Yorubas Threaten To Pull Out Of Nigeria if Not Granted Regional Autonomy

Date: 20-05-2014 2:17 pm (10 years ago) | Author: Bayo Nelson
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- at 20-05-2014 02:17 PM (10 years ago)

As the National Conference enters its plenary session Monday, the Afenifere has demanded for a regional autonomy to be granted the Yoruba in the Southwest or the Yoruba will secede from Nigeria.The Yoruba group at a news conference to unveil the Publication of “Regional Autonomy or Nothing” at theGani Fawehinmi Park, Ojota in Lagos, Southwest Nigeria Monday said it was displeased that many of its demands at the conference had been thrown away as the Northern group had ganged up to defeat autonomy for the regions.Speaking at the news conference on Monday, General Secretary, Afenifere Renewal Group, ARG, Ayo Afolabi, said as the nation was going through trying period, one would have expected that “we all should seize any opportunity to build consensus and reclaim the country from wrong-footed ideas and practices that brought Nigeria to this sorry state where it is difficult to imagine a better future.“We are therefore baffled at the take-it-or-Leave-it attitude of delegates from other ethnic nationalities, particularly the Northern delegates who circulated a document full of fallacies few weeks ago. Those fallacies have now been exposed by the facts and figures contained in the publication we are unveiling today.”Afolabi said it was inconceivable that northern leaders were the ones leading the campaign against devolution of power and restructuring of government, saying that if any region needed a stronger federating unit with greater capacity to provide education, health, security, wealth creation and other social amenities, it was the North where strong links exist between the level of poverty and conscription of innocent youths into extremist tendencies.“It appears Northern leaders are not concerned, and indeed have no plan for the teeming youth from the region, as long as they are able to continue clinging to their hold on power. However, we are never in doubt that regionalism is the most viable instrument for a stronger and united Nigeria.”He stated that the Yoruba people demanded a regional government with its own constitution and unfettered political and fiscal autonomy, except on issues it agreed to cede to the federal government, adding that the South West Region must include all Yoruba people outside the imposed artificial boundaries in Edo, Delta, Kogi and Kwara States.Afolabi said the Yoruba people demanded a negotiated legislative exclusive, concurrent and residual list as well as a unicameral legislature at the center as details of the Regional legislature shall be clearly set out in the constitution.“We demand a parliamentary form of government at the center and the right to self determination on and up to the right to secede. We demand a just and equitable taxation system that will treat the federating units with equality and better coordination at the federal level in order to eliminate the current runtier syndrome.“We demand Fiscal Federalism and Resource Control: a system whereby a substantial part of the proceeds accruable from every federating unit will be retained and an agreed percentage contributed to the center by the federating units for the responsibility of the Federal Government and the establishment of Regional Police,” he said.said. Afenifere also demanded a new people‘s constitution, saying that the resolutions and conclusions of the 2014 National Conference shall lead to an autonomous Constitution, that is a home-grown and all inclusive draft that shall be submitted to the Nigerian electorate voting in a Referendum The group further demanded a special status for Lagos as the economic nerve center of Nigeria and the West African sub-Region.“We are not enforcing our demands on others. They are free to explore whatever suits them while we should be free to organize our governance the way it suits us. For us Yoruba people, we demand Regional Autonomy for the South West Region within a united Nigeria. Yoruba people will effectively communicate to all other ethnic nationalities an understanding of the aims and objectives of the Yoruba people,” Afolabi added.

Posted: at 20-05-2014 02:17 PM (10 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- dollar22 at 20-05-2014 02:49 PM (10 years ago)
Posted: at 20-05-2014 02:49 PM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- jams_dan at 20-05-2014 02:49 PM (10 years ago)
If you are living with a girl you have not paid her bride price , pls # BRING BACK OUR GIRLS . You are not a Boko Haram
Posted: at 20-05-2014 02:49 PM (10 years ago) | Newbie
- Topsylucas at 20-05-2014 02:51 PM (10 years ago)
Hmm... Evrybody want 2 form their own country. Make dem no too rush, omomalaga1 the head of all touts want 2 be an interpreter 4 the yorubas. Her english fit bomb the whole of Lagos. Watch out 4 the agbero,she'll soon post on this forum.
Posted: at 20-05-2014 02:51 PM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- 1on14u at 20-05-2014 03:07 PM (10 years ago)
Expecially the igbos and follows by any other vulnerable ethnic group ethnic language speaking,if nigeria is not divided your language will go extinct. So let's seek for our freedom peacefully or how ever you know how as for me I choose peacefully just like they did in Russia and turkey(Crimea) for instance.
When your language dies every thing goes with it,even animals will be better than you when it does because they have a language they speak fluently.Are you lost as a people when it dies?
Posted: at 20-05-2014 03:07 PM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
- lakman at 20-05-2014 03:12 PM (10 years ago)
good, very good infact may GOD bless you guys if  you guys meant what i have just read above (cause i know it might be an art of  hypocrite). that was what ojukwu saw over 40 years ago but we were too arrogant to accept it because it  came from the mouth of igbo man. i believe in united nigerian with confederation system. up biafra region part of united nigerian, chikena.
Posted: at 20-05-2014 03:12 PM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
- gmarley at 20-05-2014 03:15 PM (10 years ago)
 Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue
Posted: at 20-05-2014 03:15 PM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- proly at 20-05-2014 03:36 PM (10 years ago)
Posted: at 20-05-2014 03:36 PM (10 years ago) | Hero
- petfidel at 20-05-2014 03:38 PM (10 years ago)
Their eyez are now opened. This is exactly what Ojukwu signed with nigeria during d aburi accord but he was misunderstood by some biased nigerians who deceived Giwon to declare total war on biafrans. Now thesame Yoruba who supported d north are now asking for thesame thing. U CAN'T EAT UR CAKE AND HAVE IT. First of all d Yorubas should wholly appologise to Ndigbo before they can ever get what they want or else...... NEMESIS
Posted: at 20-05-2014 03:38 PM (10 years ago) | Newbie
- dynasty4all at 20-05-2014 03:45 PM (10 years ago)
Posted: at 20-05-2014 03:45 PM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- dynasty4all at 20-05-2014 03:48 PM (10 years ago)
Posted: at 20-05-2014 03:48 PM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- christianity at 20-05-2014 04:00 PM (10 years ago)
Empty vessels makes the loudest of noice
Posted: at 20-05-2014 04:00 PM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- dareper at 20-05-2014 04:04 PM (10 years ago)
This is very good demand, this is what my biafran people suppose to have demanded but bcuz of their greed and what they are getting from those akawu teeth aboki they 4got to fight for the right of the legion, biafra is taking year to actualize is bcus of some stupid and greedy people that represent us at federal level who take joy at the expense of other peoples bitterness, I really hope they are not dancing to the tone of those akawu teeth aboki's in the national conference cuz if they do... The should bid bye to biafranland cuz not only that are we not gonna kill them.. We will kill anybody, anything that relates to them, their wives, children, father, mother, inlaws, brothers, sisters. Their investment, and house. We are not taking it anymore from them. Enough is enough! We can't take their betrayal anymore. Betray us and sign your death warrant and those of your family. Any bad egg in biafraland that has been conniving with FG to restrain biafran people of what is due for them will be wiped out! God bless biafraland. Up biafra!!!
Posted: at 20-05-2014 04:04 PM (10 years ago) | Hero
- winace at 20-05-2014 04:22 PM (10 years ago)
I agree wit u totally sir. Its abt time everybody stand for his/her region and my region is south south we want to go and all those dat have oil well in dis region shld hands off it or else......
Posted: at 20-05-2014 04:22 PM (10 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- winace at 20-05-2014 04:27 PM (10 years ago)
Quote from: Topsylucas on 20-05-2014 02:51 PM
Hmm... Evrybody want 2 form their own country. Make dem no too rush, omomalaga1 the head of all touts want 2 be an interpreter 4 the yorubas. Her english fit bomb the whole of Lagos. Watch out 4 the agbero,she'll soon post on this forum.

Heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh u funny die
Posted: at 20-05-2014 04:27 PM (10 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Nicksam at 20-05-2014 04:51 PM (10 years ago)
Posted: at 20-05-2014 04:51 PM (10 years ago) | Hero
- osamabinladin at 20-05-2014 05:26 PM (10 years ago)
 Roll Eyes
Posted: at 20-05-2014 05:26 PM (10 years ago) | Hero
- chicco77 at 20-05-2014 05:37 PM (10 years ago)
 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
Posted: at 20-05-2014 05:37 PM (10 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- dollypiper at 20-05-2014 05:59 PM (10 years ago)
Quote from: dynasty4all on 20-05-2014 03:45 PM

those you call empty vessels single handedly bashed and crushed your biafran dream once, without raising a single weapon. therefore you should look at yourself first  b4 Opening your mouth to call a whole tribe that kind of name
Posted: at 20-05-2014 05:59 PM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- papadip at 20-05-2014 06:28 PM (10 years ago)
Quote from: petfidel on 20-05-2014 03:38 PM
Their eyez are now opened. This is exactly what Ojukwu signed with nigeria during d aburi accord but he was misunderstood by some biased nigerians who deceived Giwon to declare total war on biafrans. Now thesame Yoruba who supported d north are now asking for thesame thing. U CAN'T EAT UR CAKE AND HAVE IT. First of all d Yorubas should wholly appologise to Ndigbo before they can ever get what they want or else...... NEMESIS
You want Yoruba to apologize for what? That is not going to happen forever and ever;
…..that will happen in your “bitter dreams”.
Don’t you ever dream of anything like that it is an insult.

What is being demanded now is what we had before the January 15, 1966 coup;
……which was regional autonomy but the army came in to nationalize the federation.

Therefore Ojukwu was not demanding the same thing he wanted secession at all cost with conditions that could not be met.
He also wanted the segregation of the armed forces given what happened regarding the massacre in the north.
No one should blame him for that…..he had to do everything to protect his people. I probably would do the same thing.
You need to read the Aburi accord again and or do some research get lectured by historians and political scientists.

You should also blame other tribes that fought against Biafra.
If anything you should be grateful to Yoruba people for their tolerance.
While the massacre was going on in the north Yoruba land was a safe haven for all Igbos.
….not one single Igbo civilian was touched let alone killed;
….their properties were also protected;
....after the war they were welcome back with open arms.
I just hope we’ll never see such a thing (war) again…god forbid
As a matter of fact millions of Igbo remained behind in Yoruba land while the civil war was going on because they felt at home.

Stop blaming Yoruba and don't be silly.
Posted: at 20-05-2014 06:28 PM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
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