Uche Jombo Celebrates Third Year Wedding Anniversary With An Heartfelt Message (READ)

Date: 16-05-2015 8:01 am (9 years ago) | Author: Mister Jay Wonder
- at 16-05-2015 08:01 AM (9 years ago)
Online (m)

She shared the photo below on her instagram page and wrote

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Posted: at 16-05-2015 08:01 AM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Larry28 at 16-05-2015 09:22 AM (9 years ago)
God bless ur home
Posted: at 16-05-2015 09:22 AM (9 years ago) | Hero
- echeeche at 16-05-2015 09:36 AM (9 years ago)
Good to hear
Posted: at 16-05-2015 09:36 AM (9 years ago) | Hero
- Oways at 16-05-2015 01:12 PM (9 years ago)
Posted: at 16-05-2015 01:12 PM (9 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- paulohking at 16-05-2015 02:04 PM (9 years ago)
happy anniversary
Posted: at 16-05-2015 02:04 PM (9 years ago) | Hero
- PoliticxGuru at 17-05-2015 02:08 AM (9 years ago)
good for them
Posted: at 17-05-2015 02:08 AM (9 years ago) | Hero
- sgenevasmith at 17-05-2015 05:23 AM (9 years ago)
Uche,  I'm happy for you.
Posted: at 17-05-2015 05:23 AM (9 years ago) | Upcoming
- sgenevasmith at 17-05-2015 05:33 AM (9 years ago)
Uche,  I'm happy for you.
Posted: at 17-05-2015 05:33 AM (9 years ago) | Upcoming
- Charivan at 17-05-2015 05:59 PM (9 years ago)
God please grant me a white man as a husband.... am moved with this... God bless ur union
Posted: at 17-05-2015 05:59 PM (9 years ago) | Upcoming
- beneno at 18-05-2015 12:13 PM (9 years ago)
Posted: at 18-05-2015 12:13 PM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- elchymo at 18-08-2015 08:54 PM (9 years ago)
Posted: at 18-08-2015 08:54 PM (9 years ago) | Hero
- innocentbola at 2-09-2015 02:06 AM (9 years ago)
HML to them
Posted: at 2-09-2015 02:06 AM (9 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- hackynoni111 at 2-09-2015 11:57 AM (9 years ago)
wish her the best
Posted: at 2-09-2015 11:57 AM (9 years ago) | Gistmaniac

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