The massive funding we are set for from our well off members locally and international will make the movement unstoppable" Mweek*s breaks it down in an interview with the reporter.

For popularization, the church has depended on the famous gay members in Nairobi and has steered off organizations like Gays and Lesbians Org in Kenya, instead using social meetings to push their agenda. We are told one of the famous gay members in Nairobi, Joji Baro who is a confessed HIV+ gospel singer, has been approached and will cash in heavily as the worship leader in terms of songs. Binyavanga is out of the equation as he has publicly denounced God and believes in nothing. According to figures availed to us, the church so far has 125 members with about 83 active members. The number is expected to grow in triple digits when massive recruitment plan is played out.

Posted: at 5-03-2014 06:35 AM (10 years ago) | Hero
- funjinker at 5-03-2014 07:55 AM (10 years ago)
na wa oo..
Posted: at 5-03-2014 07:55 AM (10 years ago) | Newbie
- Larry28 at 5-03-2014 08:21 AM (10 years ago)
I came, I saw, l pass, too long
Posted: at 5-03-2014 08:21 AM (10 years ago) | Hero
- osamabinladin at 5-03-2014 08:47 AM (10 years ago)
 Roll Eyes
Posted: at 5-03-2014 08:47 AM (10 years ago) | Hero
- escapedprince at 5-03-2014 08:49 AM (10 years ago)
May GOD's judgement of Sodom and Gomorah locate you all !!!!
Posted: at 5-03-2014 08:49 AM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- gmarley at 5-03-2014 08:52 AM (10 years ago)
this people will be brought to book soon
Posted: at 5-03-2014 08:52 AM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Topsylucas at 5-03-2014 08:53 AM (10 years ago)
Dez ppl re nt worshippin d God dat I knw,dey're simply gatherin 4 social reasns & callin d name of God 2 make it look like a chuch.GOD has enuf ppl 2 judge
Posted: at 5-03-2014 08:53 AM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Abusiddiq at 5-03-2014 09:26 AM (10 years ago)
ok xtines here for u
Posted: at 5-03-2014 09:26 AM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- dareper at 5-03-2014 09:44 AM (10 years ago)
May boko haram bomb all of una inside the church IJN.
Posted: at 5-03-2014 09:44 AM (10 years ago) | Hero
- Wysetots at 5-03-2014 09:47 AM (10 years ago)
Posted: at 5-03-2014 09:47 AM (10 years ago) | Hero
- Shegzan at 5-03-2014 09:51 AM (10 years ago)
*smh*.. May Gracious God hlp dem all!!

Posted: at 5-03-2014 09:51 AM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- proly at 5-03-2014 10:55 AM (10 years ago)
RubisH....we re in D last days
Posted: at 5-03-2014 10:55 AM (10 years ago) | Hero
- Princess4God at 5-03-2014 11:25 AM (10 years ago)
Still finding it difficult to understand dis gay ppl
Posted: at 5-03-2014 11:25 AM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
- paulohking at 5-03-2014 11:55 AM (10 years ago)
Posted: at 5-03-2014 11:55 AM (10 years ago) | Hero
- paulohking at 5-03-2014 12:01 PM (10 years ago)
Posted: at 5-03-2014 12:01 PM (10 years ago) | Hero
- Neglito at 5-03-2014 12:10 PM (10 years ago)
Posted: at 5-03-2014 12:10 PM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- cardinal5550 at 5-03-2014 12:24 PM (10 years ago)
Quote from: Nyakinic on  5-03-2014 10:23 AM
And I keep asking myself how will a normal man get attracted to a fellow man
Lucas said so
the thing tire me self
Posted: at 5-03-2014 12:24 PM (10 years ago) | Newbie
- winace at 5-03-2014 12:25 PM (10 years ago)
D most shocking part wen reading now is dat he said they are targeting d boarding schs cus most of their young ones cum from there. LORD have mercy. For those whose kids are in boarding take note and start checking up on ur kids pls. Dis is serious
Posted: at 5-03-2014 12:25 PM (10 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- emekson at 5-03-2014 12:55 PM (10 years ago)
End time sign
Posted: at 5-03-2014 12:55 PM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
- raylink at 5-03-2014 01:03 PM (10 years ago)
Posted: at 5-03-2014 01:03 PM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
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