Father of Nigerian terror suspect in Flight bomb attack, warned U.S.

Date: 26-12-2009 8:26 pm (15 years ago) | Author: Daniel Bosai
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- at 26-12-2009 08:26 PM (15 years ago)

The terror suspect who tried to blow up a Detroit-bound plane is the son of a Nigerian banker who alerted U.S. authorities to his "extreme religious views" months ago, it was reported Saturday.

The father, Alhaji Umaru Mutallab, a former minister and chairman of First Bank in Nigeria, is shocked that his son was even was allowed to fly to the U.S., family members told the Nigerian newspaper This Day.

The dad was meeting with security officials to discuss his son, identified as Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, 23.
The younger Mutallab was not on any no-fly list when he flew from Nigeria to Detroit through Amsterdam, Rep. Pete King (R-L.I.) told the Daily News.

When he tried to ignite powder strapped to his leg with a a chemical-filled syringe, he was tackled by a heroic passenger aboard Northwest Flight 253.

The passenger, Dutch video director Jasper Schuringa, told CNN he heard a big bang that sounded like a firecracker, then saw smoke and flames.

Schuringa said saw the man's pants were open and he was holding a burning object between his legs.

"I pulled the object from him and tried to extinguish the fire with my hands and threw it away," Schuringa said.

Schuringa grabbed Mutallab and pulled him to the front of the plane.

"He was staring into nothing," Schuringa said.

Schuringa said he stripped off the man's clothes to check for other explosives and a crew member helped handcuff him. Passengers apparently applauded his efforts as he walked back to his seat.

"My hands are pretty burned. I am fine," Schuringa said. "I am shaken up."

Schuringa was taken to the University of Michigan Medical Center Friday night.

The suspect boarded the Airbus 330 - carrying 278 passengers and 11 crew members - in Amsterdam after arriving on a flight from Lagos.

He told authorities he got the explosives in Yemen and received orders from Al Qaeda operatives to detonate the device on a plane over U.S. soil, officials said.

He is an engineering student at the University College in London. His last-known address near the school is a $4 million apartment in Central London. Police were searching there Saturday morning.

This Day reported that the suspect has been known for extremist religious views since high school at the British International School in Lome, Togo.

"At the secondary school, he was known for preaching about Islam to his schoolmates and he was popularly called 'Alfa,' a local coinage for Islamic scholar," This Day reported

Posted: at 26-12-2009 08:26 PM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- yincus at 26-12-2009 08:54 PM (15 years ago)
i think this idiot should plan to die alone if his tired of staying in this world instead of looking for who will accompany him to hell where he belong,now that he as drag nigeria name into mess thinking that he was fighting for the religion that his own father cannot pick up the fight,making every green P holder to be a suspect in every where.
Posted: at 26-12-2009 08:54 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- bobbyhenry at 26-12-2009 09:31 PM (15 years ago)
May God punish any person that want to tarnish the image of nigeria.This animal deserve to rotten in jail.
Posted: at 26-12-2009 09:31 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- dirtykid at 26-12-2009 09:36 PM (15 years ago)
exactly what he is Dick head.. who wants to sleep with some 72 virgins in his hell, that he couldnt get one here on earth. he has brought shame and disgrace to 9ijaa people.

Posted: at 26-12-2009 09:36 PM (15 years ago) | Hero
- popo2009 at 26-12-2009 09:48 PM (15 years ago)
This is really a setback to my dear country Nigeria. I wish that Evil had died even before boarding that plane
intead of bringing this shame to a whole country.
Nigeria will become object of suspect t the whole world
Posted: at 26-12-2009 09:48 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- memzycool2000 at 26-12-2009 09:52 PM (15 years ago)
I am so dissapointed in this terrible and pathetic situation,A typical Nigerian born of a true Nigerian mother and father cannot be seen or heard to be involved in such an embarrasing situation how can a gentle man from a descent family background be involved in terrorism due to the fact that he as allowed religious fanatism to becloud his sense of reasoning,the American government should examine the boy mentally to check his mental state because i feel the boy is insane.
Posted: at 26-12-2009 09:52 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- chogzie at 26-12-2009 10:09 PM (15 years ago)
which kind wahala be this one, can you imagine a son of a well respected man would do some thing like this. this country sef, na God go deliver us
Posted: at 26-12-2009 10:09 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Metiare at 26-12-2009 10:13 PM (15 years ago)
I love Naija, is good to have this kind of news on headline around the world, so that people should know that we nor dey carry last, well i just which the dude did it for money, not just 27 virgin. Naija 4 life.
Posted: at 26-12-2009 10:13 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- black_samurai at 26-12-2009 10:21 PM (15 years ago)
Quote from: Metiare on 26-12-2009 10:13 PM
I love Naija, is good to have this kind of news on headline around the world, so that people should know that we nor dey carry last, well i just which the dude did it for money, not just 27 virgin. Naija 4 life.


Haven't we had enough bad reputation?

Posted: at 26-12-2009 10:21 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- Toks-E at 26-12-2009 10:27 PM (15 years ago)
so i guess US Govt is at fault..for failing to keep tabs on the guy. Had he succeeded..Naija go bcome world power from behind Grin Grin

dem go fear Naija tire

Posted: at 26-12-2009 10:27 PM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- esoo at 26-12-2009 10:59 PM (15 years ago)
like father like son.....the money stolen from banks and goverment purse...he uses it to train that idot...that back fired to their family....its not good to stole money....nija Government should investigate his father....they are the people causing problems in the northern nija between muslem and the xchristain......making north unbearable to live in,............
Posted: at 26-12-2009 10:59 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- martiniroyce at 26-12-2009 11:08 PM (15 years ago)
Posted: at 26-12-2009 11:08 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- rotemma at 27-12-2009 12:29 AM (15 years ago)
I really feel 4 9ja, coz dat guy just tanished the image if this country. I hope other nations dont see 9ja as 1 of those terrorist nation,coz dat will b bad. one love 9ja pals.lets just wish he doesnt rot in jail.
Posted: at 27-12-2009 12:29 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- Toks-E at 27-12-2009 12:49 AM (15 years ago)
Quote from: esoo on 26-12-2009 10:59 PM
like father like son.....the money stolen from banks and goverment purse...he uses it to train that idot...that back fired to their family....its not good to stole money....nija Government should investigate his father....they are the people causing problems in the northern nija between muslem and the xchristain......making north unbearable to live in,............
Grin Cool

Posted: at 27-12-2009 12:49 AM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- nametalkam at 27-12-2009 12:49 AM (15 years ago)
(CNN) -- The father of a man suspected of trying to bring down a Northwest Airlines jet recently contacted the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria about concerns that his son had "become radicalized" and could be planning something, a family source told CNN Saturday.

The son, 23-year-old Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, was charged in a federal criminal complaint Saturday with attempting to destroy the plane Friday on its final approach to Detroit Metropolitan Airport in Michigan, and with placing a destructive device on the aircraft, the Department of Justice said.

A preliminary FBI analysis found that the device contained PETN, also known as pentaerythritol, a high explosive. In addition, FBI agents recovered what appear to be the remnants of the syringe from the vicinity of Abdulmutallab's seat, believed to have been part of the device.

Abdulmutallab was to make an initial court appearance at a hospital later Saturday. Read the federal criminal complaint and affidavit

The father, Alhaji Umar Mutallab, recently retired as chairman of First Bank PLC in Nigeria, one of the nation's premier banks. He contacted the U.S. Embassy about his fears, said the source, who lives at the family home in Kaduna in northern Nigeria.

About three months ago, the family source said, the father contacted various security agencies and the U.S. Embassy in Abuja, the capital, about a text message he had received from his son the day before.

The son informed his family that he was leaving school in Dubai, where he had gone to get a second degree, to move to Yemen. He implied that he was leaving "for the course of Islam."

The family member said the son "had no family consent or support." He "absconded to Yemen."

"His mother has not been sleeping for months. She is on medication to sleep," the source said.

His information about the son was forwarded to the National Counter-Terrorism Center, and the son was added to a general watch list, a data base of suspected terrorists. But the official said "the info on him was not deemed specific enough to pull his visa or put him on a no-fly list."

Abdulmutallab suffered severe burns Friday when he ignited a small explosive device aboard the plane, and was hospitalized at the University of Michigan burn trauma center in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

His apparent plans were foiled by crew members and passengers, and he was taken into custody for questioning by the FBI, authorities said.

The family source said Abdulmutallab received a college degree at the University College of London, where spokesman Dave Weston said a man named Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab was enrolled in the Mechanical Engineering Department between September 2005 and June 2008.

His last-known London address was a basement apartment in a wealthy neighborhood. On Saturday, counterterrorism police officers police went in and out of an ornate building on Mansfield Street where Abdulmutallab apparently lived.

Abdulmutallab was granted a multiple-year, multiple-entry tourist visa at the U.S. Embassy in London in June 2008, a senior U.S. administration official familiar with the case told CNN on Saturday.

At the time, there was "no derogatory information that would have prevented him from getting a visa," said the official.

When Abdulmuttalab returned to Nigeria from London, he told his family he wanted to get a second college degree in Cairo or Saudi Arabia, the family source said. The family refused, because they were worried that he may have developed ties to some dubious people. He went to Dubai, instead, the source said.

Abdulmuttalab sent his family a text message saying he had gone to Yemen to start a new life, and that it would be difficult for anyone to reach him because he had thrown his SIM card away, according to the source.

Abdulmuttalab's father notified the U.S. Embassy with information on his son, saying the family feared he went to Yemen to participate in "some kind of jihad."

The family, the source said, in no way supports Abdulmuttalab's actions. The father was talking to government officials Saturday, the source added.

Earlier Saturday, the Netherlands' national coordinator for counterterrorism told CNN that Abdulmuttalab had gone through "normal security procedures" in Amsterdam before boarding the flight to Detroit, and those were "well-performed."

The initial impression is that the suspect was acting alone and did not have any formal connections to organized terrorist groups, said the senior U.S. administration official, who is familiar with the investigation.

The remains of the device were sent to an FBI explosives lab in Quantico, Virginia, for analysis, security sources said.

U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Mississippi, who chairs the House Committee on Homeland Security, said the attempted act of terrorism would be the focus of an oversight hearing next month.

"The committee will get to the bottom of what did and did not happen with Mr. Abdulmutallab and what security precautions need to take place in the future," Thompson said.

The official said there was no evidence that Abdulmutallab was a hard-core, trained member of al Qaeda.

Abdulmutallab, however, claimed to have extremist ties and said the explosive device "was acquired in Yemen along with instructions as to when it should be used," a federal security bulletin obtained by CNN said.

An official with the U.S. Transportation Security Administration told CNN there will be increased security measures taken on international flights to the United States. The official advised travelers to allow for extra time before the flight. There will be no change in the number of carry-on bags allowed.

"The security of the public must always be our primary concern," said a statement Saturday from British Prime Minister Gordon Brown. The statement was read over the phone by a spokesman at 10 Downing Street.

Britain's home secretary said Saturday that the case "represents a potentially serious security threat."

Home Secretary Alan Johnson said he is following developments closely and has assured the public that police in Britain are working closely with U.S. investigators "to uncover the full background to the incident."

Read more about the investigation in the U.K.

In Nigeria, the government on Saturday said it "received with dismay the news of attempted terrorist attack on a U.S. airline" and has ordered its security agencies to investigate the incident.

"While steps are being taken to verify the identity of the alleged suspect and his motives, our security agencies will cooperate fully with the American authorities in the on-going investigations," Professor Dora Akunyili, Nigeria's minister of information and communications.

"We state very clearly that as a nation, we abhor all forms of terrorism."

Passengers described the brief moments of panic on board.

Syed Jafry, who was sitting in seat 16G, said the plane was just beginning to descend when passengers heard a pop.

"Everybody got a little bit startled," he said. "After a few seconds or so ... there was ... kind of a flamish light and there was fire" and people around the immediate area began to panic.

Jafry said the incident was under control within minutes, crediting the crew and nearby passengers for the rapid response. See passengers' accounts

Another passenger described the experience this way.

"What we heard in the beginning was a bang. Sounded first like a balloon being popped, and then a minute later there was a lady shouting back and she was saying things like, 'what are you doing, what are you doing' "?

"We heard a loud pop, then a bit of a smoke and then some flames, then yelling and screaming. From what we could tell, there was a gentleman that had some sort of device on him that caused him to catch on fire.

"All of a sudden ... flight attendants ran up and down the aisles. I think we knew at the point, when we saw the fear in the flight attendants' eyes, and they grabbed the fire extinguisher and we smelled a bunch of smoke."

No other suspicious materials were found on the plane or in luggage, the law enforcement and airline security sources said. The suspect had only carry-on luggage. The plane, an Airbus 330, was carrying 278 passengers. Delta is the parent company of Northwest.

Posted: at 27-12-2009 12:49 AM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- moisembah at 27-12-2009 01:17 AM (15 years ago)
Just bcos of this security measures dong take different dimension for naija dem especially. 3hrs checking b4 take-off only for naija nationals. Now all Africans per se are search thoroughly right to their pants both male and female. This wahala nobi only for naija sha, but for all Africans now. God help people with black skin.
Posted: at 27-12-2009 01:17 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- Shaleywa at 27-12-2009 01:21 AM (15 years ago)
dis is crios.dis guy jst derep us. to get visa to america now wud nt be easy.am sure pple are cursin him in d embassy ryt now.i feel so terrible most of d students in ma skul are whtys.dey look at us lyk terrorists.
Posted: at 27-12-2009 01:21 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- moisembah at 27-12-2009 01:43 AM (15 years ago)
Just bcos of this security measures dong take different dimension for naija dem especially. 3hrs checking b4 take-off only for naija nationals. Now all Africans per se are search thoroughly right to their pants both male and female. This wahala nobi only for naija sha, but for all Africans now. God help people with black skin.
Posted: at 27-12-2009 01:43 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- chuxdspaceman at 27-12-2009 02:18 AM (15 years ago)
  >:(Chineke God!! Which kind nonsense be this one?? When person don dey finally see hin final destination to yankee coming into reality na hin this devil wey i no know where hin come from just appear!! hin for just commit suicide if say na die dey worry am!! As e be now all man don suspend all journey or applying for visa until further notice....still rest in SOUTH America!! But we go still reach NORTH!! ABDULMUMU no fit stop us!! Naija for life!!
Posted: at 27-12-2009 02:18 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- NKEMJOU at 27-12-2009 03:54 AM (15 years ago)
I really am tired of this story, I mean how worse does it get? we are still suffering from the effects of the sony ps3 advert, d district 9 movie, trying to "re-brand" nigeria, and this happens? pstt, I just give up...xxx
Posted: at 27-12-2009 03:54 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
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