Dguy at 28-09-2009 03:51 PM (15 years ago) (m) @ poster, one important thing in life is that there is no one that is 100% or match you perfectly, theres bound to be certain difference and the ability to turn these differences into an advantage is what brings a good spark in relationship ---
As you said , the guy is obviously getting very frustrated and what i will call 'out of his mind', its not a good feeling for a man to be fed by a lady and even his brother in this case - well in Africa its just a blow in his face, a taboo.... he might have said those words out of sheer anger, though it went a little too far, but hey if we are to count sins who wouldnt have a stain?.... from my analysis, you really loved him unconditionally (maybe no longer though), but i think the guy does deserve a second chance (ofcourse not under same conditions) - give him another chance and see him treat you like a queen.
If you give him another chance and he blows it then u certainly know that hes not good enough and does not disseve a beautiful thing like u.
please do not distract and keep discussions along line of topic - make proper use of capit Posted: at 28-09-2009 03:51 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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kouga at 28-09-2009 04:30 PM (15 years ago) (m) SAMYROCKO, u hav said it all! bahoo bassahhh Posted: at 28-09-2009 04:30 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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kouga at 28-09-2009 04:39 PM (15 years ago) (m) ONCHEDU, INFACT IT SEEMS TO ME U RE D INVENTOR OF DIS NAIJA PALS. I SAID SO BCOS OF D WAY U RESPOND TO EVERY QUESTIONS HERE. U RE MY IDOL KEEP IT UP MAN Posted: at 28-09-2009 04:39 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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kouga at 28-09-2009 04:51 PM (15 years ago) (m) BUT WAIT OOH MAKE SHE NO GO INSULT DAT GUY PAPA AN MAMA FOR HIM FACE OOH. HE FIT USE BLOW SCATER HER FACE FOR HER. I BEG OOOOOOOOOH! Posted: at 28-09-2009 04:51 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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macgreat at 28-09-2009 08:41 PM (15 years ago) (m) Where all this long tory dey come from ... read later
My life is BEAUTIFUL! . . don't NEED attentions, Give 'em to those who really NEED 'em. . . No Time Posted: at 28-09-2009 08:41 PM (15 years ago) | Hero | |
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ceejay58 at 29-09-2009 12:45 AM (15 years ago) (m) PASSIN Posted: at 29-09-2009 12:45 AM (15 years ago) | Hero | |
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kelvizzle at 29-09-2009 12:52 AM (15 years ago) (m) We all should stop playing sensitive.... This is how its gonna be... You walk up to this idiot and tell him what you think of this relationship... Explain this to him and.... He'll freak out but who cares...its your life Posted: at 29-09-2009 12:52 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie | |
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omatu at 29-09-2009 03:42 AM (15 years ago) (f) if you don't see the qualities of a husband in him why waist your time, money and energy? i won't say you should leave him because he's jobless o but because he's not nice to be with.
Amen & Amen. Posted: at 29-09-2009 03:42 AM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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omatu at 29-09-2009 03:43 AM (15 years ago) (f) now that u ve realized ur mistake its better u end it now and start a new life, its better for one not to start something you cant finish, let him go and struggle like other men instead of you spoon feeding him. use your money to take care of yourself very well so as to attract a better deserving guy
Correct. Posted: at 29-09-2009 03:43 AM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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omatu at 29-09-2009 03:49 AM (15 years ago) (f) @ poster, one important thing in life is that there is no one that is 100% or match you perfectly, theres bound to be certain difference and the ability to turn these differences into an advantage is what brings a good spark in relationship ---
As you said , the guy is obviously getting very frustrated and what i will call 'out of his mind', its not a good feeling for a man to be fed by a lady and even his brother in this case - well in Africa its just a blow in his face, a taboo.... he might have said those words out of sheer anger, though it went a little too far, but hey if we are to count sins who wouldnt have a stain?....
from my analysis, you really loved him unconditionally (maybe no longer though), but i think the guy does deserve a second chance (ofcourse not under same conditions) - give him another chance and see him treat you like a queen.
If you give him another chance and he blows it then u certainly know that hes not good enough and does not disseve a beautiful thing like u.
Dguy, you are recommending another two years of pain and suffering? I hope you can pay the punitive damages that comes with the second chance. That ungrateful guy is not going to change. What type of frustration will cause a man to bite the finger that fed him for two years and forsake even her own family? I believe in second chances, but don't you think it is time that guy tries to take care of himself and his own brother instead of continued burden on this innocent girl that has done everything possible to make this guy happy? The guy is very unhappy. He never appreciated her. She is the one that is giving. It becomes tiring, exhausting and frustrating to have a one way street love affair. What happened in this relationship was unfair and too painful for the girl and she should not be encouraged to return for more abuse. This is my humble opinion. How about this guy woo her for the next two years before she will consider a second chance? How about this guy support her and her family also like she did for him? What is good for the goose is also good for the gander! Posted: at 29-09-2009 03:49 AM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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The guy is mad. She should change her address if she can. Posted: at 29-09-2009 03:52 AM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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ceejay58 at 29-09-2009 05:14 AM (15 years ago) (m) Posted: at 29-09-2009 05:14 AM (15 years ago) | Hero | |
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orland at 29-09-2009 05:54 AM (15 years ago) (m) Ur bf is insane hw shuld be feeding him?? .and then he later call u a witch. Cos u r feedin n clothin him....u better quits d rltinshp 2 make him 2make up on d own 2dat he can be a man quite 4 sometimes Posted: at 29-09-2009 05:54 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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@ poster, one important thing in life is that there is no one that is 100% or match you perfectly, theres bound to be certain difference and the ability to turn these differences into an advantage is what brings a good spark in relationship ---
As you said , the guy is obviously getting very frustrated and what i will call 'out of his mind', its not a good feeling for a man to be fed by a lady and even his brother in this case - well in Africa its just a blow in his face, a taboo.... he might have said those words out of sheer anger, though it went a little too far, but hey if we are to count sins who wouldnt have a stain?....
from my analysis, you really loved him unconditionally (maybe no longer though), but i think the guy does deserve a second chance (ofcourse not under same conditions) - give him another chance and see him treat you like a queen.
If you give him another chance and he blows it then u certainly know that hes not good enough and does not disseve a beautiful thing like u.
Dguy, you are recommending another two years of pain and suffering? I hope you can pay the punitive damages that comes with the second chance. That ungrateful guy is not going to change. What type of frustration will cause a man to bite the finger that fed him for two years and forsake even her own family? I believe in second chances, but don't you think it is time that guy tries to take care of himself and his own brother instead of continued burden on this innocent girl that has done everything possible to make this guy happy? The guy is very unhappy. He never appreciated her. She is the one that is giving. It becomes tiring, exhausting and frustrating to have a one way street love affair. What happened in this relationship was unfair and too painful for the girl and she should not be encouraged to return for more abuse. This is my humble opinion. How about this guy woo her for the next two years before she will consider a second chance? How about this guy support her and her family also like she did for him? What is good for the goose is also good for the gander! well spoken ma....!,who doesn't deserv a second chance?would u allow ur younger sister to go through such pain after two years of such input in a relationship? this guy in question wouldn't even allow the sister to go through such either. Posted: at 29-09-2009 07:25 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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kellyguy at 29-09-2009 07:29 AM (15 years ago) (m) Firstly i would like to ask you to know what happened to your mode of reasoning before you started the afair? Did you just jumped into it? Listen young girl, i must say i am so disapointed in you because after investing so much and actually hoping deep deep down in your heart that one day God will elevate his(your surpose man) status, now you are throwing all away? what happened to the sweet memories..you never mentioned any! That shows how descipline you truely are. Why dont you just tell him straight to his face that you ust won Micheal Jackson relative's heart and achieving enough chocolate on your way back from work each day? Go ahead...am sure he will understand that better as long as you dont get similar from him. Think again Posted: at 29-09-2009 07:29 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie | |
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simele at 29-09-2009 08:52 AM (15 years ago) (m) i use to love him but he never valued me until now,i help him in so many ways ,ever since i knew him am the one feeding and housing him,because things have not been easy with him,i was hoping that one day he will appreciate me when things get well again ,i have my family i don't give them any thing i gives him my all,people told me to quit that am too young for this cross am bearing i never listened to them cos i loved him,but one day we had a quarrel he looked in to my eyes and called me a witch!!! that am the responsible for his failure and misfortunes ,i can't believe this!! he later pleaded wit me,i kept quiet ,and use my brain,now that i packed out from his house ,he still comes to my house to visit ,please pals give me tips on how to handle him to make him brake up with me ,i can't tell him directly that i quit,but for calling me a witch i don't need him again,i want to be loved again and experience a real love from a man,cos he never shows me love or even be grateful to what am doing for him,i don't think he deserve me,i want him to try alone and see if am really a witch or not ,
poster let take this way what if both of were married and he insult you that way what you do and you have a child for him Posted: at 29-09-2009 08:52 AM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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efosa7 at 29-09-2009 09:29 AM (15 years ago) (m) this na big mata , what do u think of were u are going ? u feel after 2 years u start a new life and u get the best at of it ? love is just like a baby it grow up step by step and i cant believe all the 2 year have been so very bad with both of you . girls have their ways of telling story too , GOD go save us . Posted: at 29-09-2009 09:29 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Hearthrob at 29-09-2009 11:26 AM (15 years ago) (f) I think you're stupid, sorry to say, how on earth will you spend that much on a guy for two years when he does not appreciate you one bit, you should have left him long before now and for the fact that he called you a witch who is behind his failures when you're not married, it means he actually said that from his mind, don't be surprise that when you eventually get married to him and he face any form of predicament, he will still call you a witch who is after him. Posted: at 29-09-2009 11:26 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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Recoverd at 29-09-2009 11:51 AM (15 years ago) (f) Just let him catch you top of another man, then tell him to get lost. Posted: at 29-09-2009 11:51 AM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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padrino at 29-09-2009 01:57 PM (15 years ago) (m) well girl i seem to understand ur plight and what u've been going through.first it is written in the bible that ''love thy neighbour as thy self'' the key word there is ur self first b4 anyone else.also there is a saying that ''charity begins at home'' very well what u did u do it for love but love not appreciated can always find it's way out through the back door.
sincerely speaking u hav tried ur best and the earlier u realise the guy in question those not love u or better still care about u the better for u.
secondly,u will be helping him a great deal if u let go now cos he will learn to value what he has next time and u will be pushing him to the wall to wake up to the realities of life and fend for himselfas a man no matter how odd it will appear.
there is a saying that ''necessity is the mother of invention''.
if u keep on with that relationship u wont be doing him any good as a man that he is cos he won't see any need to look for something doing.just free him for two or three week's he will look for some thing doing,believe me he can't afford to go hungry.giving him a chance again is not necessary to me cos atlast he will end up hurting u even more.
love is an emotional bank that is supposed to be serviced by the both parties and should't be one sided unlike ur's that u r the one loving,feeding,caring etc.
now u hav to know that there is a purpose for everything that happens, it's only left for u to interpret it the way it best suits u.
but my candid advice for u is; if u continue with that relationship what u will have from him is more pretence to love u in order to keep u close until when he hammers cash and believe me if u are still with him when he enventually makes a hit,....u know what will happen?
payback!! hence dumping u like a piece of trash.
be wish girl ''try to learn something about everything and everything about something''
he never valued u and won't start now but neverthless be mindfull not to rush into a new relationship all in the name of looking for someone to pet u.
''learn to pause or nothing worthwhile will catch up to u'' u will definately meet someone that will love u for who u are,respect u,appreciate ur little effort and treat u like a lady that u are.
remember u can always find true love even though it might take time.
all the very best!
guyleav am u too much... Posted: at 29-09-2009 01:57 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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