"I Won't Stop Till My Womb Falls Out I'm Addicted to Being Pregnant" Woman Says

Date: 20-05-2014 4:09 pm (10 years ago) | Author: Bayo Nelson
- at 20-05-2014 04:09 PM (10 years ago)

37 year old surrogate, Tara Sawyer, is so addicted to pregnancy that she won’t stop until her 'womb falls out'. And despite surrogacy laws stating that she is entitled to £15,000 in expenses, Tara is content purely with the 'thrill' and refuses to take any payment.

Tara has given birth to seven children, four of whom are her own, the other three she handed over to two couples in a space of 2 years. She's at her happiest when she's with a bulging baby bump and has no plans to stop having babies for other people.

According to Tara:
'Surrogacy is very addictive. It’s a huge rush from the moment the test comes back positive. It’s an amazing feeling to hand over a child to someone who desperately wants it, and I feel at my best whilst pregnant.'
Shockingly, the first surrogate baby that she gave birth to two years ago was biologically her daughter, but Tara didn’t feel any maternal love for the infant.

Tara said:
'I don’t feel like I’m giving up a baby, I feel like I’m giving it back. I don’t feel sad handing over a child that was never mine to keep.'

Tara’s husband, Matt Sawyer, 37, a truck driver, was supportive of her decision to carry strangers’ children, so with his support, Tara logged onto Facebook and started scouring surrogacy pages. Within a few weeks she met a gay couple that were desperate for help having a child. Tara donated her own egg to the couple and artificially inseminated herself at her home in Wimblington, Cambridgeshire, using a plastic pipette.

Tara said:
'From the moment I found out I was pregnant I was totally hooked - it was such a rush. It was an amazing experience from start to finish. When the baby was born there was no rush of love like when I had my other children. But handing her over to her dads was a feeling like no other.'

Within days of giving birth to the baby girl, Tara was missing being pregnant. Again she logged onto Facebook and met a couple who were unable to carry children full term. On January 4 this year, she gave birth to twin boys for the couple, but she has no plans to stop yet
Tara said:
I've been talking to another gay couple and I hope to be pregnant for them by the end of the year.
I know that when they are older the children will want answers, especially my biological daughter. We've all decided that being open is the best approach and I’ll answer any questions they might have - but I’ll be clear that I’m not their mum.
When I’m not pregnant I feel empty and only a baby can fill that void. I’m addicted to the buzz of pregnancy and if I can help childless couples at the same time it would be insane not to. I won’t stop until my womb falls out

Tara isn’t worried about the effects of pregnancy on her body, and says she is in better shape now than she was in her twenties.
'I feel at my best physically when I’m pregnant,” said Tara. “I take vitamins, go swimming, do yoga and eat healthily. I hadn’t made as much effort with my own pregnancies but the responsibility was bigger with someone else’s child. I love having a bump and people cooing over the precious little gift inside. I don’t even get stretch marks - it’s like I was made to have babies.

Posted: at 20-05-2014 04:09 PM (10 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- koboko1 at 20-05-2014 04:39 PM (10 years ago)
Go for it .
Posted: at 20-05-2014 04:39 PM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
- PoliticxGuru at 18-08-2015 09:56 PM (9 years ago)
Oya na continue to dey born na
Posted: at 18-08-2015 09:56 PM (9 years ago) | Hero

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