A woman who allegedly beat traffic light, was stopped by officials of War Against Indiscipline(WAI) on Monday. According reports, when they stopped the woman on Sapele Road, in Benin, she pleaded with them that she was rushing her son to the hospital as he was sick. Unfortunately, the WAI officials refused to listen to her, but instead they jumped into her car and allegedly dragged the steering from her ; causing the car to almost hit a passerby in the process. That is when things got ugly as the woman alleged that one of them hit her in the face. When this happened, the officials took to their heels, but the woman held onto the one that hit her; giving him the beating of his life. People who were around the vicinity, made no attempt to rescue the poor man as they were visibly angry. WAI officials and Oshiomole boys should be called to order. They always harass people unnecessarily....especially women. It is not advisable for any woman to drive alone in Edo State again. You should have someone in the car with you, specifically, a man unless they could pounce on you....guilty or not. The man was later arrested by the police.
I scour the world wide web to bring you interesting stories from around the globe. bayonel3@gmailcom
Posted: at 29-01-2015 11:33 AM (10 years ago) | Addicted Hero
Lateef67 at 29-01-2015 11:53 AM (10 years ago) (m)
Wai must do it easy
Posted: at 29-01-2015 11:53 AM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
Originalsly at 29-01-2015 12:13 PM (10 years ago) (m)
Like him or not...he is an official..she should never hit him. It was for her to sit on his face...ehmmm....to sit on him until the police arrive. Even if he suffocated....got crushed or a few ribs broken.....she would not be blamed nor charged for anything.
Posted: at 29-01-2015 12:13 PM (10 years ago) | Upcoming