what happened between SSS & Boko Haram sect is a confirmation of prophecy-soulE (Page 2)

Date: 31-03-2014 4:40 pm (10 years ago) | Author: Abidex Samuel
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- chicco77 at 1-04-2014 07:35 AM (10 years ago)
 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
Posted: at 1-04-2014 07:35 AM (10 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- IDOKOO at 1-04-2014 07:55 AM (10 years ago)
Na slap good 4 dis idiot, naija wey dey on fire since na him u dey jukpa here ? who no fit predit naija now ?
Posted: at 1-04-2014 07:55 AM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
- Abusiddiq at 1-04-2014 08:43 AM (10 years ago)
 Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?
Posted: at 1-04-2014 08:43 AM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ibrosma2000 at 1-04-2014 09:23 AM (10 years ago)
i can`t be surprise about his prophecy, because if God can speak to Ballams donkey, then who can he not speak to, remember the bible says in the book of Joel 2:28, that Lord will pour out his spirit upon all flesh, your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.,
Posted: at 1-04-2014 09:23 AM (10 years ago) | Newbie
- presciousoluchi at 1-04-2014 10:22 AM (10 years ago)
Quote from: Ken1230 on  1-04-2014 03:38 AM
I hear una, so what again? Do not forget that A and B is not the same thing, so DSS office and ASO Rock no be the same thing. If he is sure, he would have say DSS office and NOT ASO Rock

hahahhaha................. the TV when he used see the vision is not clear,,it is blinking,,,,,,,,Dss office resemble Aso Rock for that Screen,

i dont blame all this men,,,,it is unemployment that is causing all this.

Posted: at 1-04-2014 10:22 AM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- treasi at 1-04-2014 10:31 AM (10 years ago)
hmmmm......... Grin
Posted: at 1-04-2014 10:31 AM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
- mary11 at 1-04-2014 10:53 AM (10 years ago)
onye amuma weldone o!

Posted: at 1-04-2014 10:53 AM (10 years ago) | Hero
- spekay at 1-04-2014 11:24 AM (10 years ago)
prophecy is a gift from God and this singer is so blessed
Most of those criticising him probably do not believe that God talks to people through dreams and prophecies . 
just need to look deeper to find the truth .  and the same true will set you free . 

Learn the ways of the Holy Spirit  - the greatest teacher of all ,  Any one who cares enough can get the gift of prophesy if you ask in sincerity  I am a living witness

Posted: at 1-04-2014 11:24 AM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Realdiamonds at 1-04-2014 11:53 AM (10 years ago)
Soul E, u have a gift of prophesy, develop it
Posted: at 1-04-2014 11:53 AM (10 years ago) | Newbie
- mensch at 1-04-2014 12:02 PM (10 years ago)
If he real did say something like that and it happened his dream was true.i do dream like that sometimes .and it comes true
Posted: at 1-04-2014 12:02 PM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ugojoe at 1-04-2014 12:06 PM (10 years ago)
God is God and not man. HE can not lie. SSS office is not Aso Rock and can never be Aso Rock. Again Aso Rock can never be Aso Presidential Villa. The rock in question is just a land mark within the precinct of Aso Presidential Villa and even if the rock is on fire (which is possible, due to the dry leaves and bush burning around Abuja) that does not mean that Aso Presidental Villa is on fire. God's vision can never be a guess work. As for the two young musicians, by the prayers and supplications we make every day that our children shall not die young, God will deliver Davido and Wizkid from all dangers. God has created them to be celebrities and nobody can change that.
Posted: at 1-04-2014 12:06 PM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
- bankadetoun at 1-04-2014 12:23 PM (10 years ago)
Posted: at 1-04-2014 12:23 PM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- nobleladyG at 1-04-2014 02:03 PM (10 years ago)
 Cool Cool Cool Cool

Posted: at 1-04-2014 02:03 PM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- akinmanchy at 1-04-2014 02:49 PM (10 years ago)

Posted: at 1-04-2014 02:49 PM (10 years ago) | Hero
- okoroj at 1-04-2014 03:00 PM (10 years ago)
@ poster pls ask admin ,okay tanx Cool Cool
Posted: at 1-04-2014 03:00 PM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
- DRraze at 1-04-2014 03:56 PM (10 years ago)
God works in mysterious ways. At least na so dem talk
Posted: at 1-04-2014 03:56 PM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- christianity at 1-04-2014 04:15 PM (10 years ago)
Posted: at 1-04-2014 04:15 PM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- escapedprince at 1-04-2014 04:17 PM (10 years ago)
Quote from: IDOKOO on  1-04-2014 07:55 AM
Na slap good 4 dis idiot, naija wey dey on fire since na him u dey jukpa here ? who no fit predit naija now ?
Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin GrinMy Guy you're very funny, I do enjoy your comments .
Posted: at 1-04-2014 04:17 PM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- kelvin500 at 1-04-2014 04:58 PM (10 years ago)
"young men will see visions"
Posted: at 1-04-2014 04:58 PM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
- cocoeni at 1-04-2014 06:00 PM (10 years ago)
Posted: at 1-04-2014 06:00 PM (10 years ago) | Hero
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