Should i try to please him or let him go? (Page 2)

Date: 06-10-2009 4:01 pm (15 years ago) | Author: Olaiya Bukola
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- bali4real at 6-10-2009 06:48 PM (15 years ago)
Quote from: MrDon on  6-10-2009 04:04 PM
still not old enough to make ur decision? then u fire him and have nothing more to do with guys again, ok?
na waow Grin
Posted: at 6-10-2009 06:48 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- PreetyInstinct at 6-10-2009 07:08 PM (15 years ago)
Quote from: smartangelbecky on  6-10-2009 04:01 PM
There is this Guy that i met four months ago, when have decided not to have any thing to do with a Guy anymore. But before i realise it, i have already fall for this Guy. When we stated the relationship, it was like heaven on earth, he love me, cherish me and can't just do without me, but then i never rely showed him that i like him. But the moment he realise that have fall for him, he satrted misbehaving. He don't call anymore, he wants me to be calling him, he only call me whenever he wants to satisfy his urge. pls what do i do. should i try to please him or let him Go
Hmmm urge huh?and u alwayz answer 2 his callings abi?ermmm just think hard about wat ur doing gudluck sha.

Posted: at 6-10-2009 07:08 PM (15 years ago) | Hero
- pepigambit at 6-10-2009 08:33 PM (15 years ago)
Posted: at 6-10-2009 08:33 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Beauti4 at 6-10-2009 08:37 PM (15 years ago)
guys are always like that. i have never come across the one who will appreciate your calls by callin u back. even though the calls r free.
Posted: at 6-10-2009 08:37 PM (15 years ago) | Hero
- Akpan01 at 7-10-2009 01:38 PM (15 years ago)
Quote from: macgreat on  6-10-2009 05:56 PM
Quote from: prencess on  6-10-2009 05:42 PM
it seems that he has taken what he want from u
and want to show u  his back hand, leave him he's not for real.
419 them

419 for Love  Roll Eyes

Posted: at 7-10-2009 01:38 PM (15 years ago) | Hero
- Hearthrob at 7-10-2009 05:19 PM (15 years ago)
Why don't u just wisen up, he doesn't love u, has has gotten wot he want, so if u keep calln him, it shows dat u still care 4 him n dat will make him keep calln u 2 satisfy his urge, so leave him n move on wit ur life. Gud luck
Posted: at 7-10-2009 05:19 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- kouga at 7-10-2009 05:30 PM (15 years ago)
my sister, dat onchendu,s question need to be answer before we can proced. have u slept wit him?. it,s one million naira question on this mater before u could get the best answer so pls answer.
Posted: at 7-10-2009 05:30 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- simele at 8-10-2009 11:40 AM (15 years ago)
Quote from: smartangelbecky on  6-10-2009 04:01 PM
There is this Guy that i met four months ago, when have decided not to have any thing to do with a Guy anymore. But before i realise it, i have already fall for this Guy. When we stated the relationship, it was like heaven on earth, he love me, cherish me and can't just do without me, but then i never rely showed him that i like him. But the moment he realise that have fall for him, he satrted misbehaving. He don't call anymore, he wants me to be calling him, he only call me whenever he wants to satisfy his urge. pls what do i do. should i try to please him or let him Go

call him he may be thinking if you truly love him
Posted: at 8-10-2009 11:40 AM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
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