My Wife left me 5monnths ago after she find it difficult to delivery in a prayer house(she stayed there about 2 months without my idea claiming to be in her Sister's place in PH) and was rushed into a hospital to give birth to a beautiful baby girl after 15days of expecting date. She said the prophet told her I was the cause of the delay :'( .
She refused coming home with me after she was discharge accusing me and my Mother of being a witch! The prophet,Mother in-law and Sister in-law says its revelation from God.
At this moment I'm still heart-broken and confussed. I need help cause the marriage had already been called-off by me :'( .
Posted: at 15-12-2009 12:49 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
forwarrior at 15-12-2009 12:58 PM (14 years ago) (m)
Ochendu, I had to take that action because she continues abusing thro' phone calls and text messages from her village where is now staying with her Mother after running away.
Posted: at 15-12-2009 12:58 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
U havent gotten my point. U listed a group of people and blame dem for destroying Ur marriage. Wasnt the final decision Urs and their level of influence on permitted by U?
Posted: at 15-12-2009 01:04 PM (14 years ago) | Hero
you made this statement[I need help cause the marriage had already been called-off by me ]so what kind of help do you want from us or me? you already called off the relationship ..there is nutting anyone can do cause you already made up your mind.
Posted: at 15-12-2009 04:31 PM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
My Wife left me 5monnths ago after she find it difficult to delivery in a prayer house(she stayed there about 2 months without my idea claiming to be in her Sister's place in PH) and was rushed into a hospital to give birth to a beautiful baby girl after 15days of expecting date. She said the prophet told her I was the cause of the delay :'( . She refused coming home with me after she was discharge accusing me and my Mother of being a witch! The prophet,Mother in-law and Sister in-law says its revelation from God.
At this moment I'm still heart-broken and confussed. I need help cause the marriage had already been called-off by me :'( .
worry ursef no more...cuz those shit ar all lies
God in his Infinite mercies cannot withold the birth of a the best of my knowledge
there is somtin fishy abt dat child
Posted: at 15-12-2009 09:06 PM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
Why call off a marriage that is not off? in the sense that u got married and u r having family challenges, so F*$%K what! u are a man, so u should stand and solve ur own problems and not run away from them like a chicken!!! TRY PUTING GOD FIRST ANYWAY CUS WITH HIM, ERRTING IS POSSIBLE. after that, u should do an STS. Sit, Think and Strategize. THE LORD IS UR STRENGTH.
Posted: at 15-12-2009 11:39 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
ceejay58 at 16-12-2009 12:41 AM (14 years ago) (m)
poster if u re convinced that u re free from wat she accused u of, then u ve got nothing to worry about. if she had bn brain-washed by her so-called prophet then move on with ur life but one thing is certain, u have every right to contribute to the upkeep of ur baby. ofcourse they cannot deny u that. so move on man.
Posted: at 16-12-2009 12:41 AM (14 years ago) | Hero