Not only Calabar; Lagos is also beautiful; Which is more Attractive?

Date: 24-12-2009 7:46 pm (15 years ago) | Author: Daniel Bosai
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- at 24-12-2009 07:46 PM (15 years ago)
My People, Eko oni Baje ooo.
I see my fellow man dey post Calabar picture, na him i vex go take this photos for Eko Akete!

Lagos or Calabar which is more attractive?

Click here to see Pictures from Calabar

Lagos or Calabar which is more attractive?

Click here to see Pictures from Calabar

Posted: at 24-12-2009 07:46 PM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- dollar22 at 24-12-2009 09:55 PM (15 years ago)
you day ask where lagos now
Posted: at 24-12-2009 09:55 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- EHISE at 24-12-2009 10:08 PM (15 years ago)
FOR ME IS CALABAR..................
Posted: at 24-12-2009 10:08 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- Mbano4lyf at 24-12-2009 11:51 PM (15 years ago)
To me sha, I think na Kalaba is more attractive.. u see, puttin those deceiving pics wont do any better in changing d minds of ppl.. dos pics r just mere projects that have not been done yet.. plus, Kalaba get more green areas and beautiful statues pass Lagos...chaii!! an i can rememba d statue of d two hands.. dat 1 very impressive... d state even has roller coasters!!an i wonda if Lagos has too, and I mean big roller coasters... so u see, Ex-Gov Donald Duke really did alot in this state and his work has illuminated d potentials of Naija to d whole main tourist area
Posted: at 24-12-2009 11:51 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- sera4all at 24-12-2009 11:55 PM (15 years ago)
4   REAL
Posted: at 24-12-2009 11:55 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- Toks-E at 25-12-2009 01:22 AM (15 years ago)
Quote from: comefeelit on 25-12-2009 12:35 AM
Any interesting places in other states?. If you have beautiful or urgly places to share, please post. This could result in various state governors challenging themselves in doing good things for their respective states. I need photos of various states.   

they jst got to the beautiful parts of states, nd take pics

Posted: at 25-12-2009 01:22 AM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- jasa90at at 25-12-2009 02:21 AM (15 years ago)
more progress to nigeria, we do not need a competition about state all we need is progress.
but if i may choose i will rather choose lagos state one and only.............. the GIANT of nigeria.
Posted: at 25-12-2009 02:21 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- Mbano4lyf at 25-12-2009 02:55 AM (15 years ago)
Quote from: jasa90at on 25-12-2009 02:21 AM
more progress to nigeria, we do not need a competition about state all we need is progress.
but if i may choose i will rather choose lagos state one and only.............. the GIANT of nigeria.

well sha, u r speakin a fact, but no bi truth.. all we need is not just progress, we also need competition.. I mean, how r other states goin ta learn 'how its done'? that is d only way - competition. So d more competitions states engage themselves into, d more we innovate, and rehabilitate; thus, we therefore born d word, "progress".
Posted: at 25-12-2009 02:55 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- Alagwachillin at 25-12-2009 06:07 AM (15 years ago)
While Lagos is still a great city,anytime anyday...there should be no agrument about which is more beautiful..Calabar will win lagos hands down,anyday,as the cleaner,greener and better of the two wonderful cities
Posted: at 25-12-2009 06:07 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- suave at 25-12-2009 08:53 AM (15 years ago)
i beg no mind d calaba gug he go cary pics of turriest center why he no snap inside of city
Posted: at 25-12-2009 08:53 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- ijecool at 25-12-2009 09:54 AM (15 years ago)
calabar is more beautiful coz all they do there is tourism.lagos is a commercial city and it'll b hard 2 match what dose guys in calaba hav
Posted: at 25-12-2009 09:54 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- suave at 25-12-2009 10:09 AM (15 years ago)
as 4me lagos is d most beautiful city in niga......... Kiss Kiss Kiss
Posted: at 25-12-2009 10:09 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- chiumistik at 25-12-2009 10:31 AM (15 years ago)
definately Calabar...!
Posted: at 25-12-2009 10:31 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- emmas4impact at 25-12-2009 11:19 AM (15 years ago)
Lagos is beautiful too
Posted: at 25-12-2009 11:19 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- just2sexy at 25-12-2009 12:00 PM (15 years ago)
Them no dey compare them nah.. Destination Cross River, The nations paradise... Business or leisure WELCOME HOME.

Even Fashola go tell u say nah Calabar fine pass Grin Grin Grin

Posted: at 25-12-2009 12:00 PM (15 years ago) | Hero
- Rashy23 at 25-12-2009 12:34 PM (15 years ago)
anyway to me i thinkdis competition thing is great, cos it will encourage other city to improve, but calabar looks more beautiful cos its a tourist center, so it can't be compared to lagos a commercial place, but lagos is d best city in naija Smiley
Posted: at 25-12-2009 12:34 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- elusakin at 25-12-2009 01:10 PM (15 years ago)
If we're talking about distribution of development, Lagos State rocks past most cities in the world. Cross River only has Calabar to showcase, Lagos has a whole lot of cities to display.

Someone mentioned GREEN AREAS, then Costa Rica should be the finest country in the world if that's one of criteria to choose the finest country.
Posted: at 25-12-2009 01:10 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- compo2500 at 25-12-2009 03:03 PM (15 years ago)
omg cant blieve ds!!!!! is ds lagos of yesterday has b come ds infact am speechless....well am veryvery xited abt ds Batunde weldone 4d grt job done may all ya kids grow old dan ya 4father!!!!!!!
Posted: at 25-12-2009 03:03 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- fishme at 25-12-2009 03:13 PM (15 years ago)
Calabar is more attractive!
Posted: at 25-12-2009 03:13 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- consula at 25-12-2009 04:13 PM (15 years ago)
very funny how we make comparison in this part of the world. How can you compare a state with a capital? To compare Lagos state to Calabar is Insulting. You either compare Lagos Island or Ikeja to Calabar or Cros River to Lagos and not the other way round. How many places in Cross River is close to Calabar and if you know Lagos very well, you will know that those pics above spans btw Lagos Island, V/Island, Ikeja and its environs  whereas na Calabar be the only beautiful place in CR. Talking about neatness, the entire population of Calabar is less than 5million and you are saying it's e for no neat at all! It's like comparing Port Harcourt and Lagos...IMAGINE. The whole of PH is not as big as Agege LGA of Lagos state so what the hell are we comparing then? Anyway, both places are cool sha.
Posted: at 25-12-2009 04:13 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
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