Nigeria threatens to sever ties with America

Date: 06-01-2010 1:00 pm (15 years ago) | Author: Daniel Bosai
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- at 6-01-2010 01:00 PM (15 years ago)

As controversy and anger continue to trail the listing of Nigeria as one of the 10 countries on the United States of America's top security watch list, the Senate has threatened to severe diplomatic relations with the country if by next week, it fails to remove Nigeria from the list of countries "of interest" for terrorism.

The Senate said this through its spokesperson, Ayogu Eze. He told National Assembly reporters on Tuesday in Abuja, "We are very unhappy about the development and when we resume, we are going to take this matter very seriously if America has not taken Nigeria's name off that list."

The U.S., through its Transport Security Administration (TSA), on Sunday announced the inclusion of Nigeria on the list of countries that are considered "of interest" (with regards to terrorism) based on its latest terrorism intelligence. Also included in the list with Nigeria are Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Yemen.

Mr. Eze, who told reporters that he was talking on behalf of the Senate president, said, "For them (America) to embarrass the entire country with this type of classification without justification is totally unacceptable. The American president himself clearly admitted that this was a failure of system and the manpower of Americans. I don't see how Nigerians come in there and moreover this is just one instance of a Nigerian who it is clearly established had no links with any fundamentalist group or any interest group within Nigeria, not even with his own parents."

Failure of intelligence

He added, "This was a boy whose disappearance was reported to the security agencies, the American authorities and all the relevant authorities; and America did nothing. For them to turn round and punish Nigerians for the sin of an isolated case like this is very unacceptable to the Nigerian government and unacceptable to the Nigerian Senate."

He said the Senate has also watched with keen interest several other breaches that have taken place in the American system even before the alleged attempted terror attack by the Nigerian. He cited the issue of the uninvited guest who beat White House security to crash a party organised in honour of the Indian president. "That was not a Nigerian. Americans should look inwards and search their soul; something is wrong with their system and they should not punish ordinary Nigerians, who are very law-abiding and good international citizens for the failure and irresponsibility of American citizens. Nigeria will not take that."

A word for America

Mr. Eze offered an advice to the superpower, "We also want to advise America that it is in their own interest to ensure that they conduct this matter in a manner that will not result in a diplomatic row between America and Nigeria. It will be most unfair, given the kind of relationship that has existed between America and Nigeria for America to jump to this type of conclusion without even adequate consultation with all the authorities. This is not acceptable to us and we are going to do whatever we can as a nation to prove to America that we will not take this. This is not how diplomacy is conducted and we are going to engage all our diplomatic gears to ensure that we either have a relationship with America or we don't."

It has been widely reported that since the December 25 incident involving a Nigerian, many Nigerians have been subjected to dehumanising treatments and body searches by American security officials. This, Mr. Eze observed, "Must be stopped immediately. Do they think America is the only country that has citizens the country is responsible to?" he asked.

"We also have citizens and we are responsible for them and we will not wait and allow Nigerians to be molested wherever they go," Mr. Eze said.

The listing of Nigeria in the ‘countries of interest list' means, all NIgerian passengers as well as those whose flights originate from Nigeria will be subjected to full body and hand luggage searches. Analysts have also said foreign investors are likely to be wary of investing in the country as a result of the listing.

Posted: at 6-01-2010 01:00 PM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- myolu at 6-01-2010 02:18 PM (15 years ago)
Posted: at 6-01-2010 02:18 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- 9to6 at 6-01-2010 02:33 PM (15 years ago)

they are launching a positive campaign to strengthen international relationships.
Posted: at 6-01-2010 02:33 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- chogzie at 6-01-2010 02:39 PM (15 years ago)
correct talks
Posted: at 6-01-2010 02:39 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- negus at 6-01-2010 03:09 PM (15 years ago)
Nigerian government officials are not handling this delicate issue with the maturity it demands.Of course,it is not on the pages of newspapers that the issue will be ressolved,and government should not ecsalate an already dicey situation.What is needed is high stake behind-the-scene diplomacy,and not this rather bellicose jerky reaction by the Senate.
We cannot change the fact that Umaru Adbul Mutallab is a full-blooded Nigerian,good or bad.We should rather intensify our efforts towards arresting what is really a scary dimension to the internationalisation of terrorism
The mass of jobless youths in Nigerian would rather blow up government establishmnents than maim and kill citizens of western countries,notably USA,who have been very accommodating of us.
But still,our very own Mutallab tried blowing up that plane.Period.
He must have learnt well from the unrepentant tribe of politicians(or looticians) that have hijacked the Nigerian Plane,and are flying it towards a healong collision with sorrow,tears and blood. 
Posted: at 6-01-2010 03:09 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- oyez at 6-01-2010 04:08 PM (15 years ago)
When Nigeria win this World Cup...America eyes go clear

Posted: at 6-01-2010 04:08 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- DarkCoco at 6-01-2010 04:16 PM (15 years ago)
we shall see what happens, buh dis senate or whatever they wanna call themselves better b careful with what they are sayin, it pure rubbish

Remeber that America is not relying on Nigeria, Nigeria is whats relyin on America, thats where money oil money comes from, now Nigeria wants to cut ties, we shall see what other nation will want to buy oil from Nigeria if America doesnt

@negus- u took everythin outta ma mouth tho, the govt or whatever they wanna call themselves just wanna show face and say that they have somethin which they dont


Posted: at 6-01-2010 04:16 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- oyez at 6-01-2010 04:19 PM (15 years ago)
Quote from: DarkCoco on  6-01-2010 04:16 PM
we shall see what happens, buh dis senate or whatever they wanna call themselves better b careful with what they are sayin, it pure rubbish

Remeber that America is not relying on Nigeria, Nigeria is whats relyin on America, thats where money oil money comes from, now Nigeria wants to cut ties, we shall see what other nation will want to buy oil from Nigeria if America doesnt

@negus- u took everythin outta ma mouth tho, the govt or whatever they wanna call themselves just wanna show face and say that they have somethin which they dont

leave us...if worst come to worsts, we will drink our own oil by ourselves...we don't want America for nothing.
but come to think of it...there's even scarcity of fuel now...where's the oil we'r gonna drink? Huh?

Posted: at 6-01-2010 04:19 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Phil2 at 6-01-2010 04:41 PM (15 years ago)
hmmmmmm...watching with keen interest, nice thought but we've to be carefull
Posted: at 6-01-2010 04:41 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- buston at 6-01-2010 04:47 PM (15 years ago)
i love that....but can they do it
Posted: at 6-01-2010 04:47 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- just2sexy at 6-01-2010 04:53 PM (15 years ago)

Posted: at 6-01-2010 04:53 PM (15 years ago) | Hero
- emmy2009 at 6-01-2010 05:17 PM (15 years ago)


Posted: at 6-01-2010 05:17 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- fumine at 6-01-2010 05:21 PM (15 years ago)
nigeria govt are too sleeping, they have to do something abt it to protect innocent nigerians bcos nigeria is not a terrorrist country why are they include our name.
Posted: at 6-01-2010 05:21 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- Eghe1 at 6-01-2010 06:03 PM (15 years ago)
Action speaks louder than VOICE,the senate should not sit there and talk but to act and remove Nigria name out of that dirt list.....if dem need support they should let the poor and innocent masses know for demostration.
Posted: at 6-01-2010 06:03 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- dolphinkate at 6-01-2010 06:24 PM (15 years ago)
I wonder and shake my head. This threat of the so called nigerian senate is a big mistake and not showing matured politics. It´s only kind of propaganda against america. That is exactly, how other underdeveloped, violent and terror countries with no democracy do react: By preaching hatred against america and the western world in general. By cutting good connections with america off, is nigeria only proving, that they r or on the way to become banana terror republic. Also there r signs, that the terror organisation al qaeda chosed nigeria as their new base in the north. Besides, where is the nigerian president or vize president now? His presence and statement for his country is needed now.

International security has to start from somewhere. The deeper control towards nigerian citizens is so unfortunate, embarassing and scratching the nigerian pride,  but cause of the latest developments understandable. If i would be in american shoes, i would have used more diplomacy to avoid such hatred propaganda against them. I would have ordered, to search and control every traveller in general deeper, no matter which nationality he is bearing. Nobody knows, when and from where the next terror act could come from. The last failed bomber act proved, that even america has no save security system against such suicide acts. We all have to thank GOD/Allah, that it did not work out.
Posted: at 6-01-2010 06:24 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- kenyawest at 6-01-2010 06:44 PM (15 years ago)
I think Nigeria should cut off ties with the USA as a sign of protest for being listed among the 14 countries to watch for terrorism.

The USA needs us.  Nigeria does not need the USA.  It is the politicians and the looters that need the USA.  Ordinary citizens do not benefit from the sale of oil and natural resources taken out of Nigeria.

Cutting off diplomatic ties is the best thing for Nigeria.  I like and admire Obama and I am not making this decision on him personally, but the arrogance of the USA policies that think that they can do whatever they want.

The shoe bomber came from Britain, why is British name not included in the list of 14?  There is incredible insults and discriminations that should not be tolerated and Nigerians should stand up for their rights.  Enough is Enough!

The USA should be apologizing to Nigeria for not heeding the warnings that came from the Mutallab's family.

Posted: at 6-01-2010 06:44 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Ndukingsley at 6-01-2010 06:47 PM (15 years ago)
Hey Negus or whatever ur name may be,if u don't have any meaninful idea to air just phyuk off.what are d Americans tring 2 they not d people dat are training him in his academics both mentally and physically,rit from childhood.wen his dad write 2 their notice dat d should repatriate him because of his recent awkward behaviour online(phone),did d americans comply?when d guy land 2 Nigeria via virgin he spent less than one hour here b4 he took off to holland where he got n dress wit d explosive at Amsterderm airport to Detroit USA.And there was d place he was caught.what concerns Nigeria there?even we ar d people to got annoyed cos U have spoiled our breed.roast,fry n eat him we don't care.Just restore our DIGNITY.Dats all

Posted: at 6-01-2010 06:47 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- ksurrina at 6-01-2010 06:53 PM (15 years ago)
Quote from: oyez on  6-01-2010 04:08 PM
When Nigeria win this World Cup...America eyes go clear

You see the ignorance that you guys disappear here. What football as to do with Politics. I don't blame the President of America to have Nigerians on the Watch list. If Nigerians can compromise a standard business gmail account what wouldn't they do. Now I see why persons want to stay far from Nigerians even the good thinking bred Nigerians have nothing to do with their own Countrymen.

I have now feel the hands of Nigerians and with tears in my eyes I am writing this because it is hurtful. I wrote about it in confession and it was deleted. When the wrong is highlighted there it is deleted. My heart is full with my experience. My business account was compromise because of unscrupulous person here. My account was perfectly ok until I exposed it here simple because I was trying to be helpful. But the God I serve is not a sleep you know. His word says that what one reap is what one will sow.

Take care and goodbye.

Posted: at 6-01-2010 06:53 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- derak at 6-01-2010 07:12 PM (15 years ago)
Hi guys, I've been following this unfortunate mishap and i got few things to say regarding the US inclusion of Naija on the terrorist watch list and Naija Senate reaction. The US were not totaly wrong for their act, but they would have been more justified if they have included Togo and the UK on the list. Since Farouk - or whatever his name is - spend most of his past 23yrs in these 2 countries, i think that he was brain-washed more outside Naija than inside. We cannot rule out the fact that he is one of us (Naija), but then is Cardinal Arinze not Naija? What about Emengwali, Chinua Achebe et al. Good enough that reasonable guys in the US and other western world understood the situation. I think we have contributed positively to the American society and the world at large!
On a side note, truely naija no get time 4 bomb stuff, we dey hurzle 4 life no be 4 kpeme stuff. Even if we wan bomb na d naija selfish leaders we go bomb, no be Ame, ok.
Posted: at 6-01-2010 07:12 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- 25_vivi at 6-01-2010 07:12 PM (15 years ago)
Quote from: ksurrina on  6-01-2010 06:53 PM
Quote from: oyez on  6-01-2010 04:08 PM
When Nigeria win this World Cup...America eyes go clear

You see the ignorance that you guys disappear here. What football as to do with Politics. I don't blame the President of America to have Nigerians on the Watch list. If Nigerians can compromise a standard business gmail account what wouldn't they do. Now I see why persons want to stay far from Nigerians even the good thinking bred Nigerians have nothing to do with their own Countrymen.

I have now feel the hands of Nigerians and with tears in my eyes I am writing this because it is hurtful. I wrote about it in confession and it was deleted. When the wrong is highlighted there it is deleted. My heart is full with my experience. My business account was compromise because of unscrupulous person here. My account was perfectly ok until I exposed it here simple because I was trying to be helpful. But the God I serve is not a sleep you know. His word says that what one reap is what one will sow.

Take care and goodbye.

its a real shame ... that ignotant ppl like this still exist

Posted: at 6-01-2010 07:12 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
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