Why do every Nigerian want to travel abroad (Page 2)

Date: 29-08-2009 6:20 am (15 years ago) | Author: chima israel
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- chuksben01 at 31-08-2009 07:26 AM (15 years ago)
Quote from: oceanlinkus on 29-08-2009 06:20 AM
Please, lets treat this issue carefully...
Its disturbing how most of our people look at this abroad thing. Some fink when you travel abroad you pick money on the streets. On my way to T&T last year, i had a stop over in cuba and saw lots of our people stranded there and some cant even afford to shave. Even in T&T, China and some European countries, some of them got disappointed and are ashamed to come back empty handed considering the money spent to get there. Please, what can we do?

Posted: at 31-08-2009 07:26 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- divineproject at 31-08-2009 10:47 AM (15 years ago)
When you go over there without an idea of what you want to do there, you end up that way.......travelling abroad becos every other person is doing it is suicidal.........

Posted: at 31-08-2009 10:47 AM (15 years ago) | Hero
- waco at 31-08-2009 11:12 AM (15 years ago)
agreed kpom

Posted: at 31-08-2009 11:12 AM (15 years ago) | Hero
- divineproject at 31-08-2009 11:14 AM (15 years ago)
hahahaha.......Mr. kpom

Posted: at 31-08-2009 11:14 AM (15 years ago) | Hero
- naijagirl at 31-08-2009 10:29 PM (15 years ago)
@ bali4real, ChrisGD1, wallex73
 hey bros i fully agree with all ur addictions
its either u stay in nigeria nd give in to corruption nd poverty in some wayz
or u travel out nd faze challenges dat could be frustrating as a non-citizen
life itself is not alwayz fair. GOD HELP NIGERIA ON TIME
Posted: at 31-08-2009 10:29 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- diplomatik at 1-09-2009 12:36 AM (15 years ago)
Quote from: osituga on 30-08-2009 09:45 AM
@ topic -- If we had a good government that cares for us,
our pple won't be suffering abroad.

true  Cool

Posted: at 1-09-2009 12:36 AM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- chuksben01 at 1-09-2009 08:22 AM (15 years ago)
Quote from: j-9ice on 31-08-2009 10:16 PM

Posted: at 1-09-2009 08:22 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- FINDME at 1-09-2009 03:34 PM (15 years ago)
Going abroad is not the problem. The problem is the poor preparation made before going as if they were expelled out of the country and many move abroad with the assumption that it is not the same 'sun' that is shinning here that is shinning abroad. Those that are already in abroad should stop pretending like the streets there are pave with money, tell them the truth how you struggle to earn your money. There is no place like home and places you can call home are few. Make it here, go abroad for studies or holidays or your honeymoon if you wish.
Posted: at 1-09-2009 03:34 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- tiojoe at 1-09-2009 04:19 PM (15 years ago)
God bless Nigeria,our fatherland. Really there is no way to compare home to abroad,4 there is no place like home. I leave abroad but each time i remember home i feel like crying. The lonely away from your people is not easy,and truly speaking this have an effect on ones love life.Our problems are the government and there greed,we have a lot that will make us stay put.GOD HELP NIGERIAN´S IN DIASPORA!!!
Posted: at 1-09-2009 04:19 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- teeco at 1-09-2009 05:45 PM (15 years ago)
Quote from: Recoverd on 29-08-2009 10:08 AM
Today and tomorrow.

 Grin Grin Grin Grin

Posted: at 1-09-2009 05:45 PM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- teejay007 at 2-09-2009 02:41 AM (15 years ago)
The way i see it is that wherever one may be and becomes success in life then you are a successful man/woman be it home or abroad. For real travelling abroad isn't a bad idea, if only many of us back in Nigeria knows what good life really is. We'll brace up and face our leaders to get right on track. 
Posted: at 2-09-2009 02:41 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- tommysyn at 2-09-2009 06:30 AM (15 years ago)
Today and tomorrow Grin indeed

This issue should be treated with full understanding unless we might say or assume the WRONG things.......
The fact is we all know the truth let us face it without bias.
Come to think of it everyone on both sides of the arguement has a point but it all depends on
 HOME n ABROAD.....Nigerians are making it like crazy we shud not seat and criticize but we shud all stand on our feet and PURSUE THE RIGHT AND GOD ORDAINED WAY FORWARD.......
Posted: at 2-09-2009 06:30 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- teeco at 2-09-2009 08:30 AM (15 years ago)

Posted: at 2-09-2009 08:30 AM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- waco at 2-09-2009 08:41 AM (15 years ago)
kpom passing

Posted: at 2-09-2009 08:41 AM (15 years ago) | Hero
- teeco at 2-09-2009 08:57 AM (15 years ago)

Posted: at 2-09-2009 08:57 AM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- nestyexcel4ever at 2-09-2009 10:08 AM (15 years ago)
well like the saying goes that travelling is part of education, the problem of nigeria is govt. the system is bad, corrupted from the top. a country that is hosting the j. word cup but asuu is on strike who are they fooling, we pratice democracy like the era of junta. the lawmakers are there to enrich themself, where as an average nigerian is dying in abject poverty with all the mineral resourses we've........we can not boast of good medical system, no good road, no potable water, no balanced diet, no good educational system,no steady power supply, no enviromental control, (have you asked yourself why we die young? the western part no) our banking system is out of the planet, no 10% of security (robbers with dangerious wepons, and kidnapers have been part of us. we live with the fear of the unknown on daily bases. riging of elections and political killing everywhere, religious riots on monthly bases, a lot of innocent nigerian lost their life, a country where a police can kill because of 20naira.etc if you travelled out , you hate our govt, somebody need to call them to order. we can't cont. living like this, they govt should sit_up and learn or copy from their wester counter-part. enough is enough.
Posted: at 2-09-2009 10:08 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- teeco at 2-09-2009 11:56 AM (15 years ago)
ok kpom

Posted: at 2-09-2009 11:56 AM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Dark-Syde at 2-09-2009 01:27 PM (15 years ago)
hmmm,speaking for my self...y wont ppl travel out of naija?wen we all kno dat naija is a rich country but the govnmt is so wicked that they keep  buyin houses & investing in foreign land thereby contributin in developin the country..here in England i kno alot of prominent Nigerian government Officials that have big employment fame......ask ursef y dey dont want 2 do such biznez in our country,so as to help in developin and reducin unemploymnt....i always n will always encourage ppl to travel out ov 9ja (2do genuine biznez) if dey can and d suffernez wil jst b fo a while and dey wil enjoy d fruit of there labor...not livin in nigeria sufferin fo d rest of yo lyf...
Posted: at 2-09-2009 01:27 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- teeco at 2-09-2009 01:55 PM (15 years ago)

Posted: at 2-09-2009 01:55 PM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- vinnywhite at 2-09-2009 03:26 PM (15 years ago)
The reason is very very simple that even the youngest child of today can even answer this question(which is the search for greener pasture, though for some, its a matter of survival, depending on individual cases.Unfortunately, our great country Nigeria as it were ,does not recognise the existence of an everage person otherwise what people regarg as the common man.If you are not a politician an oil man and you dont have the connection reqired to get you the job that you need, then consider yourself a failure that is the type of soceity that trives in Nigeria(Let me give an example of what i mean just to demonstrate how the average Nigerian person have been come used to treating people based on the type of car or dress that they wear. 2 years ago i was in Nigeria with some white people, meanwhile i always like to disguise myself, some boy walked twords me at the bar were i was buying some drinks for my visitors and asked me to move out of the way so he can buy his on drinks 
 bcos he thought i was no body, cos i dint mind i walked away ,seconds later,he came begging saying he thought i was one of the bar attenders. bu does it really matter what somebody work as or who they really are?it just tell the type of soceity that people r living in,for thos who cant find their way round it,they have no choice than to look for other means to survive,and that is were travelling abroad become an option for so many
Posted: at 2-09-2009 03:26 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
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