Sanusi Lamido Fingered As Top Boko Haram Sponsor In Nigeria (Page 2)

Date: 01-04-2014 1:25 am (10 years ago) | Author: ola john
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- pauldinnie at 1-04-2014 09:52 AM (10 years ago)
Not suprising...
Posted: at 1-04-2014 09:52 AM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
- okilo101 at 1-04-2014 10:06 AM (10 years ago)
Posted: at 1-04-2014 10:06 AM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- blensey at 1-04-2014 10:37 AM (10 years ago)
Not surprising at all ..........
Posted: at 1-04-2014 10:37 AM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
- fadeokesola at 1-04-2014 10:53 AM (10 years ago)
Am vewi proud of d jst sowi for som xtians sha...wen we avin a political probs,som folks jst abt sayin shits bout islamic bankin,all cos of name islam included...wot I wil jst say is dat mak ur research abt d bank n u wil how useful it is for both muslims n xtians
Posted: at 1-04-2014 10:53 AM (10 years ago) | Newbie
- ikwo1 at 1-04-2014 11:18 AM (10 years ago)
Quote from: Mobbysmartins on  1-04-2014 09:40 AM
I know within my mind that this man sponsor boko haram.The Islamic Banking he introduced was just a means to make it easier to move funds to the boko harams.
u are right broda
Posted: at 1-04-2014 11:18 AM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Mumspet2025 at 1-04-2014 11:35 AM (10 years ago)
Quote from: fadeokesola on  1-04-2014 10:53 AM
Am vewi proud of d jst sowi for som xtians sha...wen we avin a political probs,som folks jst abt sayin sh*ts bout islamic bankin,all cos of name islam included...wot I wil jst say is dat mak ur research abt d bank n u wil how useful it is for both muslims n xtians

How will the islamic bank be useful 2 muslims & xtians??? Tell me???
Y r u muslims always afraid 2 face reality??? u neva accept wen u r wrong!!!!!
Posted: at 1-04-2014 11:35 AM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
- bankadetoun at 1-04-2014 11:51 AM (10 years ago)
Ok, ooooo
Posted: at 1-04-2014 11:51 AM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- paulohking at 1-04-2014 12:10 PM (10 years ago)
Quote from: odimajorr on  1-04-2014 08:53 AM
Hello Aboki boy, What has the interior and the petroleum minister gat to do with what's on ground? You are jst being clouded by ur imaginations and am sure u dint read this article or probably u are jst one phuking psycophants dat comes from the lineage of dis bastard sanusi. Read the hand writing on the wall fool we all know boko bastards re been sponsored by top governmental officials so stop agonising over matters which will make u look stupid on this forum. And if u re one of the haters of Nigeria na God go punish ur empty head with no brain.

You can say that again bro
Posted: at 1-04-2014 12:10 PM (10 years ago) | Hero
- cheeoma12 at 1-04-2014 12:22 PM (10 years ago)
Illetracy is a disease, why cant pple use their common sense ,sanusi is no terrorist, jonathan is just a coward. Because the story does not add up. Sanusi has proven beyond reasonable doubt ,now ur using cheap blackmail. Take my advice ,put the intrest on nigerians first by starting with petroleum and interior minister.
Hello Aboki boy, What has the interior and the petroleum minister gat to do with what's on ground? You are jst being clouded by ur imaginations and am sure u dint read this article or probably u are jst one phuking psycophants dat comes from the lineage of dis bastard sanusi. Read the hand writing on the wall fool we all know boko bastards re been sponsored by top governmental officials so stop agonising over matters which will make u look stupid on this forum. And if u re one of the haters of Nigeria na God go punish ur empty head with no brain.
GOD BLESS U MY BROTHER. How can you call ur President Coward.
Posted: at 1-04-2014 12:22 PM (10 years ago) | Newbie
- orekiata at 1-04-2014 01:36 PM (10 years ago)
Power pass power, a clueless presido is stronger than a dethroned cabal
Posted: at 1-04-2014 01:36 PM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- eyen9ja at 1-04-2014 01:55 PM (10 years ago)
...BUT WHAT ARE THESE HARAMS FIGHTING FOR. SURE THEY DON'T HAVE GENUINE REASON............ Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry
Posted: at 1-04-2014 01:55 PM (10 years ago) | Newbie
- Abusiddiq at 1-04-2014 01:58 PM (10 years ago)
Quote from: odimajorr on  1-04-2014 08:53 AM
Hello Aboki boy, What has the interior and the petroleum minister gat to do with what's on ground? You are jst being clouded by ur imaginations and am sure u dint read this article or probably u are jst one phuking psycophants dat comes from the lineage of dis bastard sanusi. Read the hand writing on the wall fool we all know boko bastards re been sponsored by top governmental officials so stop agonising over matters which will make u look stupid on this forum. And if u re one of the haters of Nigeria na God go punish ur empty head with no brain.
you try bringin point man but u r a hater. be a good nigerian and do not be hater
Posted: at 1-04-2014 01:58 PM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- tmaxdon at 1-04-2014 02:35 PM (10 years ago)
Quote from: donkagawa on  1-04-2014 08:11 AM
Illetracy is a disease, why cant pple use their common sense ,sanusi is no terrorist, jonathan is just a coward. Because the story does not add up. Sanusi has proven beyond reasonable doubt ,now ur using cheap blackmail. Take my advice ,put the intrest on nigerians first by starting with petroleum and interior minister.

God bless you for this comment
Posted: at 1-04-2014 02:35 PM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
- akinmanchy at 1-04-2014 02:55 PM (10 years ago)
Too long  Undecided

Posted: at 1-04-2014 02:55 PM (10 years ago) | Hero
- osarobo62 at 1-04-2014 03:10 PM (10 years ago)
stop deceiving the public with these atmospheric charges....and show us real evidence. Nigerians are not stupid.
Sanusi is not the cause of Nigeria's problem .
Posted: at 1-04-2014 03:10 PM (10 years ago) | Hero
- christianity at 1-04-2014 04:10 PM (10 years ago)
naija i hail thee
Posted: at 1-04-2014 04:10 PM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ajanni at 1-04-2014 04:21 PM (10 years ago)
Posted: at 1-04-2014 04:21 PM (10 years ago) | Grande Master
- zoe61 at 1-04-2014 06:01 PM (10 years ago)
Posted: at 1-04-2014 06:01 PM (10 years ago) | Hero
- nmakwe at 1-04-2014 06:25 PM (10 years ago)
sanusi,is more than, and more a boko haram
Posted: at 1-04-2014 06:25 PM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
- noorseman at 1-04-2014 07:03 PM (10 years ago)
is this the best the president can do?..i thought they were going to say that he killed dele giwa or something...complete rubbish..20 billion dollars is missing from nnpc and they are throwing everything at sanusi to distract nigerians...what a country.
Posted: at 1-04-2014 07:03 PM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
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