“I will beat you like a little dog”, says a man alleged to by Nollywood actor Jim Iyke cursing out NigeriaFM founder Emma Agu The call was starts with Jim Iyke’s past appearance on Agu’s morning show, where he can be heard praising Agu, the call suddenly cuts to an alleged recent call between both parties where Iyke can be heard cursing out and threatening Agu. The call was made allegedly from Keturah Hamilton, Jim Iyke’s ex’s home in New York This is part 2 of the fight between both parties which was made public yesterday when Agu leaked heated email exchanges between both parties. It would appear that Jim Iyke is allegedly blaming Agu for making public his break up with Ghanaian actress Nadia Buari
Agu also had t his to say about the unfortunate situation: We read with dismay, some lopsided commentaries by those who felt Emma Agu betrayed Jim Iyke who happens to be his friend. The entire crew of Nigerian FM hereby states that Emma Agu and Jim Iyke have never met. Jim Iyke was on Emma Agu Loud in USA during a phone in program. Emma Agu got to know Jim through Keturah Hamilton and interviewed him on Emma Agu Loud in USA. They were never friends. Emma Agu took on his own to do image laundering for JIM iyke ,both spoke only 4 times via the phone. Jim Iyke’s attack on Emma Agu during a phone in show was totally uncalled for. Jim Iyke even after the whole incident went viral is still sending harassing email to Emma Agu while hiding in an undisclosed location in New York. We investigate every news we write, hence we decided to follow up an information given to us by Keturah Hamilton who claimed that Jim Iyke was in her house. This is what we do. You all know this. We are duty bound to ask questions from both parties anytime we are called upon. For the last time, Emma Agu or any member of Nigerian FM are not interested in who Jim dates, or what he does what his life. Our involvement here was in line of duty. Nobody betrayed anyone. Nobody threw anyone under the bus. Please tell Jim Iyke to stop sending us harassing emails. We shall not hesitate to put them out for the public to know who this man really is.
I scour the world wide web to bring you interesting stories from around the globe. bayonel3@gmailcom
Posted: at 21-05-2014 01:59 PM (10 years ago) | Addicted Hero
Topsylucas at 21-05-2014 02:30 PM (10 years ago) (f)
Jim iyke & controversies, there's no seperating them. He's hurt too many gullible women that'll see the writings on the wall but still stick 2 him until he dumps them. I just wonder if he listens 2 ppl's advice 2 desist 4rm his risky lifestyle. I wonder, I just wonder!
Posted: at 21-05-2014 02:30 PM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
graceoneday at 21-05-2014 04:38 PM (10 years ago) (m)
Keep it Up Mr. Jim Iyke, i trust ur nyash. just beat up Emma Agu like a dog. I trust my guy, far back wey i know u from Kalakuta Republic. big Up Jim, no send them
Posted: at 21-05-2014 04:38 PM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
It shld not be cause there's an issue now u will deny Jim dat his not ur frd. If he is not ur frd, u won't kn so much abt his relationship wit Kenturah and Nadia. Emma pls leave Jim nd u guys shld respect ur old age and settle ur diff. Chikena
Posted: at 21-05-2014 04:51 PM (10 years ago) | Addicted Hero